Decisions...What Will our Heart Decide?!
We are and always will be presented with Decisions Consider, That our "Heart Decisions" can determine the next step, in where our road will lead, Not just in our lives, But "for some" will include the lives that surround us. This Heart is... Not providing answers or Providing questions for you to decide in this moment This Heart Share Is Choosing To Take a Pause To Take a Moment that allows "This Heart" and Offers An Invitation To "Your Heart" to Consider... Our Decisions Why... Allowing a moment, a pause to Decide What Really Matters Can Cost Us Can Determine The next steps along our Journey Decisions...What Will our Heart Decide?! Sharing to Consider... Measuring the Cost of every Decision that "our heart will decide" By Allowing a Pause Allowing a Moment To Measure the Cost of those "little or big" decisions that our Heart will Make Measuring the Cost of what they can potentially mean along this Journey Again... Decisions...What Will our Heart Decide?! In the small things In the large things Whatever it is... A Decision will be the next step Will determine where the road will lead This Heart does not Share Answers Instead Shares a Heart Perspective From the Road Traveled An Invitation For Your Heart to Decide With This Heart What Really Matters... What Really Matters in every Decision that is and will be Made
Donyale Choosing to "Live Heart Inspired" Exercising Gratitude Daily Not Mastered A Daily Exercise
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Love Conversations filled with Images and Words from the Share of this Heart "Thank You" This Heart's Book: "Live Heart Inspired" Yvette "Donyale
January 2025