Audio: Song “Move” (Keep Walkin) by Toby Mac (Authorized: ITunes account): Words written and spoken by Donyale I Love the song and the lyrics; a small excerpt: Move, keep walkin’ soldier keep movin’ on And lift your head, it ain’t over yet, ain’t over yet This place, this space of writing, speaking, sharing is such freedom for me, it is the wild horse of my heart that runs, without limitations. It is my Sandbox, it is my buffet table that I prepare and invite others to visit with the freedom to take only what can be an asset and simply leave the rest behind. If nothing is appealing, that is okay too, everything presented is not for everyone and really I get that. This place, this space was Born as a website, with the intent to become a community, just a space to hang out and to share in and now in this season, it has grown into a place to gather, collaborate and disburse again having a mission, an intent in mind. Such a peaceful state, when my fingertips connect with my keyboard, typing, allowing what’s inside to flow out without concern, is immeasurable, indescribable joy. I write, I journal so many things, so many thoughts and have done so since my youth and while there are numerous writings, I would even say at times “rambles” because they are not always at a literary standard I’m sure and in many cases words that are not always locked into one topic, many times numerous points are shared. I’m sure there are probably grammatical mistakes or a noun where a verb should be but the beauty for me, is that I know, I know, I clearly know that it is my God given gift, which HE allows me To Be the Artist, allowing the flow along the Canvas of Life, spoken, written words to go wherever they are intended to go, which as the artist is not my concern and really not my business. It is the conduit of an open Heart that allow words to Flow through without the restriction of being validated or approved by what others think. In many ways, it the Whispers of God, the Holy Spirit, which is my Inhale and the Words, the Images flow out which is my Exhale and the Winds of God allows the Images, the words to Go where he wants them to go. Only God knows the Heart of men and only he knows the truth of what a heart battles with. Only He knows the plans from our beginning until our end. Only He Knows what lies behind the smile of many and what lies along the road ahead. Only God Knows. I love the words your vibe attracts your tribe. These words express beautifully, the bricks that Helping Build Bridges Across was created for, was built on. I invite you to visit the About Tab to learn more. Helping Build Bridges Across, a community of many diverse souls who share a common thread of “Gratitude” and from that center of operation, we live our individual lives, alert to where we can be of service with kind words or actions, some deeds known and many, many that are not known, which in my book is a personal favorite and truly priceless. The unknown treasured deeds and actions that don’t include a camera or words written about an event, just done because someone felt led to, wanted to, had the genuine heart to do. That for me is so beautiful and so intoxicating to my soul. Individual lives, like a woven blanket, beautiful to look at because it is comprised of many threads, patches of material and in relationship to community the blanket is comprised of many faces, of experiences, joys, laughter, sadness, tears, challenges and dark valleys, mountain tops and triumphs. We individually come together, I love the word “Eagle Call”, an Eagle Call for me, is a call to action for the Hearts who live in this space, we gather together, we communicate from the center of kindred hearts and we disburse back into our spaces with our Gratitude Plan of Action. Whatever is shared, rather with tears or smiles. it is centered, the core is Gratitude, the awakening is that it is not Just About You or About Me, it is about Making an Impact, Making a Difference, it is intended to be An Operation of Love continuously, showing up a little, a little, just a little, every day in deeds and actions and for some it requires, navigating the waters on a larger platform with deeds and action. To whom much is given, much is required. This tribe, this community is not for everyone, but please know it was designed with all in mind, all are always welcome here. You may even be an observer who watches, listens and leaves encouraged and for some even doing your part, without ever saying a word. You may be an Eagle and you take what’s needed, as you continue the Journey, your place of operation but aware that in your actions, you’re operating in Collaboration with other Eagles. Whoever you are, remember the Core. Helping Build Bridges Across is a Gathering Place, an Eagle Call, a perspective, a call to action, a place to encourage to share, to give from our generation into the next., to receive these things in some cases as reminders, as a wake up call and then again we Disburse into our corners of the world, community, neighborhood, the current space that we individually occupy. Mission: Making Gratitude Contagious has always been at the core. That phrase #MakingGratitudeContagious was defined in 2014, before then always there but not structured words or clarity of intent. Gratitude, Love, Peace and Joy BY CHOICE, was and is my personal space of fulfillment and wherever my feet traveled and continues to travel, it was and is expressed with Hugs, words of Love, Listening without Offering Solutions, just a place to Vent, without judgement. Whatever was and is spoken remained and continues to remain in that trusted space. AGAIN, ALWAYS A CHOICE. By Choice, something I say often, Choice it’s important because it recognizes that we are wrapped in emotions and thoughts and their are moments that make us angry, offended, annoyed, sad but it is a power word CHOICE because in that space you take the Reigns and you decide the Reaction, by what you say and or what you do in response to those emotions. Always a Choice, to hear Negative words and sometimes the bearer of negative actions that can you put you into a bad, negative space but Only You and I have the power to decide to remain there or to Decide not to receive it and to decide to dwell in that mud or to simply move forward. Always a Choice. A Place of Fulfillment. Knowing Who you are and then Giving Yourself Away: Encouragement is such a gift because the more I give, the more that Flows back to me, it is a blessing, it is addictive and intoxicating to my soul. When evil kicked down my door on September 7th, 2016 it SHARPLY SHIFTED MY life’s journey, it got in my face and asked me what is your Faith, what road are you traveling on?! What were you plans again? The Process, the pain, can be the greatest treasure because it allows you to See clearer, to consider more. It allows you to become aware of what is planted in your heart. It reminds you that time is a priceless commodity. A continued lesson along life’s journey, I’m not sure if you ever stop learning but the process Makes You Pause, Makes you stop dead in your tracks and the only desire, at least for me, is to know personally from my Creator, what now Lord, what now?! In this season, it is Not About Me, it is about everyone and anyone that can receive Flowers from my Ashes. That thought, that premise is exhilarating. That flow which flows out and then flows back to me filled with encouragement, is a gift to my heart. Intent: This community’s intent that encompasses so much, but in sharing now; Robbing the Thief named Regret is a HUGE TARGET. When you operate in Love you consider often your thoughts before you speak or before you decide what actions you choose to take. A Pause in a Moment, just take a pause to Consider. While Gratitude is the foundation, we, I recognize and clearly understand and experience that there are times where you don’t feel grateful, where your blindsided by external things that bring distractions, frustration, but even in those times, in that space of not having good things to say, you learn that silence can be a gift. Silence at times eliminates you returning to apologize for unkind words or actions. Silence allows clarity before making rash decisions. Operating in this way allows you to be aware and alert to triggers and to choose to respond out of calmness and always understanding you possess the option of silence. Less can always be More, Always. We all have plans for tomorrow, some measured, some intended, some drifting along the lines of we have to?! but let's remember to have Today, to be present in right now, the conversations, the actions and the words that we choose to use today. Gratitude
Making Gratitude Contagious Not Tomorrow, TODAY
February 2025