My name is Donyale, Welcome to Helping Build Bridges Across. You are welcomed here! I don't share Answers, I share a Perspective, words to Consider. Lets have a conversation. The video and blog have a different Flow, go wherever you're led to go or kick back and Enjoy Both. Thank you for traveling this Being Here. Thank you for Sharing. Thank you for Traveling this Unfamiliar Path with Me. Eagle Hugs, Donyale What is Your View? What is Your Why? Do You Know Your Intent? Life can grab you and drag you along. There are moments, seasons that are overwhelming, that you put in a place of questioning where you life is headed. It is as if you are on a raft drifting, not sure where you will end up. Allow me to share YOUR VIEW has everything to do with it. You have decide what you Choose to Focus On. You have to Decide what to let in your heart or not, "No One Said Easy Then Grateful Came Along and Said Possible" Confront what needs to be confronted, it is not completed in one day, but a step in any direction is a Step. Take One, than another. Take time today, to reflect on the questions that only you can answer. Choose to live Fulfilled Today, it is not found by what you have, or if things are going perfect, it is defined by what Resides Inside. What Resides Inside. What Resides Inside. The questions to reflect, journal and meditate on today is.... What is Your View? What is Your Why? Do You Know Your Intent? When you Know and Find That very things can Rattle You. You may get knocked down, but those answers will allow you to Stand Back UP and Continue Forward. Making Gratitude Contagious is always the Intent
The Words Shared are a different Flow than the Video, please engage where you feel Led to or Embrace Both, like a Buffet Table, take what can be an asset to you. I don’t share Answers, I share a Perspective, Words to consider along your way. Welcome to Helping Build Bridges Across Eagle Hugs, Donyale Living Beyond Excuses In considering the Journey most of us are running to get somewhere, everything we pursue, work hard at, achieve is to get somewhere, which is a good thing, in the scheme of things it’s what we do. The question, while running are we allowing space to enjoy the priceless ones around us, the beauty of what surrounds our life right now?! That’s important because if you’re in pursuit you may arrive at a destination but then what will you do?! Will the ones who are so important to you be there to celebrate your moment, there to share your View. Nurturing Balance along life’s journey is important, not easy, but words to consider. The Journey provides distractions to rob you, to rob me, to rob us of our view of all that we do have. So much conversation of what is missing or what is a loss, that we can easily lose sight of what is Priceless in our Hands right now. We can take present moments for Granted. You don’t have to decide or Trade one for the other, be in Pursuit but don’t lose sight of right now. Don’t allow the Thief named Distractions to rob you of your present view of Beautiful, to rob you of what is Priceless in your life right now. Consider, Distractions are delivered in many forms and Perception that is delivered often can easily become your truth. Live Beyond Excuses Allow me to add, Enjoying the Process, not sacrificing so much in the middle that cuts away at your values, at your core, at your belief. This is a whisper to those of you who are builders, focused to get over hurdles, to get pass challenges, or to achieve new levels, new heights in life and Yes, I get it... it does require work, we know that “No One Said Easy” but with that, our awareness has to be at a higher level, recognizing how to balance what is important in our pursuits. Not just a blueprint that can be easily ripped but awareness, the true value of Life’s Journey, in the moments. Live Beyond Excuses What is our Center, our belief, what are we willing to die on? My belief is that we didn’t just show up here if we have life, we have purpose consider there will never be another you, we have the opportunity to share who we are, to be of help to others along the way. We have life and like a Book, which has a Beginning, a Middle and an End. We should know what we are willing to sacrifice our lives for, what we are willing to give our precious commodity called time to. The Answer to this question always determines our words and our actions, what is our Truth. From there What is our Why? What is our Intent? When we get knocked down, live long enough and moments will visit, what will allow us to Get Back Up and What will allow us to Walk Through...Why do we or are doing what we do?! What are we building in our lives? Social Media allows us to set a great stage, to give an awesome Performance “every time”. We should know that our lives are more than A Post, A Video, More than a great post of a Family Vacation, or a new purchase or new Job, all of which should be celebrated, but what is going on Before the photo, what will we return to, only we know our truth. We should know what are we building our lives to, building towards, again not losing our view of present moments afforded to me and to you. Live Beyond Excuses Friend, there is a Story behind the smile of everyone. Social Media has allowed us to share our lives and that is a beautiful thing but this is shared to You, the Observer who assumes that what you see is the whole story and I promise you it is not. There is always more, so the point is don’t allow moments of those you really don’t know, you’re not in their home, you’re not where they work or have no idea of what they are currently walking through. Don’t watch the view of someone else so long that you can no longer see the beauty inside of you and all that surrounds you. You are not like..? You are an original. We want to meet and know you. Celebrate others but don’t lose sight of what you have to offer. Every gift is not required to be on a stage or have a platform, find your fulfillment, your joy, your place, operate in that zone. It is not measured by what you have, who you know, it is measured by the Peace you have within, it is about writing Great Pages in your Book called Life’s Journey. "Making Gratitude Contagious" is always the Intent
January 2025