Who has the Time to exercise Gratitude?! My question would be quite different...Who can afford to not exercise in Gratitude?! Donyale, we have the shirt, a button, a mug, and yes we know Gratitude is the Attitude, what does it really matter?! Everyone is always talking about being kind, or embracing moments blah, blah, and blah. It Matters. . .From a Heart that Knows Firsthand it Matters. Exercising in this allowed me to "Rob" Regret in many areas. I'm Grateful. I learned the lesson, and it has been priceless "That No One Promised Us that Tomorrow Will Look the Same as Today" What a difference that "statement" made in my life and continues throughout my journey, it determines my conversation, my response, my actions, making the most of this day, being a presence that brings peace and in return always receives it. I'm Grateful to have Learned that Lesson. Again "No One Promised Tomorrow Will Look the Same as Today" I would even debate that Exercising Gratitude, is a vital part to not being trapped or set up for Regret. By Trapped or Set Up, I'm referencing to; In a Box (a stagnate place) confined with just thoughts of. . . If only I would have, or I should have, and or if I had a second chance it would be different. Those thoughts alone can be very overwhelming, providing enough weight that you can literally go into a mode of "stagnation" **Note: If you fall in these categories already mentioned, then before we continue further down this road; Lets deal with the issue up front, the issue of those locked in Regret, who dance with the thoughts just mentioned; Lets Confront It that You, I, We can't change what's happened, we can't rewrite any pages, and I mean "not one" page, not one paragraph, and not one sentence. What is done is done. Take a Stand and continue forward understanding and confronting that, if you are someone who needs more than being served by this Buffet Table, served along this Helping Build Bridges Across Journey, and you recognize professional help is needed, to get through it, then do it, don't quiver on it, don't hesitate, don't wrestle another day with it, life is to short to be robbed of precious days, to be robbed of priceless, precious opportunities that a New Day Offers. The words shared here are meant to be an asset, a buffet table set up to take what can be an asset along your journey, and leave the rest behind. Whenever I'm sharing on this topic or in this area, it is important that you know there is help, 24 hours / 7 days a week; a Lifeline: **If you are battling thoughts that you can't work through alone, or your are in a situation that requires resources or additional help : Please Call; # 1-800-273-8255 **If not now, lock it in your phone and call if you need the Help. Please know, I don't presume one way is the only way, I don't assume my way is the way, my intent is to share the power of what has bought my life unmeasurable peace and the impact it can offer and have on your perspective. Gratitude is so much more than a word it's an action, an action that will allow "you", which allowed me and continues to serve my journey, and it will extend to anyone who is willing to exercise in it, it will allow YOU to Rob Regret. It will allow the opportunity to measure the cost of the words and the actions that YOU choose to use along the journey. We live in "this day", and in "this moment" exercising Gratitude because for some we Know that "No Promised Us Tomorrow will look the Same as Today". Most Humbled Hearts come through painful places, and it humbles you, it allows you to recognize that the journey is so much more than just about you, about me, about us. It is a gift to be able to share an experience that allowed you to walk through challenging places, which for me includes God First, whose Grace walked with me and guided me and remains continuously with me along the way of each and every new Day. I'm Grateful. With that last statement alone. . . "A Humble Heart who knows Firsthand the Power of Exercising Gratitude" It is what allows our Perspective, our Focus, it is what determines What We Say, What We Do and includes What we will not do, because we live Now, and We Do Not Allow Anything to Rob Us of That. Exercising Gratitude overrides "triggers" that in the past would have created more drama, or responses that created a bigger divide, but now Gratitude allows an opportunity to Pause, to Decide what really is worth extending my Energy. Exercising Gratitude allows a Peaceful Silence, without the need to provide choice words, or the need to have the last word. A Powerful Exercise daily, that without notice becomes a reliable reflex. Who Has Time to Exercise Gratitude? To be Kind? My question would be quite different...Who can afford to not exercise in Gratitude?!
Hugs, Donyale Do these sound familiar?, recently I had to update some information and the funny part, it "allowed" options with a "one word" choice, and I went through the list and I considered I dabble in many areas, including this location, this village, our "Community" this place is an door opened to many. . . How do you Title it? How you you settle on One Word? ARTIST Artist, just seemed to fit, it made sense to me. Before settling on the word, I decided to locate the definition, which is as follows; Artist (definition) one of many that seem to fit: One who practices at various creative arts The words that I love "practices at various" How fitting, it lives outside of a box, it moves beyond the walls of a 'one' title journey, it breathes allowing room to embrace what a New Day Offers while allowing the Journey, the Road Ahead to evolve, to offer New Roads New Paths and New Adventures Artist: One who practices at various creative arts My Definition Add-On: An Artist, one who doesn't live inside a Box, One Who chooses to be Open to the Beautiful that Surrounds their Life, Not just in the Hope for Tomorrow, but for the Gift of what surrounds Today.
An Artist can be surrounded by broken pieces, and the Heart Whispers what can be created with those pieces. It begins with the View, what can be seen, what can be possible. The process is not one way, it is Beautiful because the Flow is through the eyes, the heart of an individual Artist. For me, I share the creation by God's Grace, Wisdom of what can be created from broken pieces, I share the work, the exercise of what I exercise, of what I'm working through and in reflect on, I like you, travel the journey. Thank you for traveling this journey with me, and together Planting Seeds of Gratitude, for traveling together creating with the broken pieces around us, not focused on them being broken but Instead on What Can be Created? What can Grow from the Seeds we Plant? We all have Stories behind a Smile, but remember, it's not just what happened, it is what can we do with that matters As an Artist, "what we can do" will uniquely be our own to decide. Hugs, Donyale #MakingGratitudeContagious is always the intent
I'm Offended. . .Is it Just Me?!
I recognize we are not the same, we have different experiences, environments, beliefs and pursuits. Is it only me?! What travels with me "daily" is just how precious Life is, how fragile and how priceless a new day is. I always recognize "each new day" someone is not afforded the same. Is it Just Me?! The more I reflect, listen, and observe, it amazes me how many walk on eggshells accommodating the sensitivity of others and no matter the effort invested, those folks still find ways to be offended. I'm offended. . . Is it Just Me?! Is it Just Me?! Why is it so challenging "with some" to just have a conversation, to share that an action or words may have been hurtful, A conversation allows an opportunity to find out if a moment was misunderstood Why is the road so much easier to Be Offended?! Is it Just Me?! I've come to the conclusion as I observe, as I listen that for some maybe the way out, is to just distance themselves, to just choose to separate Yet when, not if, but when life changes and a chapter comes to an end These very people who created the most noise and or exercised being Offended Provide the greatest display of emotions and Often find themselves "trapped" in Regret I'm offended. . .Is it Just Me?! We all have a choice on what that means or will mean "Offense" and For How Long One thing for sure "nothing" remains the Same and Change comes and only we can decide where we will be standing When "that" Time Arrives Is it Just Me?!
#MakingGratitudeContagious is always the intent
You're Never Obligated. . .
I share what I use, believe in and appreciate. My invitation to you is to Get In Where You Fit and if that means Sharing, Commenting, Planting Seeds of Gratitude, all of it is appreciated. If you remember nothing else, consider what this village has been from "Day One" and will continue to be until the Chapter Closes. #MakingGratitudeContagious Hugs, Donyale Worried?! Such a loaded word. . .
Allow me to say, I don't share answers, I share a perspective that comes from my experience, my environment and beliefs. **Please Take, what can be an asset to your journey** We don't have to share the same view, have the same experiences, but we can respect each other enough, to listen, and to determine if there is something that can be an asset to our lives and continued journey.
The work is in the exercise, when I consider exercise, whatever area is before me; Spiritually, Mentally, and or Physically, it is the work, it is the Focus that determines "My View". I know firsthand that in "consistency" lies the power, the discipline includes "rising above" the moments of hesitation, and or procrastination. Not easy, again not easy, a discipline. To Know that, to Share that is great, but to do what is necessary, is "always a choice" Most of us know, those things we need to do, and we have "great" intention but like clockwork for some, the thoughts come with a list of distractions, and before you know it, that weekly, daily routine planned, becomes a "To Do". As a woman of Faith, my peace has been located in the "surrender", in casting my worries on God. The question I often consider, reflect on, how can I Trust God in One Area and Struggle with doubt in others?! The surrender allows the "decision" that If I'm willing to Die on my Faith, that should include Living on it. God has been and is faithful, and for me, He is a Big God, and why should I wrestle with weights that are to heavy to carry, so I intentionally "exercise" handing them over to Him. I exercise in casting those cares, an exercise, a work. My perspective, He is God and He can see over the Mountain, He knows the Road Ahead and He Knows my End from the beginning, so why should I rob myself of this precious gift called a New Day?! My exercise "now" includes giving those worries to Him. When, not if, but when worry knocks, when stress whispers, when fear provides thoughts of all the things that can go wrong or challenge my hope, my joy, and peace. When "what If this or what if that", comes banging on my door (my thoughts). I "exercise" taking a pause, getting still "choosing" not to wrestle with things that are so much bigger than me. I will do what I can and "choose" to leave the rest to God. I have a great exercise that really is a peace gift, no matter your beliefs or philosophy, when "thoughts" wake you in the night, or early morning, or anytime and all these things are coming at you, "sing a song" in your head, any song that you love or brings you comfort. The thoughts have no room to compete, they become silent because all we have in that moment is that Song. I encourage "YOU" to Try it, exercise in it and even in your light sleep, when thoughts try to weigh you down, the Song will eventually become a reflex when you exercise. Such a sweet, precious gift that will bring a smile of comfort. Trusting God, surrendering, casting cares, could be summarized by; I don't know HOW God Will, but I TRUST that He will and my exercise is to just surrender, to rest in that, not wrestle, not worry, but Trust. A work, a discipline and as shared "no one said easy". Why should my blood pressure go up and my nerves become rattled with things that "I cannot change?!" This is the exercise which "for me" covers all the areas, God is my center. Now Visualize, Circles, that represent the day, filled with choices, decisions that will come before you. Consider God, our creator as the center circle and than draw circles around that center circle that will require our attention, some known and some that will arise. Consider, the exercise of that center being our foundation for our decisions. Starting from our center, "Living Inside Out" at least for me, brings peace, allows me to pause and just appreciate Who Really Is In Control in my life, who is my Foundation. At Some Point. . . As a woman of Faith, God is my center, for me means I'm bringing all things around my Faith, doing all that I know to do, but "choosing" to Focus on Peace, "choosing" to live Inside Out. These are choices, and I know that I'm not obligated to do anything, I have the power of Choice. I choose Peace, so I continue to seek those things that build on that foundation, working from Peace. Did I say Easy? Did anyone say Easy? #NoOneSaidEasy I've considered based on the road traveled, that my personal focus is not about seeking or being focused on easy, the work is exercising to "Just Do", just do what I can and exercise leaving the rest to God. Choosing to Focus on what really matters for "this day", and for the road ahead. Choosing to Focus on those areas that bring more joy, that build upon more peace, and to decide that my life's journey is not a destination, it is in every decision that I have to make, it is found in Trusting my Creator, not in some areas, but all of them.
Worried? . . .the Work is in the Exercise
September 2024