![]() What Does Your Road Map Look Like? How About?. . . A Road Map for the Journey, Paving the path with Words that Empower, Traveling the Distance we have in Sight, Recognizing and Embracing the Moments while we Travel. Now that sounds like my kind of Road Trip! DILIGENT - Characterized by Steady, Earnest and Energetic Effort. AWAKE - to become aroused or active again. To become conscious or aware of something (awoke to the possibilities) PERSEVERANCE - Continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. The action or condition or an instance of persevering. VITALITY - A lively or energetic quality. Capacity to live and develop. Also, physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed. CONFIDENT - Having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something. Having Confidence. Full of Conviction. RESILIENT - Tending to recover from or adjust easily to Misfortune or Change. FOCUSED - A Main Purpose or Interest. A State of Condition permitting clear perception or understanding. TENACIOUS - Not easily stopped or pulled apart. Firm or Strong. Very Determined to do something. DETERMINATION - A quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult. The act of officially deciding something. ENGAGED - Involved in Activity. Being in Gear. ![]() PERSPECTIVE - The Capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. OPTIMISTIC - An Inclination to put the most Favorable Construction upon Actions and Events or to anticipate the best possible outcome. ALERT - Able to think clearly and to notice things. Quick to Perceive and Act. CONSISTENT - Possessing Firmness or Coherence. Marked by Harmony, Regularity, or Steady Continuity. Free from Variation or Contradiction. PEACEFUL - Untroubled by Conflict, Agitation or Commotion. Quiet and Tranquil. ![]() WHAT POWER WORDS WOULD YOU INCLUDE FOR THE JOURNEY THAT YOU ARE TRAVELING? ![]() "This is the Day that I Will Embrace, Blessed to Be In to Win It and To Encourage others Along the Way" - Y. Terry
![]() "CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION, CHANGE YOUR LIFE" ![]() Who do you see in the mirror? Who are you? What do you offer that comes so natural to you, that it is the same as breathing, with NO thought required. In that place, you have the greatest joy, in sharing it, in doing it, and or in just thinking about it. We all have something to offer and to me it is the same as your fingerprint, each one of us having uniquely our own. What hinders the process of developing in that area or operating in it, investing in it, sharing it, doing it more often? Now for some folks, maybe they already do, as we speak are operating in the arena they are passionate about. . and if that includes "YOU", I applaud you, keep moving and discovering New Heights to travel! Time is fleeting and very often daily distractions, obligations take us away, I would even say "ROB" us of some time to embrace and or develop our dreams, our goals, our aspirations to travel the path that our Vision has shown us. Living life, doing more of what we love to do and know that our daily life should encompass. I have "Great News". . .we can get started NOW and WE CAN. . . I can be the Change, I want to see. YOU can be the Change you want to see. It all starts with WHO we see in the Mirror, with WHO we already know that we were born to be. It is that place of passion, and a belief that our purpose centers around it. It could be the littlest thing or it could be a monumental thing, the point, is to start the Journey, to find that place. . .if you don't know what drives you, what brings you the most joy, then Your Homework is REFLECTION and REVIEW. Look back at your life and what have you been drawn to, what are the activities that you were quick to be involved in. If You Know Your Place of Passion. . .then it is time to Develop it, to take it to the Next Level and Travel to the Highest Levels possible. CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION, CHANGE YOUR LIFE Our lives drive in the direction, to the place that we believe we belong or should be. If our environment, our circle of friends, our confidants are not empowering, they are not uplifting, positive, even visionaries, an asset to our life, then REFLECTION is necessary, a better word is VITAL! Where do you want to Drive? What direction do you see up ahead, what does your map look like? ![]() Time is an Investment and Who we spend time with. . .what we do with our time, is a vital and a key component. When time is spent, you never will get that time back. The company we keep, the places we go, when we are building, developing, moving in the direction that our VISION is Driving us to, or in taking a breath of appreciation of the place that we are in. . . . It is imperative to be alert to those you allow to speak into your life. That includes anyone around you, or what you read, what you watch and or listen to, especially when if it delivers a barrel of Negativity. The truth is we all have a story and it really is not about, What Happened to Us, it is about What we Do with it that matters. How we react to life's challenges, determines if we choose to operate as a Victim or Victorious. ![]() I will close with a "Be On Alert" Message: Take a moment and reflect on WHO and WHERE you spend your time. Listen closer to the conversations you are having with the company you keep. When someone is speaking into your life, rather they have been invited to do so or not, consider the Source. Take a moment and reflect and ask yourself? This person is speaking to me about my situation and or about my life, about me. . .in that space, ask yourself. . .What does their life reflect? What does it look like in the very area that they are speaking to me about? Giving advice to me on? The bottom line are they qualified to speak into my life. . . Are they an asset or are they a liability? "CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION, CHANGE YOUR LIFE" I would revise the last line. . .Have Faith in what can be. . you drive the direction of your life by your perception. Where are you driving to? If you have a Website, Facebook Page or a Blog , be sure to share with us.. .Life should be a WIN-WIN for all involved so that means your voice, your Perspective is Welcomed! ![]() Great READ THIS MONTH, if you are looking to Renew, Refresh, Revise and Revitalize your Perspective. Check out the Book Club Connection. ![]() What does this speak to YOUR LIFE? Spend more time with family? Not just planning but making reservations for that special vacation? Getting started on that book that you've always wanted to write? Start the book club that you've talked about numerous times? Coach the basketball or baseball league? Getting connected and supporting the Non-Profit Organization that supports children. . supports seniors? Start that Home Based Business with the name that you've doodled on every sheet of paper you can find? Become a consultant in the area that you know and are passionate about? Share your expertise and mentor all those who seek the path you've already travelled? Assist those who are hurting in areas that you've walked through as a survivor, a conqueror, it could be, helping those who are grieving the unexpected loss of a loved one, someone fighting a disease, someone who has lost a business or a job they loved? THE LIST IS ENDLESS. . . . It is so easy to get encapsulated into rubbing our own wounds, focused on our own needs or desires. . .but the greatest medicine is when we can pour into the lives of others. When we can understand no matter the challenge there is someone, somewhere with a greater challenge. The power is the perception, the perception to see that GLASS on the table "Half Full". . .to figure out that there is a lesson, an empowerment born out of what life has dished out on our plate. We are really more connected than we often share, if we shared our life's notes; the pain, the challenges, the questions, the concerns would be very similar. The pain shared behind the smile would be a revelation of the things that we are all connected to and or experience in our daily life's journey. ![]() This is a spotlight, a Megaphone shout out Message to say: If Not NOW. . .WHEN? Not after you retire, not when the kids are grown, or you have a certain amount in the bank and or invested, not when that business is a million dollar producer.
The power of NOW, getting it going NOW. No matter where you are in life, just out of college or trade school, RETIRED, as if that means preparing to die (NOT, it is a new beginning, A New Chapter to write, a capsule of wisdom to pass along to future generations), just married or a family of five, single, employed and or seeking employment, YOU have an Unique Fingerprint, a Special Message that only you can share and You have a reach in your community, on your facebook, by your twitter and or by your associations, organizations, WITHIN the circle of your OWN family and CIRCLE of friends. . .a fingerprint, a voice that only you can provide, that only you can deliver by Your Wisdom, by Your Experience wrapped in your own view for others to ponder and to find the treasure from that empowers the journey. DEAR FRIEND. . . . IF NOT NOW. . .WHEN? ![]() "This Bald Eagle was drawn in November 2012, when my youngest son was 9 years old" One of my favorite birds is an Eagle and I came across this Article Online and I can't seem to relocate it, the author listed "Attributes of An Eagle" the list was quite extensive and I pulled the ones that I thought applied to WHY these attributes inspire me on my personal journey. I will list the Attributes and I included what they represent to me. ![]() Attributes of An Eagle THEY ARE MASTER FLIERS A Master Flyer represents to me knowing when to SOAR and when to FLY Higher to Rise Above the Storm THEY FLY ALONE AND LIVE ON HIGHER GROUND I would use the word "LEADER" not a follower, always FOCUSED on Reaching Higher Ground EAGLES ARE EXTREMELY BOLD, COURAGEOUS, MAJESTIC and POWERFUL This speaks for itself! EAGLES ARE VERY PATIENT I see this as having Vision with a Destination in Sight, which includes a Quiet Wisdom of recognizing and knowing that PATIENCE is a REQUIRED Attribute to Move Along the Journey ![]() The boats to turn back have been burned, there is no retreat, You and I are GOING TO HIGHER GROUND. From my heart to yours,
Like the Eagle, we find the strength within, we GET VISION, WE SEEK PURPOSE, WE STAY FOCUSED on the Destination in SIGHT. One area that I've had to learn and continually Press Forward to accomplish and that is to GET GOING, BE A DOER, BE CONSISTENT (a biggie) and continue to MOVE FORWARD. ![]() What are you Grateful for Today? I agree with this statement: "When you know better, you do better" Have you said. . or heard someone say; "When I get this. . .then I'll do this" or "When I make this amount or have this much money saved. . .then I'll be. . .", "I will travel more. .after I. . ", "When I retire, I'll be able to do more. . .", or "I plan to spend more quality time with my. . .". Face it, planning is an important part of who we are and Goal Setting is Great! We all have dreams and aspirations and it requires effort to plan and implement and that of course comes with some form of effort and activity. However, I've often wondered the price paid for the present day. Are you aware of the syndrome, "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda". Somehow it seems today can easily be robbed of what it offers and in the value of what it gives, in some form or fashion, including the burden of pondering on yesterday's decisions, while working diligently on tomorrow's plans ![]() Somehow TODAY gets quickly categorized into being used up in the review and or in the planning. I was listening to someone who stated "our lives are One Phone Call Away from a Drastic Change, good or bad news, celebration or tragedy, it really is a way of saying Living. It is called Life. We all recognize that nothing stays the same forever. HOW CAN WE LOOK CLOSER ON HOW WE CAN TAKE HOLD OF TODAY? I was recently asked, "What do you mean by Embrace the Day? How does that happen? Very good questions. . .immediately the word "ENGAGEMENT" comes to mind. Definitions for me, in some cases, are helpful to formulate the thought, the process. So in reference to the word "ENGAGEMENT" it is defined using the (Online Merriam-Webster) resource. For definition purpose, I'm sharing what I believe applies here and including the definitions that best fits the word and the premise of it being utilized here. something that engages : pledge the act of engaging : the state of being engaged Engaging adjective : very attractive or pleasing in a way that holds your attention Engaged: involved in activity So from this definition, bringing it together, to answer the question of "How Can You or I Embrace the Day?, that would be. . . To currently be involved in today's activities and to HOLD our ATTENTION of what we're focusing on. Engaging by choice, what is attractive or pleasing to us in some way. The question is What are You? and What Am I Grateful For Today? I'll throw in one to start, I woke up this morning in a Healthy state of Spirit, Mind and Body and for that I'm Extremely Grateful. . . .how many did not (I stop and reflect on that thought alone). ![]() Your Turn. . .So What are YOU GRATEFUL for TODAY? Starting Now, before our day begins it could start with that One thing You and I are GRATEFUL for and to do the same at the close of the day, reflecting on the conversations we've had, the activity of what encompassed our day, all before retiring to sleep. To actually take a few minutes to REFLECT and that to me is EMBRACING THE DAY, we live Life, so it will naturally encompass the prior and the plan, BUT NOW, YOU and I by CHOICE are ENGAGED in the DAY and NOT ROBBED of it. This is another step on the Journey and for me that includes my belief, if you "CAN CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE, YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE" so it will require an Engaged effort daily until it becomes a habit, the same as brushing our teeth, it will be apart of us without thought or planning to do it. This will include reflection of what needs to be pruned in our life, what needs to be cut off in some cases and what do we need to feed more on and become more involved with (which includes people and activities). ![]() You and I get to choose, if we live a life of being Positive or Negative, Pessimistic or Optimistic, Depressed or Joyful, with a Frown or with a Smile. We actually get that Choice and we are already engaged in those decisions daily, whether we are conscious or not about it. For the record, none of us are in Control of everything, I would venture to even say most things and things will come that can be great distractions or even a thorn in our side, but the key, is IN THOSE MOMENTS, we can EMBRACE, REFLECT and take action, by first remembering "IT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS TO US, IT IS HOW WE REACT THAT COUNTS". WHAT CAN YOU SAY YOU ARE GRATEFUL FOR TODAY? Reading a great book this month,
in the H.B.B.A. Book Club "The War of Art", something to Feed our Perspective. |
February 2025