Written and Spoken by Donyale Music Authorized; ITunes Account ~ "Planting Flowers" by August Honey Planting Flowers In the pain, sometimes is where we find the beauty. Maybe it’s because, pain, loss, challenges in our lives or the lives of our loved ones, our dear friends, maybe it is what allows us to see, to be reminded that there is so much more to see, to do, there is a beauty to embrace not just on the planned vacations or just on special days. There is beauty every single day that we can participate in by what we do or by what we say. We can observe the beauty that surrounds us even in the smallest way. There is so much beauty around us that like breathing, it becomes a part of our lives naturally every day, we see it, we hear it, we observe it in so many ways. In and from the pain, we see that life is priceless, that it is a gift to not be taken for granted. We understand clearly what it means that no one promised us that our tomorrow will look the same as our today. The pain allows us to hear others more clearly, to participate in being a listener, truly listening, being open to what others say. To be available to share with others, when appropriate, things that possibly could help others get through challenging moments, sharing from our own painful places, from our heart that flows out in a special way because it comes from one in the pain, or from the pain that has been experienced. Planting Flowers, is when Your heart is wide opened, Planting Flowers along the way in the actions that we choose to do and by the words that we choose to say. For me, planting flowers, it is Operation Love. We each can participate, expressing individually, in our own unique way. Planting Flowers, operation Love is so much deeper than these words say. It is a place that sees the heart of others, you see so much more in the eyes of others, you hear even what their words don’t say. You recognize as you listen to what they convey, that there is a story behind that smile, there is a story behind that laughter and it may not be made known to the one whose listening. It is having the knowledge that we all share in that space, which allows us to be kind, to be patient, even in being silent, if there is nothing good to add or to say, that is planting flowers. It is a blessing, a privilege to have moments to sit in a peaceful silence open to what wisdom might whisper in a moment, or on any given day. Wisdom can be found in the silence. Less can always be so much more, to just listen, to embrace thoughts that remind you, to remind me, to remind us to be grateful for every moment, for every day. Planting flowers is being willing to give away who we uniquely are, into the world, into our community, into our workplace, and in our home. There is no one way. Like our fingerprints, We each possess something special that only we can share, or give in our own special way. That is planting flowers. Consider, if your not, continue if you do, Planting More Flowers every day by the actions you take and by the words you say. Life is a journey, lets not take one moment for granted, what surrounds our life now will not remain the same way. Things will change, that is life’s journey as we live out each day. No matter what it is, no matter who it is, life changes, so it’s important to know, to hear me when I say, join me in Planting Flowers, in #MakingGratitudeContagious every single day. Pulling Weeds In the pain, you sometimes find the clarity, the alarm clock for some, wakes you up to a work, a call that you just can’t file away. You awaken, you actually burn within to make a difference even in the smallest way. No recognition required, no accolades needed because the work brings such a fulfillment, that the fulfillment becomes the heart's joy, it becomes the pay. In the pulling of weeds, it makes the path clearer and assist in finding our way, our path, our fulfillment and there is no way to put a measure to that, a joy that can’t be described fully in words. For me, it is every corner of the world, it's the community, it is all that surrounds me, by sharing my heart, my words, in my own special way, all with the intent of #MakingGratitudeContagious. My Why, allows me to press forward in pulling weeds. To be available to encourage someone because it’s the healing ointment that encourages me, to let others know they are not alone in there pain, in there experience, that they can make it out of dark rooms, depressed, weighted rooms and live another day to see the beauty of this moment, of this day. Not easy, but the starting point is when you know, that you, that I, that we are not alone. My Why allows me to see the possibilities of making the most of the remainder of my days. My Why is my sons as my foundation, but now it has grown into so much more, it is the many children, who are being thrown away, by lost, abused, troubled, it is the root, it is the weeds that surround children's lived before they become predators or monsters. It is my pain that awakened me to see what is growing up around us and if left unchecked, if not corrected or changed not tomorrow then destruction visits other families. Our hearts, our call, our fulfillment is not the same, this is sharing my part, my piece and my work to carry, I just appreciate your help, I appreciate your support wherever you can. Reading, listening, sharing is a help, there is not one action that is greater than another, it is all appreciated. Thank you for Sharing, Thank you for listening, Thank you for participating in my Eagle Call. Thank you for sharing this Unfamiliar Road with me, Thank you
for connecting. I’m Grateful. Not a destination, a journey. My Eagle Call. #MakingGratitudeContagious is my intent every single day. Eagle Hugs, Donyale
January 2025