You Are Never Walking Alone...
Sharing a moment, with the words lodged in my Heart, for "your" Heart to Know...
Sharing from a Heart who experienced "In An Instant"
BUT, please know... It doesn't matter, what change looks like, a sickness, an instant, an overwhelming challenge. It remains the same... From This Heart to Yours "You Are Never Walking Alone"
Sharing Resources:
~Please add to your contacts~ Recommended / Trusted Local Church, access to "Pastoral Staff" that can pray with you National Hopeline, available 24 hours - 7 days a week: 800-273-8255 TEXT... (the word) HOME to the number: 741741 Website that offers more information: Bicycle Health Opioid Use Disorder & Suicide From My Heart to the Heart who Receives This PLEASE KNOW... "You are Never Walking Alone" Hugs, Donyale
You can't outrun Yourself
For the Heart who is always running to the next page...
At Top Speed The Heart who never has an opportunity to write a page For, The day "your heart" is residing in "this day, this moment" For the Hearts who "at any cost" has a destination in sight From a Heart Share Who is not providing "answers" This share is "words" to consider for your journey Wherever you land.. Including "if" it's that place that you envision Please be mindful, You will celebrate and you should, if your hard work landed you there You deserve to enjoy "every moment" of it... The Share... Just Measure the cost along the process Wherever you land which really in the scheme of things will be a "visit" You will not "possess" that moment forever The Share... Life changes... Take Time to Intentionally enjoy the "moments" Always aware of the cost, always "measuring the cost" Of The Price you're willing to pay in "those moments" Of The Choices "you" will make, that you will choose along the way The choices are located in "words, time and actions" Measure the cost before... Please know "before...if that or this happens" Know the price "you're willing" to pay "especially" in those moments This should NEVER BE DECIDED by... Those who surround your life...This is and always should be "YOU" Before. . .Wherever. . .Whenever. . . As the hopeful road continues Wherever "you" Temporarily Reside Wherever... Your Heart Lands in every single moment..."YOU" will always be there That "really" Heart Matters NOT An Answer, a Share from a Heart who knows Firsthand That GRATITUDE always Robs Regret Love Matters...
You can't outrun Yourself
Hugs, Donyale
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Love Conversations filled with Images and Words from the Share of this Heart "Thank You" This Heart's Book that allows the Conversation to Continue "Live Heart Inspired" Yvette "Donyale
Thoughts can lead a heart to...
What a dance…Thoughts No matter who we are, where we are, or what we are hoping for, we all engage daily, in a dance with our thoughts Every single day, we walk out, our day with Thoughts This is why it is vital for “this heart” to exercise daily walking in my Faith, taking intentional time in devotion, being still, and being intentional. This foundation has allowed and allows “this heart” to be reminded, to learn more, and to rest more in my Faith. A daily exercise that allows this heart to have “oxygen” to start the day “intentional” hopeful and girded for the day before this heart.
Thoughts can lead a heart to...
Thoughts allow our hearts to “locate peace, to locate beautiful” within a new day, to “Rest” in being Grateful for just being able to Inhale, to Exhale, to appreciate those who surround our life this day in thought, and including moments shared from reaching out to. Thoughts knock on our hearts throughout our day… When Hearts prepare Intentionally to start and close out a day, it allows us to be aware and to know what thoughts to open the door to and what to intentionally ignore, disregard, and continue forward. This heart has shared and will continue to share… Not sharing easy and not focused on it being hard Not sharing answers, sharing a Heart Perspective from the road traveled until sharing in this “moment” with you A Heart Buffet… Take what can be an asset And Simply leave the rest behind If your heart does not resonate with this village It is okay to agree to disagree And This Heart sends “continued best” for the road before you..
Thoughts can lead a heart to...
Bring gifts of peaceful silence To be engaged in a space, in a conversation, in a room, and to be open to flow filling it with love, with laughter This heart recognizes Many words, phrases, and images can be repetitive and so easily overlooked and taken for granted. This heart instead “intentionally lives” knowing what precious moments mean. Every single moment, every conversation, text, email, letter, event, or gathering offers us all a MOMENT that WILL become a MEMORY Not Maybe… A Fact, A Truth This Heart instead chooses to live every single moment “very alert” to that and including those moments, places, where there are no words, there is nothing to add, and no reason to respond…whatever a moment offers, this heart will not intentionally be an added weight, will choose to be alert to the words being used and actions that are taken, to intentionally live with the awareness that in the scheme of things “what really matters” including and especially when the same courtesy is not offered back this way, to this heart.
Thoughts can lead a heart to...
To Consider To Exercise What Really Matters…Every Single Day This Heart recognizes this may never be mastered but the focus remains the same, is to “exercise, exercise, exercise” being Grateful for “what is” To Intentionally Love on those who surround my life this day, those I encounter, and even those I don’t know sharing “what I can” when I can, even a smile can be an asset to another heart. From my Heart to the Heart who is engaged in This Moment… Dear Friend Moments Matter From a Heart who knows I promise you the journey “will include Valleys, low, disappointing, very sad moments” and “Mountains, peaceful, joyful beyond measure moments” Both will leave our Hearts Tattoed and we want to reflect on what we added to those memories and not subtracted from those moments.
Thoughts can lead a heart to...
For the Heart who hears this and maybe wrestling with what was Get the Help that you need from a local church, a therapist that comes with recommendations but don’t allow another day to be stolen with what can’t be changed For those who have never considered the value of a New Day Now you have been made aware and it is “your choice” to Exercise Being Grateful “to add” to every day, moment afforded to your heart. To Live Intentionally as “an asset” and not “a liability” Always a choice. Life is continual…It will always change From a Heart that knows Firsthand Starting from a very young heart That Love really does matter And Exercising Gratitude will Rob Regret Not sharing what I think Sharing what this Heart has learned and Knows Firsthand Thank You God for this Moment Thank You for an Opportunity to just Share a Moment To Just Share this Heart’s Buffet Grateful for more than words know how to express With a hopeful heart that it is an asset to the heart that is listening
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Love Conversations filled with Images and Words from the Share of this Heart "Thank You" This Heart's Book: "Live Heart Inspired" Yvette "Donyale
As the Sun begins to Set...
Reflection... Reflecting on the Day afforded to this Heart "Time Matters" Each new day afforded reminds this heart of this priceless commodity and This Heart will continue to... Exercise Reflect Embrace Share Just how important this really is Many Hearts already know this and Some Hearts have now awaken to what these words really mean and Some will be visited to learn this lesson firsthand Reflection... Not sharing Easy and Not Focused on being Hard Reflection... A Heart Sharing what really matters...To This Heart A Heart who knows Why A Heart who recognizes what really matters A Heart who shares a "Heart Buffet"
Please Take from this "Heart Buffet" What Can be an asset to your heart and to your journey
To the Hearts who Already Know
"Making Gratitude Contagious" is the Building Blocks in this Village A Heart Who Knows Firsthand "Gratitude Robs Regret"
Decisions...What Will our Heart Decide?!
We are and always will be presented with Decisions Consider, That our "Heart Decisions" can determine the next step, in where our road will lead, Not just in our lives, But "for some" will include the lives that surround us. This Heart is... Not providing answers or Providing questions for you to decide in this moment This Heart Share Is Choosing To Take a Pause To Take a Moment that allows "This Heart" and Offers An Invitation To "Your Heart" to Consider... Our Decisions Why... Allowing a moment, a pause to Decide What Really Matters Can Cost Us Can Determine The next steps along our Journey Decisions...What Will our Heart Decide?! Sharing to Consider... Measuring the Cost of every Decision that "our heart will decide" By Allowing a Pause Allowing a Moment To Measure the Cost of those "little or big" decisions that our Heart will Make Measuring the Cost of what they can potentially mean along this Journey Again... Decisions...What Will our Heart Decide?! In the small things In the large things Whatever it is... A Decision will be the next step Will determine where the road will lead This Heart does not Share Answers Instead Shares a Heart Perspective From the Road Traveled An Invitation For Your Heart to Decide With This Heart What Really Matters... What Really Matters in every Decision that is and will be Made
Donyale Choosing to "Live Heart Inspired" Exercising Gratitude Daily Not Mastered A Daily Exercise
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Love Conversations filled with Images and Words from the Share of this Heart "Thank You" This Heart's Book: "Live Heart Inspired" Yvette "Donyale Out of the Heart Flows... What a difference a day can make. This Heart, was recently reminded on how vital it is to "Guard our Heart" it really matters. What does it mean to Guard our Heart?! This Heart doesn't share answers, it shares a Perspective. This Heart Buffet, puts words on the table, and your heart can decide what to receive, what to consider. . . Out of the Heart Flows... We often speak out of the abundance of our heart. The abundance that flows out, comes from what is within. What is within comes from what we allow, by the things that we watch, the things that we listen to, that we read. Those are the places that are allowed within the Gate of our Heart. Out of the Heart Flows... This past week and really a few times this past year, that has been some major stories associated with bad behavior, crossing personal space boundaries, court cases that grabbed my attention. In many ways, like you, I don't live in a box, and I'm connected to major stories that grab headlines, which is usually for this Heart, moments of engagement, of just viewing and moving on. For this Heart, it wasn't the Headlines, or the Court Case clips, the issue for me came when the "rabbit hole" opened up and the Algorithm brought more feeds from numerous places, to view. This Heart, accepted the invitation, opened the Heart's gate, continuing to watch and find new feed, most of this was negative feed, or negative commentary, venomous comments which included a lot of He Said, She Said. Old clips of stories past associated to those involved in these current stories. Just Toxic. In this viewing journey, that really began as more of entertainment, of observation of the messiness that other lives can so easily become entangled into, it subtly became more engaging, including the many conversations from various sources sharing perspective which was not always healthy. Out of the Heart Flows... This Heart, found that more toxic was flowing in, and less of what really matters was not being exercised. It showed in up in subtle ways by personal words, minor actions, irritations, negative comments, or minor debates, just not a peaceful Heart. The Heart Alarm, went off and I'm very grateful. It allowed me to become aware it was time to shut it all off, to return to my daily Heart Gratitude Exercise, my daily devotion of my Faith Exercising to Focus, to continue to build upon "Peace Within". This Heart wanted to share with "you" immediately, once I recognized "the subtlety" the 'minor distraction", the rabbit hole that runs as deep as you allow your Heart to Travel. To make you aware, in case your heart has become weighted, or easily irritated over the simplest things that really don't matter. We don't live in a box, but we can be "Heart Alert" to what we connect with, what we observe, view, listen to, how much of it. We can be aware of what is around us, but we need to be mindful of where that leads, and how much engagement is necessary, in any given area, and if at all. Out of the Heart Flows... Out of the Abundance of the Heart, the mouth speaks... What was flowing from my mouth, required a Heart Check, and regaining my Focus, Bracing, Taking Captive my Thoughts and Casting Down Wild Imaginations. Let's be mindful 'out the abundance of the Heart' the Mouth Speaks. The Abundance is what we are allowing to flow "within". It is the Subtleties, the small Distractions that can so easily Rob the Heart's Focus of What Really Matters. Out of the Heart Flows...
A New Day, a New Opportunity. . . to Live Heart Inspired.
Hugs, Donyale
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Love Conversations filled with Images and Words from the Share of this Heart My Book: "Live Heart Inspired" Yvette "Donyale
A Daily Exercise...
What is My Heart Focus?!
We have to choose our Mental Health Exercise. . .
"Daily" We Exercise choosing the Thoughts that we choose to allow to travel alongside with us... To Entertain To Adopt To Believe To Receive for this day, for this or any moment "gifted" to us
A Daily Exercise...
What is My Heart Focus?!
Gratitude is not a small thing
It is not a play on words, or some kind of Heart game "Many Hearts already live and know the Truth of these Words" Exercising Gratitude Is a Mental Awareness of "What Really Heart Matters" Gratitude will decide If we will live fully in this day "gifted" to us "We were never promised that Tomorrow will Look the Same as Today" Exercising Gratitude will. . .
Set us up for Heart Fulfillment
Moments that will be Become Priceless Memories or Set Us Up for Regret Better choices that we could have made by the "words or actions" That We Chose to Take or Not Always a Daily, Heart Moment's Choice
A Daily Exercise...
What is My Heart Focus?!
Our Heart Focus
Is Intentional We Exercise Gratitude "This Day" With the Intent The Plans To Do the Same "Tomorrow" It's not a small thing to decide daily What we will allow The Whispers, the Subtleties That Visit of Negative or Defeating Thoughts Not a Game Real Deal We have to be ALERT We have to be aware Of What is Allowed "Within" Words are not Magic If defeated, negative days visit MORE "than" Exercising Grateful Days And They are continuing to Multiply STOP right here and... Find the Help that Your Heart Needs That is more important than just reading words of Encouragement When this Heart Shares on this Topic I always remind to do whatever is needed to be Mentally Healthy To Not allow "another" moment /day to Rob You Go to your Local Church or Trusted recommendations for Therapists or If you don't where to start or ask There is a National Hotline 24 hours / 7 days a week Just Call Now, the Focus is that you're Mentally Healthy: 800-273-8255
A Daily Exercise...
What is My Heart Focus?!
Not sharing Answers
Sharing a Heart Perspective from the road this Heart has Traveled Not Sharing Easy and Not Focused on Being Hard Sharing from a Heart that Knows Firsthand that Gratitude Robs Regret
A Daily Exercise...
What is My Heart Focus?!
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Love Conversations filled with Images and Words from the Share of this Heart My Book: "Live Heart Inspired" Yvette "Donyale
Thank you for being Here
Thank you for Connecting Thank you for traveling this "Heart Journey" Hugs, Donyale |
January 2025