Who Are You Racing?!
Who Are You Racing?!
We share life's journey with many
But We will always be accountable to one Life's Journey is like a Great Book It Has a Beginning With Many Hearts who forget so easily By the choices that are made Has an End Who are You Racing?!
What a Beautiful Image
A View from the Top of a Mountain It reminds this Heart that "in reflection" we all have experienced moments Moments that are the same as the "Top" Of a Mountain View A Chapter A Season That offered a beautiful view Filled with Love and Laughter And We also have Gone Through Maybe even Crawled Through Valleys Weighted Challenging Places along our Journey Who Are You Racing?! We can exercise Gratitude Daily Never mastered, an exercise An Exercise that becomes a Reflex When we choose to exercise in it daily Who are you Racing?! If for nothing more than the Breath of Life we have An opportunity afforded in a New Day No matter the Chapter, no matter the Page, no matter the Moment or Season We Can choose to Love on Others We Can Live Aware of what really Heart Matters "No One Promised Us Tomorrow Will Look the Same as Today" And For This Heart and Many Others Our decisions are made with that Awareness Every Single Day We are accountable to the choices that we will make Who are you racing?! The choices that we make "Hopefully" From Our Own Heart From Our Own Decisions And "Are Not Made or Decided" From the Voices that Surround Us From Voices that have the intent to Control Our Way of Thinking To Speak Through Us For There Own Agenda Consider that Type of Power From others Who can't even see a glimpse of our heart or Have any clue of the road that we've Walked Through Who are You Racing?! On Top of the Mountain And Even in the lowest of the Valley We always have a choice We have a chapter We have a page offered to us each day A Page with a Pen that our Heart will Write By Every Word Spoken By Every Action We choose to Take We Always Have a Choice To decide to write the page We Always Have a Choice On what will be written on that Page Who are You Racing?! How does one write a page? It is written even by the drifters of Heart Who choose nothing, even that is written By every word By every action By every choice that is made or not It is written Who are You Racing?! Heart Reflecting on Conversations And Considering those Moments of Hearts who Seem to share from a Mountain Top View The Mountain View Hearts Sharing words with Authority That seem to represent "Having life all figured out" So Much So... Hearts that share direction That share answers Authorities that share 5 ways of How To and 10 ways To Do Sharing direction based on a moment Based on a page A Chapter A Season of sitting on "Top of the mountain" Who Are You Racing?! Do They Do You Have it all Figured Out?! Top of Mountain Dwellers Have They... Found a way to Possess a Life that Never Changes Which includes or allows being "An Authority" To share with other hearts Directing hearts They no nothing about Nothing about the Road Traveled Who are You Racing?! Considering... What is Life's Journey All About?! Not Sharing Answers Sharing A Perspective Taking a Pause To Share To Be Still and Reflect Who Are You Racing?! A Mountain Top Moment From a view that can never be Possessed Cannot be locked down But Yet so much energy into a Moment That will surely pass And For some Hearts who make Decisions AS IF The Mountain Top Will Always remain the same?!
Who Are You Racing?!
Thank You for Listening
Thank You for Being Here Thank You for Heart Sharing this Journey Hugs, Donyale
When the Road Changes...
When the Road Changes...
One of the greatest gifts along this heart's journey, is what was learned at a young age that life can change, that change can separate us from those we assumed would always be there traveling the journey with us, traveling this road ahead. Again a view from a young heart. As we continue on the road before us, we learn the value, at least for some, the value of those who surround our life, who are a blessing even in the the midst of the "messes, the mistakes, the things that can't be unspoken or can't be undone" It is so easy to sit back and critique the mistakes of others To decide what someone else should have done That part that amazes this heart is because in most cases, it includes those who can't see their part, who can't see that we all need room for forgiveness. That amazes me, those who seem to "think" they have it all figured out and sit in the seat of sharing there wisdom, there answers, they really believe that they are experts on living life's journey. That amazes me... These same hearts of great wisdom are the ones who when things changes have the most challenging times of "Why didn't I or the actions that should have happen, or could have, left now with the weeping tears of if only I had done" When "this day" offers that You Can Do But still chooses to sit in their "wisdom" In spite of... When the Road Changes... This amazes me To the Hearts Who Know and For the First Time Visitors This Heart doesn't share Answers The share comes from this heart's experiences, the environment, the road traveled to this day of sharing with your heart Take what can be an asset and just simply leave the rest behind If your hearts is led to Join in the work with this Heart With the Villagers who are working together Planting Gratitude This Heart is empowered by What I Can Do Not Trapped by what I can't change No One Promised Me that Tomorrow Will Look the Same as Today And That Dear Friend is Priceless to this Heart It allows You It allows Me It allows Us To Live in that It allows Us an Opportunity to Be Aware, to Be Alert To What Really Matters "every single day" An Exercise Never mastered But An An Exercise Until It becomes a Reflex It allows us to make the best decisions that we Can This Day Even Peaceful Silence Can be a Gift It is the Place, the Space that allows us to Take a Pause To Just Sit with What Really Matters Before We Speak Before We Respond Before we choose an option Before we make a decision Every Single Moment and Every Single Day It is Measuring the Cost Before Until Next Time Thank you Dear Heart for Connecting, for Being Here For Getting In where you Fit In Planting Gratitude with this Heart The Seeds are Sprouting...Can You See it?! When the Road Changes...
Thank you for "Heart Sharing" this Journey
Sharing is Caring Sharing is Loving Forward Sharing is Planting Seeds of Gratitude Hugs, Donyale Get In Where Your Heart Fits Planting Gratitude What are YOU waiting on?! This Month I celebrated a birthday and it was a great time with Family and Dear Friends A Birthday That allowed reflection and the opportunity To Celebrate With my own theme which Included the words The way that “This Heart Wanted To” Beautiful is that this heart, did just that, enjoying, doing, and celebrating what brings my heart joy. Thanking God for Life, life is a gift, and you know that I believe in exercising gratitude, again these priceless commodities that are shared from this heart “Not Mastered” but instead a choice A Daily Exercise. A choice that decides to, every single day, some days much easier than others to Exercise In But Again A discipline that decides to do so “Including in the midst of..." Those complicated, complex and challenging places and Seasons Always a Choice My joy, my fulfillment is found Located “beyond me and mine” I’m grateful to my Creator for an Opportunity to share with other hearts, It is a Precious Privilege to “Just Share” NOT ANSWERS A HEART PERSPECTIVE Allowing the “Heart” who Hears who Sees or who Reads To Decide What is an Asset for their Own Journey Hearts that know they are a part of this Village "Helping Build Bridges Across" My favorite reference is a Village Which for this Heart Means We are Never Walking Alone Together we are Planting Seeds of Gratitude With the Intent of "Making Gratitude Contagious" Daily devotion is time with God which includes reflection on the Day Before Us and With Intent For the Hopeful Road Ahead It Is a Discipline that allows this Heart to “Sit Still” Intentionally REFLECTING For this Heart… that includes just being “Grateful” For this Time Now For this Moment, For this Current Day What is Your Daily Reflection? What Really Matters to Your Heart? Dear Friend, When you KNOW YOUR WHY Your Journey Your Road Ahead Will look very different KNOWING Will Decide Every Word Spoken Every Action Taken It Will be Framed By... Measuring the Cost Before IT WILL INCLUDE "Awareness Of" ~ Moments that will become Priceless Memories ~ Not Maybe But Will What are YOU waiting on?! What does a New Day Mean to Your Heart? Hugs, Donyale Thank you for "Heart Sharing" this Journey
Sharing is Caring Sharing is Loving Forward Sharing is Planting Seeds of Gratitude Hugs, Donyale Get In Where Your Heart Fits Planting Gratitude
Every Heart Plants a Seeds
Every Single Day Every Heart Plants Seeds Hearts Plant Seeds By the Words Spoken By the Actions Taken Daily Every Seed that is Planted Has the Potential to Grow The Question Really Is... What Seeds is "YOUR HEART" Planting?! With Your Words By Your Actions ONLY YOUR HEART KNOWS That Truth Every Heart PLANTS SEEDS ~HS
Thank you for "Heart Sharing" this Journey
Sharing is Caring Sharing is Loving Forward Sharing is Planting Seeds of Gratitude Hugs, Donyale Get In Where Your Heart Fits Planting Gratitude
We Can Carry
We Can't Change Yesterday
BUT "We Can Carry" The Lessons Learned To Make the Best Decisions for "This Day" DECISIONS That will EFFECT Our Hopeful Road Ahead ~ HS
Thank You For Heart Sharing
This Journey Sharing is Caring Together "our common core" is Gratitude Thank You for the "Hearts" who Connects Here Thank You "new heart" for just "getting in where you fit in" Doing What Fulfills Your Heart Planting Seeds of Gratitude Hugs, Yvette "Donyale"
Share and Then Share Some More
Share the Memories
Share the Moments Share those Stories of Loved Ones no longer traveling with Us Share what really matters Share the photos that have a story Share the Wisdom Learned and Found on the Road behind Us Share the Loving Thoughts you are thinking Share the Concerns and Circumstances with "trusted" Heart
Thank you for Heart Traveling this Journey
Living Celebrating Moments Living Focused on What Really Matters ALL Hearts are welcome to Join In and For Those Hearts who don't Resonate Love Continues And Wish you the best as you depart Traveling "your journey" Forward Hugs, Donyale
Thank you for being Here
For Listening For Sharing Their is not enough words to express this Heart's Gratitude Sharing the Journey Infecting as Many Hearts as possible with Gratitude Thank you to the Hearts asking how they can do more... Simply "Get in where your Heart Fits" "Never Obligated" Sharing is Caring in the Way that Fulfills Your Heart Planting Seeds of Gratitude
Sing a Song
When your thoughts are racing And You're Feeling Stressed it helps to Sing a Song out loud or within Our thoughts can be all over the place But The Song allows an opportunity to Tune Out the Noise Bringing your thoughts back into Focus Deciding where 'you' want them to go Not sharing Easy "Choosing" not to Focus on Hard Exercising Gratitude Daily
Thank you for Heart Sharing the Journey
Hugs, Donyale
Thank you for being Here
For Listening For Sharing Their is not enough words to express this Heart's Gratitude Sharing the Journey Infecting as Many Hearts as possible with Gratitude Thank you to the Hearts asking how they can do more... Simply "Get in where your Heart Fits" "Never Obligated" Sharing is Caring in the Way that Fulfills Your Heart Planting Seeds of Gratitude |
January 2025