Is GOD in Control?!
We all have Concerns
Some Concerns that are Shared with Others Some Concerns Only Lodged Within Most of us have to Work on Not Worrying As a woman of Faith, I’ve been taught, “Do Not Worry” because God Is In Control I’m reflecting on that for “this share” The question for me is, if I believe God Is “truly” In Control, why should I worry? Worry, as I reflect, I believe is a taught behavior It comes from those around us and is delivered by their fears and their beliefs It comes from our thoughts and experiences that have shifted our lives to various degrees.
A baby, a toddler learning to walk They are wobbly and they are in their zone trying to learn And then of course they fall down If you are "not intentionally" looking at the child They will just try again to get up and walk But if you look with concern at their falling down Most often they will engage with that look and begin to cry It was the person’s face of concern that created the moment of fear The child sensed that something was wrong Is GOD in Control?!
I believe in God, my Creator, and my Faith, my surrender is in that He Knows
My End from the Beginning And For this Heart that brings Comfort This Heart Intentionally believes what the word says Above how I feel An Exercise, an intent, a decision, a choice “in every moment” Faith is not being able to see the next step but choosing to Trust in God and to continue forward anyway. Faith amid uncertainty, surrendering “those concerns” to God, to sit and be still, releasing “all those things we don’t understand" This is not a share or declaration, that this process is easy, but sharing instead this is an intent, a decision, a choice “in the moments”
Most live their life by telling God about their Troubles
Instead of telling their Troubles about God What a great story at least for this heart Is GOD in Control?!
We Have Now
We Have This Moment And Living Grateful allows this Heart to Locate Beautiful In the moments Which has now become an exercise, a decision, a choice Knowing and exercising daily in this way Has allowed and continues this Heart to rob the Thief Named Regret In every single way In all that surrounds me I believe God is In Control Im not naive I recognize even knowing this Firsthand There will be more days that I will have to pray through That I will have to work through Focusing on not allowing Worry to become my Perspective Reminding myself that God is In Control I will Cry Through I will Laugh Through I will Love Through But When I get through “those moments” My Focus Will Remain the Same I Know God is In Control Is GOD in Control?!Is GOD in Control?!
I’m Grateful to have a Relationship with God
A Relationship with God For This Heart A Relationship Which is More Valuable than a Religion A Relationship with God Who Directs, who guides Who Loves beyond measure I’m his creation I’m his daughter God, He calls me Friend, John 15:15 "No One Said Easy"
February 2025