Who Understands the "Seed" that is Planted?! No one can see it? What is it doing down in the Ground? Will it Grow? Does it Have Any Potential? Does It....~HS Making Gratitude Contagious is always the Intent
"No One Said Easy""No One Said Easy" Why is this such a focal point? For me it helps to acknowledge “the work”, there is “work”, there is “work”, in fact, I believe there will always be “work”, a continual process, no matter the intent, the goal, the dream, the pursuit, it will and always will require “work” Intentional Living. Consider that we have to be Intentional. Excuse me while I stop to say this is truly a #NotetoSelf If there is Rock in the middle of the road that blocks my journey, to continue forward, standing in front of the rock, acknowledging that it is there, that I see it, hoping that it goes away, doesn’t make the rock move, it will be the intentional effort, the work to remove it, to allow my journey to continue. “The Work” “No One Said Easy” In pursuit of the next destination, of the next chapter, the next page, in taking on a New Day, in embracing the moment it sets the foundation, when a moment comes along to challenge our focus, when words are spoken that can easily offend us or an action that really irritates us, it is knowing Our Why, it is knowing our Why that keeps us girded, that keeps us disciplined, that keeps us focused, including for me My Faith that provides the strength, that provides the peace in the midst of, in the moment, in the pursuit and the Work that says, take a moment, if needed to regroup, but then continue the work. In Consistency lies the power “No One Said Easy” Shows it face in my life in so many ways, one of my greatest fulfillments is my sons, sharing time with my Parents, my Brother, In-laws who are family, all of my family, blessed to have many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, dear friends, celebrating or spending time together is priceless. So many faces included in that statement and that is a blessing. That is priceless to me. When my life was altered, my time was and is challenged, it is not just about what I want to do but now “much more” of what I have to do and in many ways, it robs me, the challenge of having more time for precious moments. Not every moment, but a very present awareness of the time that is taken awaken daily with the "have to". No one said Easy, in the midst of celebrations or my sons reaching milestones and or changes in their life, from the simplest things like shaving for the first time, learning how to drive, or to have to go pick out a tie, or the right shirt, for an event, moving into a first apartment, those are daggers, because in those moments I recognize, I’m reminded on how much their Dad would have loved to participate in these moments, in having a conversation, in the season of their life, of being hands-on with it. My heart gets ruffled, shaken up in these moments because of that thought and including my efforts in commenting or supporting the cause along the way. I share all of this because I know firsthand that “No One Said Easy” and to know that my share can be an encouragement or a help along the way if Fulfilling, it is priceless for the remainder of my days. My sons, going into phases of young men and the things that come with that, being responsible, being wise in decisions of dating or going certain places, or awareness of the dangers and challenges of being young men, all of which they are not naive to, in the world of Social Media and in many ways may be much more alert to it then the village can really share, because of Social Media. Awareness can be an asset. The boy’s Dad provided many talks, many not even known to me until present day and I’m so grateful to see what has grown out of those conversations, out of those seeds planted, not to mention they have a village, Grandfather, Uncles, Cousins, peers who have Men in their lives who speak to those at hand at various moments. I’m grateful for that, that is a blessing. They have Faith, a God who is a Father to the Fatherless, who keeps and cares for them by design, who knows has the plan from the end to the beginning of their lives and my life included. For that, I’m grateful, for that it allows Peace to reign in my life, even beyond my understanding, even beyond the hardest places. "No One said Easy" The battle is and always will be “thoughts’ moments that remind you, that remind me, that remind us what is missing, a mother’s heart, mixed with continual prayers, an acknowledgment of the heart, very aware of a Dad who is not present. I can acknowledge my truth and I can walk through while doing it, it is just how God created me, I don’t want a badge of honor, or words of you’re so strong, it is just one, a voice amongst many, I’m just one, who is willing to Share and who has learned something more about her herself, her faith, her pursuit of now and tomorrow, someone who learned and located about a Healing Ointment for the Heart, and that for me is to encourage, it is a seed that is planted, that returns and encourages me from someone, from somewhere every time. It is a seed, it is Making Gratitude Contagious. Give and shall be given...is very true in my life. "No One Said Easy" My heart is speaking truth when led to, just putting it on the table the thoughts, the conversation. In my home, I believe in talking about whatever memory is there….”I remember the time when, etc..” I do it, my sons do it, it not a mystery to bring up the lives that were here. That includes many loved ones, my Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, childhood friends who have transitioned. They were here and sharing bringing a special joy for me. "No One Said Easy" but I believe rewarding because they did say something special or did something that made a moment memorable, it may bring tears to share, but in my view, that is a good thing. It is a good thing to release, to allow whatever flows to flow, words, tears, whatever it is, It is freeing, it allows us to breathe. The stress or the hindrance or the restraint of keeping things inside is what causes sickness, depression builds on hopelessness. I haven’t mastered this area, but I believe I live in about 80% of operating in it concerning those who have died and for me I continue to live with a belief and hope that I will die, see them again. "No One Said Easy" When you are building, pursuing a Why, a place that calls out to you, it really is challenging, you’re always looking for “that moment” of what you see but it really is continual work and the greatest challenge is when you don’t feel motivated, your why is becoming foggy, but what recharges you, what recharges me, is to exist in less than of what is my heart’s pursuit, that is not acceptable, it is the Consistency, it is the not giving up that makes getting up and being consistent possible. It makes every moment, conversation memorable, even with "the work" "No One Said Easy" Thank you for being here Thank you for Sharing, Wearing and Bringing Awareness Thank you for Answering my Eagle Call Thank you for joining in planting seeds, Making Gratitude Contagious Thank you for traveling this unfamiliar path with me "Making Gratitude Contagious" is always the Intent
January 2025