Life is not a movie...or is it?! I’m very grateful for Helping Build Bridges Across community, It started from a sandbox and now a community. It has purpose and an intent of #MakingGratitudeContagious, many connecting and joining in planting seeds of gratitude and together we observe seeds sprouting and growing. We share conversation, perspective, our experiences are not the same, our way of life or how we live may not look the same but here a common thread is operating from love and with respect to each other. We can exist agreeing to disagree and that is beautiful. My fulfillment is found as some know in sharing encouragement but that also includes conversation. The community represents for me, not sharing Answers but having a conversation, I know my truth, I’ve chosen and I know the Truth that I’m willing to die on but I believe in being open to listening, listening without a need to debate every thought, most times to “just listen” no listening to reply but to allow a space to share. A privilege to be able to share, to have an opportunity to talk, to be able to provide a Perspective, while at the same time allowing those who hang out to share their Perspective also. We all have to consider our truth, WE each have to be willing to decide what to die on...but I would share we each should do the work, our diligence on what that looks like, not just on what “they” say or what we’ve heard but to seek our own truth. A work but when you know your intent, your why, it allows you to live full, Taking a Pause, living aware before speaking having words and intentionally choosing your actions every single day. Yes, a work to be awake, to be alert to why we do what we do. I believe while each and every person determines that, in the midst of, in the middle of, if nothing else we should be able to have a common thread and that is “operating in love” being able to not live in judgment but to share a space of love and if nothing else a level of respect for each other. Life is not a movie...or is it?! As I continue, allow me to set the stage of how this Post was inspired, I posted one of my favorite images, a throwback image in the social media village a couple of days ago, the image was as follows. One of the H.B.B.A. family, posted a reply... “This is not a movie you can’t keep killing things in your mind” Again please know, I love conversation because we speak our own truth, our own perspective and yes we each have our turn to talk, to listen and to share at least in this village of “HBBA” including the time to agree to walk away from the conversations agreeing to disagree. A tribe with a common vibe but uniquely living our own journey. I’m humbled and grateful for that. These words resonated because it allowed me to pause and consider that the posts, the images, the words, the videos are like walking on clouds to some people, as if posting, sharing means you have it all figured out. As an observer, it could be perceived that one has mastered the skills of containing emotions or living only in positive vibes. Living victorious... Life is not a movie...or is it?! Those words ...Life is not a Movie, really meaty words because you can go in so many directions on that premise. What is life in a movie? What does a movie represent, does the good guy always win? Is the perceived “good guy” the winner? is there always a happy ending? What does a happy ending really mean, or look like? Does life represent something different on the screen versus something in real life? As I considered this, I wondered what is seen, perceived, assumed in my posts that created the thoughts of... it is not tangible? I could add, there are many types of movies, genres, themes, messages but in reviewing my social media post It is not far fetched to assume that my glass appears half full, that my position appears to find the light in a dark room, to be alert to the disruptions, the weights in my life and deciding not to focus on that component, aware, very aware of weighted thoughts because I live it, because I have my own battles, including distractions. Like you many thoughts knock on my door, my heart and my mind. Along my journey, along my walk, I want always want to know the How, for those who appear to walk through, How...My share is my journey but I give so that someone can take what might be an asset along there journey. The choice I made is to “exercise” in many areas, taking the reigns on my emotions, some days, my emotions are very stubborn and not easy to grab hold of but again to “exercise”, I have things that come up that are unexpected, frustrating, so again “exercise” what thoughts are allowed to visit, what thoughts are allowed inside recognizing the intent is to set up camp, to reside in my heart. I have to decide to not entertain those thoughts. “Exercise” is for a lifetime because no matter your current state, you, I, we will battle “thoughts”, knowing that allows us to prepared “when” not if, but when they show up, “to exercise” in showing them the exit, in reaching for those things, those words, those images, that overshadow the worry, that overshadow the defeat or the sadness. This does not imply that you turn off your emotions, if you need to cry, if you need time alone that’s healthy. This is an alert to be aware to not let the faucet continue to run without addressing if more help is needed. To Exercise, to be aware, In fact, that is how “No One Said Easy” was adopted. “No One Said Easy” now that I know that I “exercise” in learning more about the Gift of Peace, to focus on, to seek, to learn more about Peace, the Peace of God, I study, it’s my Focus because like a muscle, the more I “exercise” in the burn, the discomfort. The more that this gift called Peace becomes stronger, the more that it shows up, the more that it reigns over disruptions, the more that I learn the power of Peace. Not mastered, “an exercise” in the moments. Not mountains, moments. “An Exercise” for a lifetime. If any other emotion, worry, stress anxiety could change my situation I would exercise in those areas but I have traveled enough miles to tell you that those emotions are not game changers, those emotions do not change anything. Life is not a movie...or is it?! My God, you can’t imagine a moment in time that snatches the carpet from under your feet, that is a sucker punch and takes your breath away, that kicks you down a tunnel in an instant and at the most inopportune time, noting a loved one who dies or in this case, murdered, there is no right time. Even those who die in the elder years doesn’t make it the best time. These are loved ones and life changes when their presence is gone, that personality, that spirit has moved on and it is a noticeable change, as the years continue more of those we love will part company and every exit represents a missing chair and it is a notable moment and a noticeable change. In fact, one common thing that we share, no matter our belief, our color, our culture, our age, our status, we will attend many services as a guest until we are the honoree. “Just the truth.” In an instant, our lives changed, my sons and I and not at the best time, noting that there would have never been the right time, 13 and 16-year-old boys had lost a father, a dad who was active in their lives. Their dad adored them giving into their lives what he thought a father should be and they adored him because he was there, he showed up and was involved. So “in an instant” represents something that words cannot express. Life is not a movie...or is it?! As a woman of Faith, which is a significant statement and cannot be an honorable mention, or side note, it is the note, the title, the paragraph, the book. For me, having a relationship with my creator, one that started prior to being married, which included being married for almost 20 years, so that provides some foundation of seeking, learning more about God, my faith is Christianity and it is the Faith, the Grace that walked me through an unimaginable moment. It is the Faith that allows me to live in a Freedom that can’t be measured, which introduced me to a Priceless Gift called Peace. A Peace that can allow you to be in a space, a moment with everything being thrown around you, with noise, with thoughts intended to rob you, thoughts with the intent to kick you in a dark room and leave you there. God’s Grace, His Peace allows me to walk in a Peace that I can’t describe, that again key word I “exercise in” Like you, I’m no different and YES life delivers distractions, tries to set up tents of stress, whispers of anxiety, events create havoc or knocks things over, creates hindrances, attempts to paints pictures of defeat, intentions to rob my joy...intentions to be concerned about matters of my heart, many of which I have no control over but thoughts dance around me. The Anointing teaches more and more, the more I experience, the more I learn about this unending flow of this Gift called Peace, a Peace that allows Calmness in the midst of a storm, in the moments of valleys and uncertainty. A Peace that allows celebration in the midst of tears, a Peace aware, very aware of disruptions and noise but doesn’t allow it to reside inside, does not allow it to rob me, my family or generations that I will never meet in this lifetime. Allow me to state again, not a religion, a relationship with God. I learned throughout my journey prior to that tragic, life-altering moment, that disrupted my home, my family on September 7th, 2016, that the Word of God was and is for me a road map, it didn’t make every day easier and it didn’t shelter me from painful moments, or life-changing moments, it provided a guide of what this life is for me, this journey. It didn’t and doesn’t shelter me from tears, concerns about my family and future for my sons. It instead provided me a shelter, it explained that no matter what my present circumstances are , that a living God lives in my life, He is present, His Grace knows my name. He is a God of Purpose and He can see over the mountain and it is beyond me and beyond my understanding. Life is not a movie...or is it?! Making Pain Pay Dividends is my punch back to the evil that sucker punched me and the work centers around that, #MakingGratitudeContagious which has so many layers that I haven’t even come close to peeling back. Life is whatever movie you choose to write, like a movie it has scenes of Oh No, or How will we ever, but for most they have a thread of possibilities, of We can get through, We will make it, etc The posts, the images, the words of encouragement are the pages I write, I exercise, I choose to focus on, it is the movie, I’m choosing to focus on. To living, it is the pages I choose to write. My fulfillment is found in when crazy shows up, my muscles are getting stronger, my exercise is creating a reflex of Peace in the midst of crazy, not to walk on clouds but to be still, to be calm so that I can hear clearly the options that are available, that is just a fraction, just a fraction of what the Gift of Peace offers. Life is not a movie...or is it?! We each have to decide. We each have to decide what to focus on, what to exercise in our life. Life is not a movie...or is it?! As I close… There is one reminder, we have a place that is “our equalizer” our Chapter that will come to a close, our movie will have closing credits. “Just Truth” lets not sleep on those words. Those words will allow us to choose he words we speak, those words will determine the actions we take, those words will allow us to Pause before making a decision. There is a cost in the process and it doesn’t make me special, accolades and applause...please know are not required. I am not concerned if “no one” ever knows my name, my focus, my drive, “I care” that I drop kick the evil that visited my home,the system and all that surrounds it, “I care” about that which shattered my heart. I care that I had the heart to start, I’m grateful and hopeful to know my sons have an opportunity and that generations will have a choice, that family members, dear friends, H.B.B.A. Family and all those I will never meet can consider that Storms are a part of our journey, that “No One Said Easy” but now that we know that we are “Not Overwhelmed” “We are not Surprised” we “exercise in what we have learned and we live fully in the gift called peace. Flowers will grow out of these ashes. Life is not a movie...or is it?! I’m “Completely” UNPLUGGED from “they”, my vision is sitting still and asking God now what, what can grow out of this madness...that is what matters to my heart. This is not a religion, this is a heart who desires to finish my part until my chapter ends. “Just Truth” The fact that so many things have been thrown my way...allows me to take it personal, “Now I Need to Know” what is trying to make me draw back, what is trying to make me retreat. Now that makes me “Exercise” more and I have no choice but to “continue forward” because I have to know. ‘Just Truth” “When You Know” Some Things are not for everyone and then there are some things designed just for you. Thank you, (you know who you are in this Village) who simply replied with these simple words and it generated a thought and allowed this to flow… “This is not a movie you can’t keep killing things in your mind” ***Thank you for speaking your heart’s truth, it allowed us to have conversation, it allowed for these words to flow. Eagle Hugs Nothing we do, each and every one of us, no matter how small it appears to be, just sharing our truth. If you feel led to say it...than Say. If you feel led to do...than Do. All of which should come from a heart with good intentions, with love and you never know what it opens up to, to what it allows to be released but when you genuine, if nothing else it allows “PEACE” Life is not a movie...or is it?! Thank you for being Here Thank you for Reading, Listening and Watching Thank you for Sharing, Wearing and Surrounding your life with Gratitude Thank you for Traveling this Unfamiliar Path with me Live Heart Inspired Can We Talk Wear, Share and Surround your Life Listen Up In the Flow of Words Someone is on your Heart #MakingGratitudeContagious is always the intent
February 2025