The Intent, "Not Taking Time for Granted"This heart often references the season when my life changed "In An Instant" because from my present 20/20 view and reflection on that season, I see the lessons that I carry forward with me. I share now based on that foundation for those who may not "live aware" of the precious gift called Time, or not recognizing that Moments will become Memories. Not maybe, they will become... This share is to bring awareness to that fact, to allow your Heart to Consider, the gift that is "not owed to us" the Gift of awakening to a New Day. Whenever this heart is sharing in this area, I'm very aware that some may find themselves, feeling weighted, especially if the heart is being challenged with Regret. As a woman of Faith, my leaning board, has always been and continues to be my relationship with God, not ritualistic, a relationship. I know by experience a "living God". A relationship, that I had prior to that moment that changed my home, that changed my plans, that ripped a part my blueprint. The moment of "In an Instant", in between "breaths, my life changed. As a adult, I know life changes, but in that instant, young hearts looked in my direction wondering, what now?! What did this all mean?! Living in My Truth tells the story for the Hearts who are not aware and desire to want to know more. My Intent, is that "you" are not loss in a season of sadness, heart challenged by a dark room that is trying to keep you locked inside. *Whenever I share in these areas, I always recommend to watch the video: "You are Never Walking Alone", it offers resources and if you need assistance, someone to talk with, this a great place to start. My heart's intent is that you stay well, that you have peace within, and that you know that if you are here, someone, somewhere needs you and that is not a small thing. This Heart is Not just sharing words, and please know that wherever life finds you or the place you're being challenged in present day, that you know there are those of us who truly care, my name is on that list first and it is the very reason, the why my heart is fulfilled in doing what I do. I'm not obligated, it fulfills me, it makes what I've walked through matter. This heart is praying that you find your way through and again please know, "You Are Never Walking Alone". Many Hearts are grieving and don't realize you are not alone and you can do something that brings purpose from places that have no answers to Why, painful places, but moments that have purpose and allow something to grow forward for the life, for heart of someone else. For this Heart, that truly matters. ---- My reminder is that I don't share Answers, I share a Perspective from my own walk. This village offers a Heart Buffet and you can sample what you like and choose to connect to the area, to the parts that is best for you. You can freely take only that which is as an asset to travel forward. Exercising in any area builds within, this village, exercises Gratitude. As villagers, we are tending a garden of "Making Gratitude Contagious" infecting as many Hearts as Possible. Exercising allows us to build a reflex, it is that reflex that shows up, especially when life unexpectedly turns upside down, words from a Heart that knows. Confronted with a choice, with options of what that means and what can "grow out of that" For the Hearts Who May Not Know, who may have never considered.... You may have a list of things to complete and a phone call comes in, take time to speak with that person, whatever you were working on, you can pick back up where you left off. You said something you should have not said, or did something that your heart knows was not the right response. Make a point to say "I'm Sorry". Don't allow the trap of allowing something to linger or not acknowledge the part that you may have played a part in. Even if you say "I'm Sorry" and it is not received or embraced, you did something that released your heart and allows you to continue forward. Make a point to laugh, to be silly in your own way, to celebrate life, it can be a gathering, a walk, journaling, whatever it is, enjoy the life that God has given us. It matters, we have now, we have this day. Make a point that wherever you show up, you're packed with Peace Within, in fact, consider not visiting others or speaking or even texting someone if you're not in a good space. Do your personal work first, get your focus back on what really heart matters and then show up with Peace, even Peaceful Silence can in a room, can be a gift. Don't just have good thoughts about someone, share your thoughts, share it.. Don't just think about it, say the words, share your thoughts. Love, Kindness means celebrating those we have in our life "this day" and the intent to consider is to not take that for granted. For those of you who have younger children, which may include busy lives and schedules and those projects that have to be completed. Consider, when a child needs your attention, a moment within your day, asking a question, making a comment, sharing a story. Intentionally, drop everything and "take time to pause" and give complete attention to that moment, eye to eye, listening intently, making that child or children to feel that they are the most important moment within your day. The Intent, "Not Taking Time for Granted"
It is so easy to live life, as if nothing ever changes, but from a heart that knows, it does and it will continue to include changes.
This Heart lived and lives with awareness in this way daily. Loss of any kind, has a grieving period and I can't share what that should mean for anyone but I do know from a Heart who grieved many times and in various ways. My relationship, my Faith in God walked me out of many dark rooms, and after the Healing for this Heart, the road continues forward, without Regret. Not looking for accolades, looking to share, that you have the same opportunity afforded to you every single day, every moment and please don't allow life to rob you of that. Be aware. The Intent, "Not Taking Time for Granted"
Remember, if you are feeling burdened, or challenged with regret. There are resources of Hearts who care.
Video: "You're Never Walking Alone" Until Next Time. Hugs, Donyale |
February 2025