Whatever Life is Serving...~HS
Whatever Life is Serving... ~HS
Only "YOU" can choose what to Embrace What to Believe What to Exercise Faith In What to Engage In What to Accept Only "YOUR HEART" can choose the View for the Road Forward We are surrounded by many who offer opinions But We will always be the "one" who will make the Choice Who will make the decision along life's moments We all travel with many but we will always, always be accountable to "one" This Heart Shares many things But This Heart doesn't share Answers Always Sharing a Heart Perspective Which comes from this Heart's View This Heart's Experiences Always Sharing Presented to this Village as a Heart Buffet You can and will decide what to Sample What to Choose What to Carry Forward as an asset along your journey This Heart doesn't share Easy Always Sharing a Heart Buffet Filled with Words Filled with Images to Consider In this Season, adding another dish to the Buffet "To Be Still" more often than always being so busy Sharing An Invitation to Choose Calmness "especially" in the Midst Of Calmness for this Heart "especially in the midst of..." Is a Priceless gift for life's Journey Which allows The Heart to Consider To Locate To Hear To Find the Options for the Road Forward Whatever Life is Serving...~HS
Only You, Only I, Only We
Can Decide what to Choose As we Travel As we Live Life Forward
As Shared
Not Deciding for You or Providing Answers to you Consider Whatever the choice Consider It should include all that can be an asset That can Add Peace into our Lives That can Offer Joyful moments Whatever we embrace should bring more laughter More Love our Way More of the "substance" that Provides Hope for the Road being traveled forward
Thank You Dear Friend
Dear Villager for Supporting the Work No Act of Kindness is too small Supporting the Work in however you choose Is Paying it Forward It Is Engage in the work of "Making Gratitude Contagious" The choice is Sharing what pierces your Heart and Sharing that Forward Together, we are infecting hearts with Gratitude What we give Always finds it way back to us That is truly a Blessing Hugs,
February 2025