Make Pain Pay Dividends
Song: Donnie McClurkin “I Need You” with words spoken by Donyale (audio above) How can you really pay back anything that shows up tragic or painful in your life? How can you really punch back? Allow me to start out that I’m not sharing an answer or a how to. In this season of my life, I recognize the more that I’ve experienced, the more that I’ve learned, the less that I know of a “Formula” so I’m not sharing or offering 5 ways to this or 10 ten steps of what to do next. I’m walking through my own journey and my intent is as I walk through from the view of what I’ve experienced. is to share my perspective. I’m seeking my Creator, Trusting God to show me the next steps for my path. I walk daily, not waiting on a next move, of course doing something and at the same time seeking to reside in moments of quiet, listening for the next turn, listening for God’s Wisdom. I have found my ointment and I continue to live through. I now recognize that the ointment that soothes my heart, it is not just for my use, it is to be shared for those who are walking through unimaginable, surreal pain and can’t see light, in many ways their mind and heart is locked inside of a dark room, I share for those who may have to travel this path of unexpected, unimaginable moments that are up along the road ahead. I share so that someone, somewhere knows they are not alone. What I’m sharing is an ointment that soothes my heart and that is putting on the table that we have Life, we have Today, we have moments, we have now and that means we have an opportunity to put Love into Operation by the words we speak and with the actions we choose to take, Every Day and in Every Moment. Evil, Darkness hates and detest Light, so for me that means to Shine Brighter, that is a punch back. Don’t participate in Confusion, instead choose to be peaceful. When you don’t have personal peace, or recognize that you are in a place of anger fall back, work on you first so that you don’t become a carrier delivering that negative energy into the lives of others. Don’t allow bad moments to set you up for having to apologize for stupid words spoken or having moments of regret. Work on yourself first and then rejoin others when you are in that good place so that your presence brings joy, not tension or discomfort. What I share is a perspective, words that are delivered for your consideration, for your reflection. I would even add words that you can file away and if the folder is ever needed, prayerfully not, it’s a folder that you can draw from as a point of reference or to consider, if you find yourself in an unimaginable place, a moment of pain or sadness. My qualifications are that by the Grace of God, I’m living through a Tragic moment that SHARPLY shifted my life without notice. I don’t share this or any post for sympathy, while sentiment is appreciated, but no one truly understands anyone’s journey except the person who walks it out EVERY SINGLE DAY. The Truth is, even as I share this with you, I don’t know your history, I don’t know your present state and circumstances and I don’t know the condition of road that you will face up ahead. I don’t assume that my perspective is enough. There are no words to describe Tragic moments without warning that grabs hold of you, delivered to break you, to disrupt and destroy your life, dark moments that throw everything you own around without regard of what breaks or is ruin for a lifetime, it is a Dark Place and for some they don’t make it out. They are still in a dark room, not functioning, not available for the lives that surround them here and now. For some they make decisions that can’t be reversible. So it is serious and a good time to mention that if you are in that dark place, seek help, whatever it takes, take the step, make the call, tell someone you need help, because someone, somewhere needs you here and my belief is that you didn’t create yourself so don’t allow whispers of hopelessness, defeated thoughts to take you from here before it’s time. Get Help Now, no one is judging and those who do live judging others, are living in there own place of insecurity and choose to shine light on the challenges of others with the intent to take the light off of themselves and where they fall short, so strive to always do what is best for you, if you need help get it. I don’t have a list of resources but I will share the national suicide helpline which is 1-800-273-8255, which can also be googled. They are available 24 Hours a day, seven days a week. Start there if you need help, please. I know firsthand, life changes and some changes are not a game and while I walk through my own tragic moment, while it was a moment, it lives with you for a lifetime. Allow me to say again, I’m always grateful for kind words and they are appreciated and they travel miles alongside my heart, words that have been and are a blessing. The truth is when you’re blindsided and the carpet is Snatched from under your feet you find out quickly who you are, you find out quickly if your heart is built with rock or sand, in a moment you decide if you will retreat or press forward. The truth is You have to live through it and the only other choice that I see presented is to retreat and die. To die is not always a physical death, you can shut down emotionally, or mentally, you can become a drifter through life, all of which can mean death in life. You just go through the motions, you just exist. It is our journey to travel, to experience, I believe that our Creator does not allow in our lives more than we can bear. I believe for those of us who Seek Purpose, in pursuit of our part, our destiny, we are the ones who ask the questions Why, or What, or How in the Pain, the Tragedy, can something be done with it? We trust God, even when the process is painful, not understood, and it is not comfortable. We understand the journey is about God’s Will, His Purpose and we can continue the road ahead and in the Pain we recognize that maybe it is not just about us. The moment, the place that meant to kill us, to harm us, God will make for our good and life’s fulfillment, mixed with purpose will flow in and flow out into the lives of others when we’re open and alert to being available, when and if moments provide an opportunity. For me I don’t have a blueprint, I don’t see where this staircase leads but I trust God and I’m willing to die on what I believe. My question is What to Do With a Moment like this, what or how can I make a difference?, It is only by God’s Grace that I’m walking through myself and I continue that press forward daily. I just need God’s Direction, his whisper to continue my journey. My steps are ordered by him, so I seek His Voice, His Direction for the remainder of my days. I pray, I ask how can I be of service, what can I do with this Tragic Evil Moment that visited my life without notice, that robbed me of what life was at the time, what can I do to Make a Difference? Maybe just sharing this is my way? I’m a doer, so I do, I continue forward and make the turns, when I make a wrong turn or fall down, I get up and continue the journey. Maybe my part is to share, which might encourage someone who is in a dark place and can’t find the small pinhole of light, maybe the sharing allows someone to know they don’t walk alone. I share because sharing encouragement, encourages me, it actually is the ointment that I found for my heart. To see someone encouraged, awaken to an understanding that yes the moment experienced was tragic, unexpected and unimaginable, but it is not the end and they can continue to move forward. Encouragement allows you to see there is no period along life’s journey, instead it presents a comma and asks what can you, what can I do with it? What’s next? What pages can be written, as we enter this new chapter along our journey. We can appreciate the moments we have right now and we can consider the road ahead. My punch back to Make Pain Pay Dividends is take a moment that changed my life, a moment that tried to devastate my life, my home and clearly an intended goal to threaten generations to follow, it is my intent to twist the evil that visited my doorstep tightly, to make it observe Flowers that can Grow out of Ashes. I recognize and consider that I have more days behind me than in front of me and I’ve awaken to be reminded that life is a precious, priceless commodity and I’m learning how to spend it wisely by the decisions that I make every day, a continued lesson with new pages being written. WE all come to this awareness at different points or seasons in our life, but if we could pack that inside our heart and begin our day with it, I believe it would steer our words and actions with more clarity, keeping gratitude as the driver. My punch back, my way of making Pain Pay Dividends is not to live with Anger or Bitterness, who wins with that? If my lips are tight and my rage is released, how does that change anything? I say Make Pain Pay Dividends by making flowers grow from the Ashes, the Painful places that visits our life, from Tragic moments and only God Knows what that really looks like, only he knows the full story that resides in our heart. Find the joy, the smile, the laughter, embrace the memories and good times and continue forward with the intent to make many more wonderful memories and to experience joyful moments. Continue to love on those who surround your life present day. No one promised you or I, that our tomorrow will look the same as today. Don’t get stuck on pulling on closed doors, find the doors that are wide open and waiting on you to walk through. Love in operation happens in numerous ways, it could be the calmness in the line at the Grocery Store, or not engaging in the car that cut you off and or engaging in arguments determine to have the last word with anyone that has offended you. Making Pain Pay Dividends is when a Tragic Moment Multiplies into changing lives, into changing generations for the better, that is a Huge Punch Back. I’m not doing this alone and I’m putting out an Eagle Call. Eagles know when it’s time to take Flight, to use the Storms to Go Higher, to multiply Love in Operation. That my dear friend, is a consideration on How to Make Pain Pay Dividends. For the remainder of my days, Making Gratitude Contagious is my Intent and I hope to infect as many people as possible with the virus, along my journey.
January 2025