For those of you who have read or listened to my past postings. . you are probably saying, Your Topic this week is to "Look Back"?. .are we not the "Embrace the Moment" Community? ![]() ABSOLUTELY, nothing has changed from date of this. . .I'm still a BIG ADVOCATE for embracing the day, embracing the moments. Which while on that subject, means to me to center on not living in the regrets of times past or being so captivated by future plans, that you forget to inhale and exhale in the place you are in right now, to take and be aware of the moment, of the lesson,of the blessing, of the joy, in the gratitude in the right now, in the "today". Which includes THE CHOICES we decide to make, in the now and in the moment. ![]() There are traps and when I think of a trap, I envision a pattern, a "I know better" moment, but then I still do the same things anyway, expecting a different result, really?! Remember, the definition of Insanity is. ."Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result" TRAPS: Really can fall into any area but it is important to recognize the pattern, the enticements, the familiar, the triggers, the "THING" that makes our Tongue speak without thought, that makes our actions operate with Attack and or Leaping into a situation without prior consideration, towards others, (which includes those we know and those we encounter). Taking action in a given situation, without ever considering the CONSEQUENCE. Without ever considering, what is the worst that can happen from my participation? before a decision to take the next step! I think this is an useful tool for our journey, to "LOOK BACK" because of course, we want to be the "Best Version of Ourselves", right?, we want the best for all that we do and for all of whom may be connected to our lives. When we know better, we do better and we know better, when we know the pattern of those things that can take us off our square, take us away from being the Best Version of Ourselves. We must stop replaying the tunes that are unhealthy for our lives, no matter what category it falls in, our physical, mental and or spiritual state. WE MUST STOP IT NOW! We are out to create a Full Circle, a Fulfilled Life. A Journey that brings more of what we love to do INTO our life, to do more of what we are passionate about and when we can change old habits that are not beneficial, including a big one "HOW WE REACT" to old triggers, than in that state, we Ultimately are putting ourselves in the driver's seat. We operate masterfully on containing each and every part that tries us, we become alert to all areas that we know we have control in. I've adopted something that works for me and would like to share it with you: I TAKE A PAUSE, no matter WHAT THE SITUATION, NO MATTER WHAT THE MOMENT HAS DELIVERED, TO TAKE A PAUSE, and not be quick to react on things said TO ME or things done TO ME (whether it is intentional or not) direct or indirectly, it doesn't matter). "I remind myself in that pause, the phrase, it doesn't matter what happens, it is how I choose to react that matters". SO I PAUSE: I take time to analyze the full picture and "A BIGGIE" for me is to Consider the Source, to Consider the Intent, to Consider the Pain that might be behind the action or words, or the insecurity of someone else that is delivering the negativity or venom my way and in most cases for me, no action is taken in that moment. I TAKE A PAUSE, for every moment, that to me is taking hold, taking control of the situation, it allows me space, to determine what to do with it, if anything. To seek Wisdom from my Creator, to recognize and to adopt "LESS is always, always MORE". Traps come in many forms, in how we speak to others, which can deliver hostility or offense, in how we handle our money (knowing exactly where we are and accountable to daily decisions we make with it), in how we make commitments or take on the agenda of others, obligated to philosophies that are not our own. The list really is endless and it varies from one to the next. I believe there are alway lessons, there are always cliff notes to the chapters that have already been written in our life. When we take time to look back, to review the notes, to know our triggers, to know our part in falling into the old traps, the old mindset, the old familiars, the unbridled tongue or tone, the do it now and worry about it later attitude. We begin to recognize that we plant seeds on our journey, seeds that will surely grow back into our lives. Wisdom says to be careful what we plant in our moments, the words we speak, the actions we take because good or bad they grow, they will visit us again, ESPECIALLY, if left unattended, without weeding out those areas before they begin to grow, that they eventually will become our harvest and we find ourselves in the here we go again, the travel around the same mountains again, trapped in the same unhealthy familiar again. How many times is really our decision to make! Take a look back, to recognize the Trap up ahead, so this time it will be a matter of stepping over the land mine and not falling on it AGAIN. To be cautious and conscious of not being Blown to pieces, all over again. Some pieces need to be removed forever and some puzzle pieces we need to stop, we need to stop, we need to stop putting together, allowing them in our lives again. What are yours? What actions can you take in the moment, today, to be aware, to recognize the pattern, to know the triggers, so that YOU, can operate on a new playing field of, "Not This Time, been there, done that and I'm finished with it! That trap has been demolished and it has been destroyed". ![]() Together, I believe, I'm determined, that we will enjoy the Journey, the Journey, is this gift "called Life", yes and that includes, all the challenges that will visit us on occasion, but now we have the foundation and we know the pattern and we now choose to be in the driver's seat, operating as a leader, in the areas that we can control. TAKE A LOOK BACK TO RECOGNIZE THE TRAP UP AHEAD ![]() That will leave us more room for Embracing more Moments, for Experiencing more often the Gratitude of Today, to be Thankful for the Here and Now. The definition that fits our topic best, found online at Thorn: something that causes distress or irritation - often used in the phrase thorn in one's side. For our Journey, we need to remove, to confront, to address those areas that we can control, you know the ones that by definition cause distress and irritation, we'll even throw in the mix frustration. You know, those "pesky" areas that linger in our thoughts and travel alongside us until addressed or confronted. They will travel with us until we strategize a Plan to eliminate or modify what they are in our life. THE THORN LIST:
This is an awful thorn, it takes up unnecessary space, it is filled or stacked with who knows what?! Even if it is stacked with clear storage containers, with our without labels, what in the world is really in them? Is this stuff that we really need to have around? Is it boxes filled with things that someone else could put to use? Is there ever an intention to use it ourselves? Boxes, Boxes, Boxes in our closets or in cubby spaces, filled with clothes? filled with important papers? Most of the time we don't what kind of clothes; are they to small, to tight, which translated means it will never be worn again. WHAT DAY CAN WE SCHEDULE THIS? Time to pull this Thorn. Donate it somewhere or put it to use, the point, Sort and Decide and at least label exactly what is in it? Now you don't have to guess what is in that storage or worst buy an item you already own.
Time continues to be spent, whether we are productive or not. Are we drifters, are we map travelers, are we focused? Do we have a vision? Do we have a Pursuit or a Plan? Time to pull this Thorn and to know where we are right now and where we are planning to go. To decide, What do we need to implement and what do we need to let go of.
Time to pull this Thorn. No more procrastination, remember, even small steps are great, it is a start. Walking every day, around your neighborhood, local school or park track, indoor shopping mall walk, can make a huge difference physically and mentally. The Point, get that body moving and to do something, to do what you can do, based on your stamina and physical ability. NOTE: You should always consult with your doctor first, especially if physical activity has been minimal or none, they can suggest where to start based on your physical state. ![]() I've provided a few thorns, a few areas, now it is your turn to evaluate your own Thorns, together lets start somewhere. Who needs New Year Resolutions, 10 steps to this or 12 steps for that, we just decide to Start Now. Tomorrow is a NEW DAY, A NEW BEGINNING, A NEW OPPORTUNITY, A NEW DAY TO START OVER, TO REVISE, the decisions we make today will determine our road ahead. There are STEPS to anything that we want to accomplish but TO KNOW is not enough, we have to become DOERS, we have to TAKE ACTION, and even the smallest of steps can bring relief. We need the PLAN so that we know that our efforts are moving in the right direction based on the destination we have in sight. It brings REWARD when we set our goal to achieve certain things and when we track our activity, it ENCOURAGES us to continue to travel forward.
January 2025