Whatever Life is Serving...~HS
Whatever Life is Serving... ~HS
Only "YOU" can choose what to Embrace What to Believe What to Exercise Faith In What to Engage In What to Accept Only "YOUR HEART" can choose the View for the Road Forward We are surrounded by many who offer opinions But We will always be the "one" who will make the Choice Who will make the decision along life's moments We all travel with many but we will always, always be accountable to "one" This Heart Shares many things But This Heart doesn't share Answers Always Sharing a Heart Perspective Which comes from this Heart's View This Heart's Experiences Always Sharing Presented to this Village as a Heart Buffet You can and will decide what to Sample What to Choose What to Carry Forward as an asset along your journey This Heart doesn't share Easy Always Sharing a Heart Buffet Filled with Words Filled with Images to Consider In this Season, adding another dish to the Buffet "To Be Still" more often than always being so busy Sharing An Invitation to Choose Calmness "especially" in the Midst Of Calmness for this Heart "especially in the midst of..." Is a Priceless gift for life's Journey Which allows The Heart to Consider To Locate To Hear To Find the Options for the Road Forward Whatever Life is Serving...~HS
Only You, Only I, Only We
Can Decide what to Choose As we Travel As we Live Life Forward
As Shared
Not Deciding for You or Providing Answers to you Consider Whatever the choice Consider It should include all that can be an asset That can Add Peace into our Lives That can Offer Joyful moments Whatever we embrace should bring more laughter More Love our Way More of the "substance" that Provides Hope for the Road being traveled forward
Thank You Dear Friend
Dear Villager for Supporting the Work No Act of Kindness is too small Supporting the Work in however you choose Is Paying it Forward It Is Engage in the work of "Making Gratitude Contagious" The choice is Sharing what pierces your Heart and Sharing that Forward Together, we are infecting hearts with Gratitude What we give Always finds it way back to us That is truly a Blessing Hugs,
The Comfort, the Trust
GOD KNOWS Every intricate part of You, of Me The Good The Bad The Real Ugly The Great Traits The Point a Relationship Someone Needs to Hear This GOD Loves You He Created You He Already Knows And Stop Allowing People Around You To Judge To Validate To Accept You To Decide If You are Worthy to Be Loved Not One Person Not One Person No Matter How Close they are to You Does Not Know Your Heart, Your Experiences Even if Some experiences were shared You have your own Perspective Your own view, smiles and hurts I Live Intentional Focused on “What really Heart Matters” Words that this Heart Shares Often My Heart believes When we are Focused on this It allows us to Take a Pause before we Respond Before we React with words or by Actions And Living with Awareness that Nothing Remains the Same Which in Many Ways Is a Blessing For This Heart Changes that include Challenges Draw me closer to God Seeking Comfort, Relief, or Answers Wanting challenging seasons to close out or to move on as quickly as possible especially when filled with Discomfort And Changes that bring New Awareness of How Great God Is including all that He is waiting to Share and to Show Why He wants a Relationship with each and every one of us. This Trust allows for this Heart To Want More To Look forward to Carved Out Intentional Scheduled Time with God And Desiring to Live a Fulfilled Life Filled with Numerous Joyful Moments Filled with more Laughter, Hugs and Love Being available to share a smile or a hug When and if led Even with those whom I may briefly encounter. In Fact This is one of many ways That brings Fulfillment just in sharing with You in this way Using Words, Images and Sharing Gratitude Including the Pursuit To Intentionally Learn more To Grab Hold of More of God's Love Which for this Heart Brings Comfort Including Seeking, and Learning and Knowing There is There is Hope Beyond a Grave |
This Book called. . . Why?
To Someone who may need to hear it "right now"
Tomorrow, or Somewhere along the Way
My Truth is on all that is Shared
It's God Business
Where it Lands
Where it will be Delivered
This Share is Not Answers
Not my Interpretation of what you should take from it
It is my Experience
If you feel led to after or during this
I recommend to purchase the Book
Wherever books are sold
It has been at least 7 or 8 years ago now
What I remember
I was clueless what this book was about
It didn't grab my attention on the first few pages
I really felt I couldn't relate what was being shared
No Idea of
The Direction the Author was going
I continued to attempt to read the first chapter
I Just couldn't connect
Since I didn't really get what the Author was sharing
I decided to stick the book in my dresser drawer
Maybe one day revisit it
In the Dresser Drawer it Went
I Just Forgot About It
If you want to know more, the share, is found under "Life Shifts"
That has its own Journey
And Suddenly
A Tragic Experience of an Immediate Loss of his presence in our Life
As a Husband, a Friend and Father for our two wonderful sons
There was a lot to handle
In An Instant
With Minimal Time to Think
A Season of Just Do
God's Grace, carried, even as I share this, I can't even share all that happened
During that time and space
God carried the boys and I through
With many chapters to be shared and was written between that moment and Now
This Book called. . . Why?
To go through things, and decide what and where it needed to go
I came across this Book
Located in my dresser drawer
This Book called "Why?"
From the First Page
Until the Last Page
Tears rolled
It was filled with Hugs and Understanding
It Spoke with such a Connection
Like a Dart on a Bullseye Target
Every Page was like having a Retreat with Jesus
It was a Heaven Sent
It was reading My Mail
It was Sharing to a Grieving Heart
Delivered by someone who just seemed to Know
This Experience is one that I will never Forget
A Cherished Appointment with God
The Book called... Why?
In that Dresser Drawer?!
If You
Someone You Know is Grieving
Experienced a Loss beyond Words to Express
A Moment
That includes "Why?"
I Heart Recommend this Book
In Fact
Go Online and you can read more
What this Book is about
Yvette "Donyale"
PS: A Dear Heart mailed a copy to me
A Stranger
Who heard about our Story
About our Tragic Loss
They too had a Heart that Knew what that book meant
and thought enough to share with a Stranger
Especially, In the Midst Of...
This Heart has
Traveled a few miles now
This Heart has experienced
Mountain Tops, God’s Favor
Joyful Moments beyond measure
Great times, beyond the words to really express the exhilaration
Experiences that
“Only” and “But God”
The Journey, the travel has included Valleys
Disappointing, Very Dark Unimaginable places
Places filled with Tears, and Disappointments
Moments with a consistent firing round of what now?!
Moments that for this heart the only choice presented was
At least for this Heart to
Press Forward and Pray through
Refusing to retreat and give up
Not An Option
A choice,
I did not say easy, I said a Choice
Allow me to repeat
I did not say easy, I said said a Choice
It is a choice every day on what to embrace
What emotion to allow to be in the driver’s seat
A decision to decide
Every Single Day
How to Respond or React to moments presented
Not One
We All have a Choice
What to Allow
What Emotion will drive and determine
The View
The Direction
The Possibilities
Including Moments Filled with
Why God?
God When?
This is being Shared for the Heart
Who is always quietly Observing
Who is always wondering or assumes other lives are lived seamless
Based on the Posts or the Photos of celebration
This is to share if you’re in the Midst Of Challenges
You are not alone
My summarization “to date” is that
Even in the Most Painful Places
The Most Lonely
The Most Confused or Disappointed Places
God is With Us
In Fact the longer I live
I'm realizing
That God takes those Hard Places
Uses them to Move Us to Higher Ground of Perspective
An adjustment to all that we do have
And for this Heart
God Shows Up
God Knows
God is always present
God can see over the Mountain
He Knows what tomorrow Holds
Which allows This Heart to Trust God More
This Heart is Traveling Through
Just like you
My name is Yvette “Donyale”
Allow me to officially welcome our first time visitiors
Helping Build Bridges Across
You are a visitor, an observer the first time
The second time, you are a Villager
This Village
This Heart
Is not a Place to find Answers
This Village will not offer a How To
If Only…If only it was that easy
This village does not have 5 Steps to this
10 Ways to that
This is a Heart Sharing a Perspective
From my own road traveled to this day
There is plenty of weighted places, and negative conversations
This Village will not and does not offer that
Who needs to add to that environment
There is plenty to find
This Village is
Sharing what Inspires, Encourages and Reminds
This Heart, Your Heart to reflect on what really matters
My Expression is sharing with others
Words and Images
It Brings comfort to this Heart
Grateful for the opportunity to share with the Hearts of others
Sharing for us to Consider
To Reflect
Sharing in this Village a Buffet Table
Allowing you to Sample and Decide from what is shared
Taking what Inspires, encourages, offers joy and smiles
Thank you for Supporting the Work
In However
Your Heart is Led To
Lets Go and Lets Make the most of this road being travel
Did I say…
Especially “In the Midst Of…”
This share is to say
I don’t know what tomorrow holds
This Heart is Trusting God “through” this day
This Moment
That Includes all the hopeful days before Us
This share is for the Observer
For the eyes watching assuming a smile means no burdens or challenges
Who sees the photos of celebrations
Who reads the posts of those "over the moon" moments
Not realizing it is a few minutes out of someone’s day
Which is good, it is great
That Includes…
We don’t know what took place before that photo
What is being faced after
We don’t Know the story behind a smile
We all face challenges
We live in a world that seems to being getting darker
Some people who no longer care about there neighbor
There community
No longer have empathy or consideration of anyone else
As much as you love, care, show kindness, and have hopeful days
Someone feels the same fullness of the very “opposite” of every word mentioned
Someone hates, cares less, shows anger, and hopes for the worst
We are not all sharing the same journey
Allow me to share
This Heart knows of a flowing river
A Living God
One that we can carry our burdens and joys to
God is a Loving God
Who listens
Who comforts
Who walks and most often carries us through
Who shares what to do
When being still, when listening intently
We can bring our tears, our concerns, our hopes
To a God Who Knows
We can share the good things
The Hopes To
The Desires and Dreams
God shines a light in dark places
With flowing tears, with questions of Why
God Whispers and shows us that comforting light
A Presence of Calmness even in a storm
With Whispers of the Next step or next moves to make
This Share
Especially “In the Midst Of…”
This is an Audio Journaling Experience
Grab Your Favorite Beverage, your favorite Note Taking App, Notebook or Journal
Lets Begin this Experience Together.
We Live, We Learn, We Share Along Life's Journey ~HS
Yvette "Donyale"
"Making Gratitude Contagious"
"Trust the Instrument"
I thought it offered a great point with a sad mention
There was someone
Who had recently learned to fly a private aircraft
It was emphasized in there course
To always
"Trust the Aircraft Instruments"
This story mentioned
How the Pilot
In a moment
Depended on there feelings
While Flying at night
It appeared that they were climbing Altitude
They were actually flying downward to the ground
It looked and felt like the sky
When Flying especially at Night
Without using the Instruments
The Sky and the Ground
Looked the Same
The Pilot and Passenger Died
The Share
This True Story offered an Analogy
God's Word is an Instrument
Even Though
You Feel This or Feel That
Surrounded By This or That
Including Moments of Darkness
When you can't see clearly
You follow the Instrument
For those who Trust God
We Follow the Truth
We Follow
The Word of God
We Follow the Truth
The Word of God
Above How We Feel
No Matter What it Seems Like or Not
We Follow the Instrument
We Follow the Word of God
Our Trust is in God
Beautiful Has a Language
I know you're thinking, what in the world is this share about?! Slowing Down Time?!
This Heart's Favorite is Images, and Words, learning to Listen more, to appreciate Observing More.
Beautiful surrounds our life and many times "for some" it takes "rough terrain" a loss, a challenge, an overwhelming moment along life's journey to locate "BEAUTIFUL".
Which this heart knows firsthand, and my hand is up first, I believe I'm included in this category.
This is not a blanket statement, and Not always, there is never "all", I'm sure there are some who exercise living intentional, and exercise locating beautiful, they can see it, they can hear it, and they search it out every single day. Intentional, in that it didn't require a moment, a shift to recognize how important it is to live in this way.
This image, shares the sentiment of so many moments that for this heart is fleeting, time that does and will continue to whisk by, and more often than not it's hard to catch a glimpse, if not intentional.
This heart observes that so many are always moving, never engaged, never embracing what is in there hands right now, always on the next page, always "running" to get to tomorrow's agenda, to get to the next thing, and very few take time to enjoy the conversations with those they know, and those they don't in brief encounters along the day.
It is an Exercise, it is Intentional, to locate "beautiful" and to appreciate moments "this day"
In closing,
This Heart doesn't share answers, sharing a perspective. Sharing words, and images that "intentionally", I now consider, each and every single day.
The perspective on this share, is that "No One Promised Us that Tomorrow" will look the same as today, and only we can choose, if we engage, embrace, find beautiful "in this new day"
A New Day which in itself is a blessing by God, a privilege that's beautiful.
When life changes,
We will all dance with those emotions for whatever the occasion may bring, but for those who locate Beautiful every single day, who intentionally exercise in that dance, recognize the road behind us left a trail of lessons, and offers us precious moments that are now packed away, will continue, to travel alongside for the road before us.
Beautiful Has a Language
Yvette "Donyale"
In many ways, at least for this heart, it signifies why exercising Gratitude Daily matters.
Welcome to the village of Helping Build Bridges Across. This is a village with an open door, a space to share observations, and thoughts from this heart’s journey. Please know, not providing answers, but instead sharing a Heart Perspective, to be an asset, to be a reminder of what heart matters to us individually, every single day, to reflect on words, images, and experiences that enhance the day, that brings more joy to our day.
The phrase originated with the tides. The verb "to flow" describes the tide coming toward land, while the verb "to ebb" describes the tide as it recedes back to the sea.
The Tides, EBB and FLOW, for me add to the Chapters of our Life, the pages that our words and our actions “are writing” every day, whether we are in tune with that or not. A New day offers changes, no matter who we are, what we have, what we believe or don’t, what we hope for or not, Every single day offers changes, I didn’t say a good or bad change, the words “changes”
Living with Gratitude starts the day with Balance, It allows us to see the Beautiful that exists, the Sunshine, or the Sounds of Rain, the loved ones who we have in our life “this day”, the hobbies we enjoy, all those things that represent “joy” in our day is what we have and that Heart Matters.
When changes are presented that are painful, that are disappointing, and can at times be overwhelming, we do the work, and we draw closer to our Creator, to God to bring those concerns, and as we seek the Wisdom of God, as we go through, press through to heal in the midst of, we recognize that we operated in Gratitude, we used Gratitude as our Foundation and Focus "especially in the midst of" we paused and decided our Words, our Actions, before we continued, and or responded. When we fall short, getting drawn into, participating in confusion or drama, even then we can decide to not allow time to linger, to say I’m sorry for the part we added, and we take accountability for addressing any part we made in played in a given situation.
EBB and FLOW allows us to recognize the patterns of Change, we are not surprised by it. In fact, because of it, we make a point to bring our best selves to every moment and we confront it immediately when we miss it.
Gratitude is the Intent, and EBB and FLOW remind us of the cycle of change. When we are exercising in this way, we are setting ourselves up to rob Regret, to remove the traps of “if only I had said or If only I had done”
We all fall short, no matter how much we are aware and sometimes we lose the opportunity to make it better, but we still have room to Heal, If we have Life we have an opportunity. There are resources and you are never walking alone, The home page of “Helping Build Bridges Across” offers a video with resources, if you are in that pattern of burden, and need help. The Video is “You Are Never Walking Alone” and it offers resources that can aid in your healing process, be sure to watch the video, to use it, and or share with someone who could benefit from the resources.
For this Heart, the work is living balanced making the Focus to Start the day with Gratitude, when things knock to take the focus away, the exercise is to be keenly aware and to decide the emotion in the driver’s seat, to work through what is Good, what is a Blessing “over and against” the thoughts that try to rob, to question, to work against joy.
This exercise is not Magic, it is not just thinking good thoughts or ignoring areas that need to be addressed, it is “choosing” the Focus, It is recognizing that we, revise, take action on, to stand and draw from our Faith, to address our checklist and to do all that but we know to do, if and when things are beyond our control, we set aside those things, until we do know, and we regain and continue our Focus on our list of all that is wonderful. We have Life and that means we have opportunity to appreciate Beautiful, to be Grateful for "this day"
Yvette "Donyale"
You Never Know...
Life can humble you
Life can shift and revise your view This Heart Intentionally inhales Moments, pausing and taking in observations and conversations, recognizing that nothing remains the same. Today could consist of... The View looking down from a Mountain Top Then Can Shift into a View looking up from a Valley |
You Never Know
You May be Surprised
Who will be the one to Hand You Your Glass of Water
Will Share in the Moment to Walk out the remainder of the Road with You
This should remind us
Why Moments Matter
Why to Leave the Foolishness Behind
Why to Exit the rooms filled with Drama
Why to consider the Words before you Respond
You Never Know
If We Have Life
We Have An Opportunity to Say I'm Sorry
We Have A Choice to Forgive the wrong done
Forgiving doesn't mean we have to Engage, it offers an opportunity "To Let Go"
To Release being Captivated by What Happened Long Ago
To Walk Away from continued
Moments of Foolishness before the chapter turns another page or closes
You Never Know
Until You...
Take Time to Pause and Consider
To Take Time to Know
What Really Matters
To Take Time to Locate Beautiful
To Make the Most of "This Day"
You Never Know
Until You
Take Time to Know
To Consider
What Really Matters
"Making Gratitude Contagious"
Yvette "Donyale"
This heart does not share answers, sharing a Heart Perspective from my own WHY, my own tears, painful places, and as well, joyful moments, filled with laughter
Peace Within
Along this journey.
Sharing my walk of Faith, that is still teaching me, and Grateful for God's Grace along the way.
This is a Heart Buffet, sample, take only what can be an asset for this day,
and for the day before you.
Consider, we all have so many differences
YET, we have a common core
We are living life's journey
A Journey that is Like a Book
We have a story that began with our Birth
We are in the middle with a New Day that Allows Us Opportunity
That Allows Us to Write a New Page, expressed by our words and by our actions
The Question This Heart Has...
We Are all Living with So Many Declarations
We Live with a Measuring Stick
We Set a Bar on what a Successful Life "Looks Like"
We all know that we share the in the "Same Book that Has a Closing Chapter"
We Research So Many Things
We Pursue So Many Things
We Recognize, at least for some, that Time is a Priceless Commodity
The Question this Heart Has
What is our Faith, What is our Belief for when the Chapter Closes
Not If
But When it Closes
This Heart has to ask the question
So Many Times when a chapter closes
It seems, in observation that so many are weighted, overwhelmed and in many ways surprised
But Yet
We Know Like a Book
It Comes to a Close
This Heart
Will Continue to Exercise Daily
Living "Intentionally"
With Gratitude, with Love, with Living Heart Inspired
Searching and Locating Beautiful "In the Midst Of..."
When This Heart is Not in the Best Space
Choosing to Do the Work before Delivering Words or Actions "that can't be erased"
Not Easy
An Exercise
Which is Wonderful
Should that Include?!
Knowing What We Believe
Knowing Our Belief
Walking in that Faith
Knowing How To Live On the Same
That each of us are Willing to Die On
"That's All"
Yvette "Donyale"
Thank you for being here.
This heart does not share answers, sharing a Heart Perspective from my own WHY, my tears, painful places, and as well as joyful moments, filled with laughter, peace within along this journey. Sharing my walk of Faith, that is still teaching me, and allowing God's Grace along the way. This is a Heart Buffet, sample, take only what can be an asset for this day, and for the day before you. |
Clinched Fist, and Holding On Tightly
When you ask the questions, when you ask Why.
When you go on a Search to know more about this Living God.
When you cry to the God that Hears You.
When you listen intently for which way to go.
When you locate the Peace "in the midst" of the Storm within.
When you find God's Rest that reminds you that God is IN CONTROL.
When you learn their is a God, Who Knows Our End from the Beginning.
The Freedom is Faith, that allows the Heart to dig deeper, to go in Search Of the deeper places of God, a relationship. The Faith that we are willing to die on, should include at least to this heart, searching for the fullness of Living Life On that same Faith.
A Relationship.
The Search that continues on, allows my Faith to grow stronger, to be prepared when waves of change, when stormy weather arrives. A Faith that reminds this heart who is In Control and that this Living God can be Trusted, allows an open door to Learn More, to Trust More.
God, our Creator who Created Us individually, consider we each have our own fingerprint. This God, would be a great source to ask any question, to seek His Wisdom in all things, in all areas of our journey.
The More We Learn
The More We Know
We Travel with Many but our Lives will end as it started, as One.
Words that matter to this Heart, that matter for the road before me.
Trusting More, allows us an opportunity
To Unclench the Fist that holds on tightly, and to Ask God
What is the "The Next Best Move, the Next Step, What should I do 'in the midst of' ?!"
God is Always Sharing and Answers will arrive
We Have to Learn to be Still and Take More Time to Just Listen
From a Heart that Knows
It is not always Immediate
But it will always arrive
The More we Learn about this Living God
We will find that we can Trust the Flow, "including" the places that we don't understand
The Next Best Move is always shared by God, by Our Creator
That this Heart Knows Firsthand is Faithful and can be Trusted
Not always easy, not always answers, or areas I understand
But God's Love is Greater than can be measured
His Ways and Thoughts are Higher and Beyond what we can understand
God Loves His Creation and my Faith Believes God has Great Plans
Not Sharing that all things are Easy
Especially when the Waves and Winds in our life are very High
In that place of Yielding
Asking the Living God the questions that our Heart is wrestling with
Listen Intently for the Answers
Allowing Peace within to be our Umpire for the answers provided
From a Heart who continues to search, to learn more of My Creator.
Yvette "Donyale"
It is So Easy to Just…
Situations, Challenges that do exist, the list of what surrounds us and needs to be addressed, all locking us down, as if there are no options, robbing us of this day to indulge, to be filled with joyful moments, with things that make our heart smile, that allow us to sit in peaceful moments.
It is So Easy to Just…
Sharing now, what this heart works through often, including many days of being stagnated by those excuses, delaying actions of heart ideas or rivers of creativity to just flow,
because “no action” means that this heart allowed the excuses to reign in those moments, to be in control of not trying, of not doing anything.
As I’m sharing this, I’m thinking of analogies shared along my journey, and they offer wonderful reminders, that this heart plans to travel with for the road before me. Analogies, that allowed this heart to push through the hesitation of sharing with you now.
Sharing analogies with this heart perspective mixed in, not sharing answers, sharing a heart perspective. Sharing a part of my experience, setting it out, as a Heart Buffet, that offers your heart to sample, and to take only what can be an asset to your journey, to the road before you.
Thank you for being here, for listening for sharing in this Heart Inspired Journey.
We are Villagers with a common core, Making Gratitude Contagious.
It is So Easy to Just…
Great Analogies, that allowed this Heart to push through, to just do, because it is important to me, it brings fulfillment in what Heart Matters “this day”.
One share is that you will never see a U-Haul following a Hertz, consider all the things, the excuses that hindered just trying what may have been important to that heart, even words spoken by others that created a pause, that created a boundary, for that heart just giving to just try. When the story ends, we can’t pack one single thing, no matter how much we achieve, the amount, the number in our bank account, we cannot carry one thing with us, "not one",
we will depart the same as we arrived, naked.
That alone should be a reminder, why we should try, not focused on the outcome, if it is truly our passion, our joy, we find abundant fulfillment in the experience, and that includes what is meant to arrive into our life, like waves on the shore, will arrive.
The treasure is the Journey, the process will offer so much, a heart overjoyed in just doing. A Priceless Gift.
It is So Easy to Just…
I agree 100% that it will not work, because of those words, spoken by another, from that, you chose to not try.
Even words spoken in love, how can another heart decide what will work or not in our life?! How can another heart speak into another heart, when they don’t carry that creative flow, that idea, that joy, that is crying to be released?! How can one who is not our Creator, determine the outcome, the possibility?!
It is So Easy to Just…
Yes, many things are mountains, but if we never chop at it, doing even a little, even just a micro little, the result is it will remain the same mountain.
Did you realize, did you know there is a treasure box of priceless ideas, and they are all located in a cemetery. How many hearts died with dreams of never trying this or that. Does it really matter in the end, if they would have worked out or not?!
We will never know because the option is now off of the table.
The lesson in this, what does that mean to our heart?! What we will do?!
It is So Easy to Just…
Dear Friend
Dear Villager
Grab hold, along with me, to Just Do.
We are not concerned about the outcome, what is will be, our Focus is that we tried, we moved on what brought the Heart, in this day the greatest fulfillment. We moved on what our Heart Whispered to just try, to just create, and we decide to just move on that.
We chose to find more reasons to Smile.
To Engage more in Laughter created and engaged in.
To just Embrace Peaceful Moments, even when there is nothing in sight.
To Intentionally, just move on taking the next step, in our creative flow.
It is So Easy to Just…
Be sure to share with others to Join With Us
Yvette "Donyale"
"Living in the Middle"
These words for this Heart "pack a punch"
"Living in the Middle" represents in this Share
The space and time occupied current day
All those whom I carry on my heart
I consider my sons on one side
Young Men
Making there own way in this world
That comes with a lot of concerns
They are no longer young boys that I can hold there hand
Protect and Look out For
The World they travel in will see them as Young Men
Which comes with how others approach them
Confront Them
The other side is my Parents
Senior Season of their life
The same in many ways as my sons
Being their age and the vulnerability of there travels in this world
With that
My brother a Man in is own right
Still the Baby Brother in my eyes
Who also is traveling his own journey
Being alert and aware of the world that he confronts as a Man
There is many on my Heart List
A Village of Family
Friends who are Family
Considering my own time and travel
"Living in the Middle"
Allows me Trust God in many ways
Allows a "relationship" with my Creator to Grow
Even in that
Trusting Wholehearted for God's covering over all that is Precious in my Life
There is still the Thoughts
That try to steal that Joy of Security
Many Times by What has happened along the Journey
By What is Seen Around the World in Which we Live
The Faith Walk knows A God Who Has, Who Can
A Heart of Faith
Who Knows He Will by His Plan and Purpose
It is Still a Faith Walk
Fighting Thoughts that try to overwhelm
Trying to steal the security of that Faith
"Living in the Middle"
Recognizing just how much 'control'
I Do Not Have
The Vulnerability of 'Living In that Middle'
"Living in the Middle"
In Many Places and Spaces
I Listen
I Observe
I Consider the Pettiness
The Confusion
The Drama
In Those Moments
I wonder
Does these "hearts" recognize
That Life Changes
No One Promised Us that Tomorrow
Will Look the Same as Today
Most Live As If
There was an opportunity to Say I'm Sorry
An opportunity to Fix it Tomorrow
An appointment with a Time to Depart
This is one of many Whys
I Exercise In Gratitude
My Intent is to take the Reigns of a New Day Given
It is a Gift that I work at not taking for Granted
I don't always make the Mark
It is the Heart Intent
It is the Focus
To Enter a Space
Peace Within that radiates outward into a Room
This Heart Has Today
For That Reason
I'm Very Grateful
I want Love to Radiate
Wherever my Heart Travels
By a Smile
Sharing Laughter
Offering Peaceful Silence
Extending Encouraging Words
The stuff that plants "genuine seeds"
Always has the Potential to Grow
Upward and Outward
Hearts that Receive
Offers more seeds to be planted
Offers an opportunity to
Pay it Forward
Gratitude allows an opportunity to infect other hearts
Making Gratitude Contagious
"Living in the Middle"
Yvette "Donyale"
Agape...Agape Love
Agape Love
I think just saying the word is beautiful
At least to this Heart
Agape Love
This heart doesn’t provide answers
This heart shares a perspective
Sharing from the road behind
Sharing from the Present Day
Which Includes
The Hopeful Road Ahead
Creating from this Village of Helping Build bridges across
Every Single Share
Is a Heart Buffet
Which offers
Which allows “your heart”
To Sample
To Decide
To Consider
What can be an asset for “your journey”
Agape...Agape Love
Agape Love
For a Heart that dances
With Words
With Images
Wrapped Up securely by Faith
It begins with any word
With any Image
A definition that desires to share with YOU
Agape...Agape Love
Agape Love
Sharing a quote by Billy Graham
“Agape love is selfless love . . . the love God wants us to have isn’t just an emotion but a conscious act of the will—a deliberate decision on our part to put others ahead of ourselves. This is the kind of love God has for us.”
Agape...Agape Love
Agape Love
Beautiful is sharing a Love
That doesn’t look in the mirror
It looks outside
Through a Window of the Heart
Takes a Pause
Before any word is ever spoken
Before any action is ever taken
Before “any response” is ever given
Agape...Agape Love
Yvette "Donyale"
Reaching Out while Holding On
If this is your first visit…you’re only a visitor “once” after that you are a Villager.
It’s important to know, as a first-timer, this Heart does not share answers, instead shares a Heart Perspective. Like some, I’m working through my own journey and making the most
Moment-2-Moment, a life’s journey filled with hopes and working through concerns.
Reaching While Holding On
My Life’s Journey, Is An Intent to Make the Most of the Time that is Gifted to this Heart, and selfishly now choosing the spaces, places, and conversations in which to Engage.
Which Heart Matters beyond the words to express.
This Heart of Faith, seeks a deeper relationship with my Creator, with a Living God who has walked this heart through the Good, the Bad, the Beautiful, and the Ugly. A Loving God, who knows every intricate part of this Heart, a God whom I have a relationship with and seek more time with, a God who continues to walk with me in easy and difficult places, and a God,
whom I know will be there at my closing chapter.
Reaching is those Heart Places, those Places of Vision, those beautiful moments that our Heart has a very clear vision of, that at times works to create, it is that Hopeful Heart Dance of all things wonderful, and it is defined by what our Heart can clearly see.
Holding On is for some, stepping out in Big and Little steps, but still hindered by holding on to what is familiar. Holding on to the “familiar that dances with complacency”
A Familiar that creates a box, a parameter, that “sets" limited boundaries of what is possible, of what is allowed, every step, like a chess game, your next move is many times challenged.
Reaching Out while Holding On
One of my reflections recently, I couldn’t believe that it has been 6 years, since my home, my life changed in an instant, reflection of the moment when my husband was murdered and life changed “in an instant”. 6 years…
I could multiply years on a number of loved ones transitioning, life changes,
not maybe a guarantee.
This reflection was a Wow Factor of what a day looks like?!
This heart considered what is offered to us within a New DAY
As one who enjoys, who loves creating, a video, a post, a blog share
I considered, what is once a day, in 30 days, or twice or three times in a day what is possible,
and what can flow in just one day.
The list is endless…
Reaching Out while holding On
This Heart has considered the 6 years that have passed, again 6 years.
The Intent is enhanced, Reaching Out Further, and Releasing the Weights, the Distractions, and the Hindrances of What is Behind. Life offers a great “heart storage”, memories of the Heart that will travel until our closing chapter.
That is beautiful and should be celebrated for the road ahead.
The only consideration being shared here is,
What are we holding onto, what is the Familiar that has become a hindrance,
and what has created limitations to what we are reaching out to?!
Not answers
Questions, Reflections that this Heart is Considering
Including to Not allow, Consideration to become a Hindrance
Instead, choosing to do a little more each day,
moment to moment,
when this Heart looks back for the bar that this Heart Has Now Set
for the next 30 days and the next 30 days to follow
What amazing,
What beautiful
Will this Heart Locate
What will this Heart Find
Only Time will Tell
What will be located,
What will be found.
Reaching Out while Holding On
Yvette "Donyale"
The Power of Link
A New Day that allows this Heart to be Grateful
In the Midst Of
What surrounds my day
The Power of Link
You and only you, can decide what can be an asset from this Heart Buffet, only you can decide,
Select what to carry along forward with you.
This Journey H.B.B.A.
Is not about being Easy
It is not focused on being Hard
It is walking out “a new day” focused on decisions made in the moments, that have brought this heart the greatest joy. It is a Heart Buffet "shared", filled with stories, images, and videos, allowing your heart to select what makes your day a little brighter, to remind your heart to focus on “what matters” every single day.
The Power of Link
Fit the Topic Accurately.
"Link Defined" for Topic; a ring or loop in a chain.
Similar words
The Similar words speak volumes
The image represents to this heart “Moment to Moment” decisions that can offer an opportunity to “link” what Heart Matters.
Like a book that has an opening
Offers an End
Beautiful are the Pages in the Middle that allow us to Link, create, to connect, to join together “what matters”
Making Gratitude Contagious is always the Intent,
infecting as many hearts as possible.
Gratitude allows us to live more on the Mountain Tops,
Even in the Seasons in the Valley, exercising Gratitude allows the Heart to Focus on the Hills,
the Focus is living in the Moments,
Creating the Moments
Moment to Moment
of what Heart Matters.
From a Heart that Knows
Exercising Gratitude Daily
"Robs Regret"
The Power of Link
Linking Daily to
What Heart Matters
An Exercise that Starts Out Small
Before You Know it
The Little that Started
Will Always Become Much Bigger
Yvette "Donyale"
Checking the Love Walk
In Fact,
This Heart knows that I will be seeking and learning for a Lifetime.
As a Woman of Faith
I'm walking out daily what matters for the Road Before Me
Asking, Seeking, Looking for a Closer Relationship with My Creator
This Heart has So Many Questions
Grateful to Know a Living God
A Creator that offers a Relationship
One that has been experienced
Continues to offer an Open Door
A relationship
That Has Walked this Heart through Many, Many Difficult Places
This Heart is not Interested in a Ritualistic Religion
This Heart has Experienced and Continues to Experience
A God
Who Loves beyond Measure
Who Shares Wisdom when asked
Answers Given not on my schedule
Always On Time
Checking the Love Walk
Who does not judge this Heart
Based on the Many Questions Asked
Confronted with Difficult Conversations and Concerns
Checking the Love Walk
My daily routine of Gratitude
A Devotional Time with a Living God that I Know
That includes asking Questions
Studying a Topic
Searching for more answers
My Faith is that Love Matters
Choosing to Live Grateful
In the Midst of
The Faith You Have or Don't Have
Lets Take This Time to Meet In the Middle
Lets put away our Defense Mode
Allowing This Heart to Share
You Take from this Moment
This Share
From this Heart Buffet
What "can be" An Asset for Your Journey Forward
Beautiful is Having a Conversation
If we depart in Agreeing to Disagree
Love Matters
Love does Not Judge
Love allows the Respect of Having a Conversation
Checking the Love Walk
This Heart is Checking the Love Walk
It Begins with my Study
This Topic
You are Invited to Walk it out with This Heart
Checking the Love Walk
1 Corinthians 13:13
New International Version
But the greatest of these is love.
Yes, my foundation is
But this says that the "greatest of these" is Love?!
The Greatest is Love?
With that
My study, my devotional needs to take the Next Step
What is Love Defined?!
What is the outline associated to My Faith?!
Checking the Love Walk
This Heart Needs to Define Love
Then Measure Where I'm At
Continue to Work On
Where I can Improve
"Love Is" Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
4 Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
In my Study,
What is Boastful Defined:
Showing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.
What is Vainglorious Defined:
Excessively proud of oneself or one's achievements; overly vain.
What is Haughtily Defined:
Adverb. haughtily
In a haughty manner; with excessive or unwarranted pride.
5 It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
6 It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
7 Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
8 Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].
Checking the Love Walk
But the greatest of these is love.
I recognize the Areas
That this Heart Needs Work In
This Heart Wants
All that is possible
For the Road Before Me
My Devotion
My Gratitude
Allows This Heart to Recognize
Another area to Put in the Work
Did Your Heart Locate
Where to Put in the Work?!
Yvette "Donyale"
I've Learned that "I will always be accountable to one"
What Race are Your Thoughts Running?!
What Race are your Thoughts Running?!
Does your thoughts race on the same cycle, the same pattern, the same familiar process, or routine?
This Hamster leaning on a familiar Wheel image, reflects a Pause, an Opportunity, a moment to decide, if to run on the same pattern, or to allow the same thought process, the same ideas, the same reaction. To decide if it will be the same hindrances or distractions that will define the day. The same for us, our thoughts will determine our focus that will effect our “emotions” and the emotion that is allowed to operate from the driver's seat will set the tone for the day before us. |
This heart doesn’t share answers, instead shares a heart perspective, sharing what is being considered and exercised in my own life from my own experiences and environment.
This is a Heart Buffet, please take what can be an asset for your journey.
In fact, anything that we exercise in, or consistent with, we become stronger and it can become a foundation block as we build forward.
What Race are your Thoughts Running?!
Thoughts can also create confusion, they can drain our joy, they can tell a story to us, that has no truth, and in some cases, the deception, the lies of some thoughts can allow us to respond based only on assumptions. Thoughts can become a weight or define our possibilities, they can define the potential of the road before us and even set up a roadblock for the pursuit of what fulfills our hearts.
An exercise of any kind can become a habit, a reflex, or a go-to direction, it is a focus on the resources available for our heart and can determine where we place our pursuit, where we build upon our fulfillment.
Only we can decide what thoughts to dance with, to allow our heart gate to welcome in, to allow roots to be planted, from this heart that knows firsthand and continues to experience, that our faith can pull weeds based on the truth that we know, that comes from experiences of times pass and in fairness, that road can look different for all of us, dependent on where we are in our journey of peace within.
What Race are your Thoughts Running?!
Thoughts weighted
Thoughts hopeful
The Race our Thoughts Run can travel in many directions
Gratitude Matters at least for this Heart
From a Heart that Knows Firsthand
Living in this way
Has Allowed this Heart to Rob Regret
Numerous Times
Yvette "Donyale"
Our Family Pet
"Phoebe" the Fat
Our Tik-Tok Fabulous Cat
As the New Year Begins
Continued Blessings and Peace to You and Yours
From a Heart who understands
A New Day in a New Year
Doesn't make things Disappear
Challenging Areas become Non-Existent
What it can offer Us
Is a Fresh Perspective on How to Approach
Whatever Changes that surround Us
Whatever is in our Midst
A Perspective determines our View
We can Intentionally Choose Our Focus
The Hopeful Road Before Us
For us to be reminded
That we should begin each day
Just Being Grateful "to start"
There is always options
when we
Exercise Gratitude
Gratitude allows us to Appreciate
What we do have "now"
Gratitude Removes the Focus
Always working from the Negative side of things
Looking always at What is Missing
What we Have
We begin the New Year
These Days forward
Peace Within as our Foundation
With Great Things before us
With God's Expected Continued Blessings
In our Life
In the Lives who Surround Us
The Village of Gratitude
Exercising in it Daily
It will allow
Our Hearts To Appreciate
All that surrounds Us
This Day, this Moment
We can locate the Options that are available
When we operate from the place called Calmness
"Gratitude Matters"
Great Things are before us
Yvette "Donyale"
"Gratitude Matters"
From a Heart that Knows firsthand
Gratitude Robs Regret
Expressing Gratitude "helps" us to appreciate the good things in our lives, which when considered and focused on it brings more contentment, positive energy and joy.
Gratitude can help us to build and maintain strong, healthy relationships with others, as it enables us to express our thanks and appreciation for the people who matter to us.
Gratitude can be a benefit allowing us to focus on the good things and not "dwelling" on the negativity.
Gratitude is a connector allowing us to connect with kindred hearts around the world, where the connector is a common core with hearts inspiring each other, and building on appreciating those in our lives and those we encounter.
Yvette "Donyale"
A Moment that becomes a "Staple"
"Staple" > Main, or Important, a Point of reference for a moment experienced
A Moment that becomes a "Staple"
This Heart's Experience is filled with...
A Conversation
A Moment
A Celebration
Joyful or Sad
Becomes a Staple
For this Heart I'm Grateful
God's Wisdom
Taught This Heart
How to Live Engaged
How to Embrace Moments Experienced
For Every Loved One
For Every Moment
For This Heart
The Last Conversation
The Last Look
The Last Moment
The Shared Celebration
Can Be
A Beautiful Space
Allows this Heart to reflect on Precious Moments
Many Dear Hearts
To Date of This Share
Has Transitioned Forward
Moments will become Precious Memories
A Moment that Becomes a Staple
A Boy Named "Jack"
(This story is a Fable)
A Boy Named "Jack"
there was a boy named Jack.
Jack was a happy and content boy,
but he often took things for granted.
He didn't think twice
about the food he ate, the clothes he wore,
or the roof over his head.
One day a great famine struck the land,
and Jack's village was hit very hard.
There was no food to be found,
Many people including Jack's own family,
were struggling to survive.
Jack quickly realized how blessed he had been
and he became filled with Regret.
He wished he had appreciated the things
that he had so easily taken for granted.
He vowed to never take
Things or Those who surrounded his life
For granted.
From that day on, Jack made a conscious effort
to express Gratitude for all that he had.
He Thanked his parents for their love and care.
He Thanked the farmer in his village
who grew the food that he ate,
He Thanked God for the sun shining
He Thanked God for the rain that allowed what was planted
An opportunity to grow.
As time passed,
Jack discovered that being Grateful for what he had
Made him happier and more content.
Jack realized that Gratitude
Was not just a Feeling,
A Way of Life.
Jack was grateful for that lesson, too.
Dear Friend,
What "can" you be Grateful For?!
"No One Promised Us that Tomorrow
will look the Same As Today"
These words alone
Should allow us to Consider
Allow us to Determine
Our Words before we speak
Our Actions before we act
Every Single Day
In any given moment
Afforded to us
"Always a Heart Choice"
Book: "Live Heart Inspired"
Thank you for planting seeds of Gratitude
By Downloading the E-book
Purchasing the Soft Cover
For Yourself
For the Heart of Another
"You Are Enough"
This Heart finds Fulfillment in listening to the Stories of Another, the greatest joy for this Heart, is often located, in just listening to the Heart of others.
The space that was shared "this day", was a Conversation with a Heart of a Stranger, that shared that "they felt less than" in a season of life that they currently find themselves in.
This Stranger shared...
Life "current day" has been very challenging and they were personally experiencing some set backs and they shared how they had a doctor's appointment and they were treated poorly by the "tone" of the personnel who greeted them upon arrival, for a scheduled appointment, and they already had felt so low before arriving.
An opportunity missed from my view, of just being professional, just doing the job of greeting someone kindly upon arrival. A moment that could have offered a burdened heart, a smile, a peaceful moment.
My Heart was overwhelmed by this Heart who was sharing.
A Stranger, so burdened, that this Heart was grateful to be positioned to just listen, to allow this heart who was burdened a moment to vent, a moment to share, with a stranger, who just offered a space to listen.
My nature is to encourage, to inspire, to remind the Heart of another to Focus on what really matters. It is Fulfillment, it offers an unmeasurable joy. The same that was done in conversation with this Heart. The greatest fulfillment this heart has found is when being allowed an opportunity to be in service to another, it is fulfilling and a gift that flows back into this heart's life in so many ways.
It is a blessing to be "used" in this way, a way that affords this heart Fulfillment, beyond the words to express.
I believe this stranger, who in our brief moment together was allowed a moment, a safe space to vent, without judgement. Which allowed an opportunity for "this heart" to give back with words of encouragement, to offer a listening ear, that served as a brief moment to give a stranger a Hug "with" the offering of listening ears.
When this Heart Shares moments like this...
I'm not looking for validation, or cheers, or acknowledgement, I'm looking for the tribe, the hearts who have connected to this village. Kindred Hearts. I'm looking for the Tribe who shares this Heart's Vibe to be on alert, to have awareness and to be available in the moment with Strangers, available to just listen.
To encourage, to inspire, to share a Smile, a peaceful space in which to engage when afforded an opportunity, with the Heart of a Stranger.
When and If
The Moment offers an Invitation
You Are Enough
This Heart does not share Answers
This Heart shares a Perspective
A Perspective that comes from a Heart that has traveled a road filled with Mountain Tops and Valleys so low, that this Heart had to Crawl Through
That "Thank God" was traveled with a Heart of Faith
That allowed this Heart to not be locked in a Dark Space
This Conversation with a Heart of a Stranger
Reminded this Heart of My Why
The Why this Heart Shares
The Why this Village offers an Open Door
You Are Enough
No one is greater than you
No one sits in a position to pass judgement
To decide if you are worthy
To offer Validation
In closing,
Never give another person
A Stranger
An Associate More Value than YOU
You are investing to much into the Worth of Another
In Which You have No Clue
Who They Are
The Darkness that they are Walking Through
The "low self esteem" of another
Only finds value
In making "YOU" feel less than
You Are Enough
This Heart Wants To Share Is
To Be Strong
To Suffice
To Be Enough
The Beauty located in "one word"
You Are Enough
The Intent, "Not Taking Time for Granted"
This heart often references the season when my life changed "In An Instant" because from my present 20/20 view and reflection on that season, I see the lessons that I carry forward with me. I share now based on that foundation for those who may not "live aware" of the precious gift called Time, or not recognizing that Moments will become Memories. Not maybe, they will become...
This share is to bring awareness to that fact, to allow your Heart to Consider, the gift that is "not owed to us" the Gift of awakening to a New Day.
Whenever this heart is sharing in this area, I'm very aware that some may find themselves, feeling weighted, especially if the heart is being challenged with Regret. As a woman of Faith, my leaning board, has always been and continues to be my relationship with God, not ritualistic, a relationship. I know by experience a "living God".
A relationship, that I had prior to that moment that changed my home, that changed my plans, that ripped a part my blueprint. The moment of "In an Instant", in between "breaths, my life changed. As a adult, I know life changes, but in that instant, young hearts looked in my direction wondering, what now?! What did this all mean?!
Living in My Truth tells the story for the Hearts who are not aware and desire to want to know more.
My Intent, is that "you" are not loss in a season of sadness, heart challenged by a dark room that is trying to keep you locked inside.
*Whenever I share in these areas, I always recommend to watch the video: "You are Never Walking Alone", it offers resources and if you need assistance, someone to talk with, this a great place to start. My heart's intent is that you stay well, that you have peace within, and that you know that if you are here, someone, somewhere needs you and that is not a small thing.
This Heart is Not just sharing words, and please know that wherever life finds you or the place you're being challenged in present day, that you know there are those of us who truly care, my name is on that list first and it is the very reason, the why my heart is fulfilled in doing what I do. I'm not obligated, it fulfills me, it makes what I've walked through matter.
This heart is praying that you find your way through and again please know, "You Are Never Walking Alone". Many Hearts are grieving and don't realize you are not alone and you can do something that brings purpose from places that have no answers to Why, painful places, but moments that have purpose and allow something to grow forward for the life, for heart of someone else. For this Heart, that truly matters.
---- My reminder is that I don't share Answers, I share a Perspective from my own walk. This village offers a Heart Buffet and you can sample what you like and choose to connect to the area, to the parts that is best for you. You can freely take only that which is as an asset to travel forward.
Exercising in any area builds within, this village, exercises Gratitude. As villagers, we are tending a garden of "Making Gratitude Contagious" infecting as many Hearts as Possible.
Exercising allows us to build a reflex, it is that reflex that shows up, especially when life unexpectedly turns upside down, words from a Heart that knows. Confronted with a choice, with options of what that means and what can "grow out of that"
For the Hearts Who May Not Know, who may have never considered....
You may have a list of things to complete and a phone call comes in, take time to speak with that person, whatever you were working on, you can pick back up where you left off.
You said something you should have not said, or did something that your heart knows was not the right response. Make a point to say "I'm Sorry". Don't allow the trap of allowing something to linger or not acknowledge the part that you may have played a part in. Even if you say "I'm Sorry" and it is not received or embraced, you did something that released your heart and allows you to continue forward.
Make a point to laugh, to be silly in your own way, to celebrate life, it can be a gathering, a walk, journaling, whatever it is, enjoy the life that God has given us. It matters, we have now, we have this day.
Make a point that wherever you show up, you're packed with Peace Within, in fact, consider not visiting others or speaking or even texting someone if you're not in a good space. Do your personal work first, get your focus back on what really heart matters and then show up with Peace, even Peaceful Silence can in a room, can be a gift.
Don't just have good thoughts about someone, share your thoughts, share it.. Don't just think about it, say the words, share your thoughts. Love, Kindness means celebrating those we have in our life "this day" and the intent to consider is to not take that for granted.
For those of you who have younger children, which may include busy lives and schedules and those projects that have to be completed. Consider, when a child needs your attention, a moment within your day, asking a question, making a comment, sharing a story. Intentionally, drop everything and "take time to pause" and give complete attention to that moment, eye to eye, listening intently, making that child or children to feel that they are the most important moment within your day.
The Intent, "Not Taking Time for Granted"
This Heart lived and lives with awareness in this way daily.
Loss of any kind, has a grieving period and I can't share what that should mean for anyone but I do know from a Heart who grieved many times and in various ways. My relationship, my Faith in God walked me out of many dark rooms, and after the Healing for this Heart, the road continues forward, without Regret.
Not looking for accolades, looking to share, that you have the same opportunity afforded to you every single day, every moment and please don't allow life to rob you of that. Be aware.
The Intent, "Not Taking Time for Granted"
Video: "You're Never Walking Alone"
Until Next Time.
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