Where it Started and the Road between Now
May, 2023
This Journey which began "online"
April 2014 Continues
Like Most
It has included twists and turns
Reroutes and Detours
Along Life's Journey
If Inclined, "Scroll Down to near the bottom " to read the Intro from "2014"
It is interesting the Why, the Words, the Journey
All the road traveled in between
There is something special when life affords the opportunity
To Look Back
As a Woman of Faith
It has allowed connectors on many experiences
Still at it doing the work
Work that fulfills "This Heart"
With more things to come and offer on the "Village Buffet Table"
We Get One as We Know it Now
Intentionally Working to make this Precious One Count
"Moments Matter"
Dear Friend
Dear Villager
Thank You for being Engaged in the Process
For Sharing in the Journey
If you have found value
Be sure to share with others
Yvette "Donyale"
"Making Gratitude Contagious"
This Journey which began "online"
April 2014 Continues
Like Most
It has included twists and turns
Reroutes and Detours
Along Life's Journey
If Inclined, "Scroll Down to near the bottom " to read the Intro from "2014"
It is interesting the Why, the Words, the Journey
All the road traveled in between
There is something special when life affords the opportunity
To Look Back
As a Woman of Faith
It has allowed connectors on many experiences
Still at it doing the work
Work that fulfills "This Heart"
With more things to come and offer on the "Village Buffet Table"
We Get One as We Know it Now
Intentionally Working to make this Precious One Count
"Moments Matter"
Dear Friend
Dear Villager
Thank You for being Engaged in the Process
For Sharing in the Journey
If you have found value
Be sure to share with others
Yvette "Donyale"
"Making Gratitude Contagious"
April, 2022
Considering the Winding Road. . .
Reflecting on where this road began online in 2014, and "My Why" at that time. Reflecting on the years between that point and present day. Life is so very precious, and my Intent is to make the most of every God Given Day afforded. What does that mean?! To not take moments "so easily" for granted and to be mindful of "what really matters", every single day. Thank you for stopping by, for connecting and "beyond words appreciation" for the many hearts who travel with me present day including some from day one...since 2014. "Making Gratitude Contagious" was, is and always will be the Intent. Hugs, Donyale A Heart that Knows, "Gratitude Robs Regret" The Heart Focus, the exercise is to start each day, with "what really heart matters" |
March, 2021
This journey began online in April 2014, below, is the "about" where it started, including a 2019 update.
Updating, and the word really fits, this community was created with an open door, joining in together planting seeds of gratitude and including choosing our Focus that allows us to build, to be encouraged and to continue forward infecting as many hearts as we can with Gratitude, with Kindness. Planting Seeds of Gratitude, knowing whatever seeds we plant always has the opportunity to grow.
Who is Yvette "Donyale", Donyale is my middle name and like any name it should be put to use.
Who is Donyale?
A Heart like you traveling this journey with memories of the road traveled and hopeful for the road ahead. A heart who knows the "priceless" treasure of knowing moments become memories.
My Heart Title, is an Artist, releasing whatever is lodged within, wherever it lands, wherever it travels
is God's business.
Updating, and the word really fits, this community was created with an open door, joining in together planting seeds of gratitude and including choosing our Focus that allows us to build, to be encouraged and to continue forward infecting as many hearts as we can with Gratitude, with Kindness. Planting Seeds of Gratitude, knowing whatever seeds we plant always has the opportunity to grow.
Who is Yvette "Donyale", Donyale is my middle name and like any name it should be put to use.
Who is Donyale?
A Heart like you traveling this journey with memories of the road traveled and hopeful for the road ahead. A heart who knows the "priceless" treasure of knowing moments become memories.
My Heart Title, is an Artist, releasing whatever is lodged within, wherever it lands, wherever it travels
is God's business.
An Artist, can be defined in numerous ways, some see broken pieces around them, someone else can see what can be created out of those same pieces ~HS
Where is our Focus? it matters, it determines our view, and the actions we will take or "not"
Making Gratitude Contagious was, is always will be the intent |
April, 2019

This snapchat image for me represents faces with many emotions.
Same face but the colors, the photos collaged together provide a story.
When my heart, my home was altered in an instant. I had a choice of what to do with it? My choice...Paying back what kicked down my door, by encouraging the lives of others who for a fact, wear scars that we can't see...scars, tattoos of the heart, the stories behind a smile that we will never know, understandably. Pain located even behind Anger that words can't express, so instead it is very often acted out.
My healing ointment has been located, when I encourage others because it always multiplies and returns to encourage me.
My favorite kind of place . . . The joy of finding Fulfillment
A place we share that represents a Win-Win for all those
who share and travel along this journey together.
My intent #MakingGratitudeContagious by Words, by Images, by Wearing it, Sharing it, Surrounding my life with it. To Encourage, to Inspire, which Encourages me. When the final page of my book is written, to have an ending, a final sentence that includes "I lived full, I lived fulfilled, I lived having "No Regrets" that in my book is a Beautiful Thing. This has always been my joy, my fulfillment, as you will read below, this began as my Online Sandbox in April 2014.
Evil kicked down my door on September 7th, 2016 (story found under "Living In My Truth"). Once I regained my balance, regained my Perspective, catching my breath, it was time to continue forward.
**I will share, my heart has been tattooed forever, a season that will forever live with me** I believe that there is, Always a Choice, Always a Choice and I decided instead of just drawing back in life, going into a dark room, becoming a drifter,
just existing or living bitter and angry.
I decided to Intensify and Share My Intent on a New Level, to share my Perspective
~ N o t T o m o r r o w T o d a y ~
My Why started and continues with my two sons and it now extends and includes anyone who can't find a way out, an option out of Grieving. It includes for those walking with Pain to "just know" you are not alone. Full Transparency, I don't share answers, I share a perspective from my experiences. I'm not trying or claiming to be an expert, I don't have 5 ways to this or 10 steps to that, but I have a hidden treasure within, a Peace beyond even my understanding, that I want to share with you, to share with others. My healing ointment, my heart's joy, is to see someone else Encouraged, Inspired and to realize, they are Not Alone along life's journey. Beautiful is knowing that It's not just about Me, it's not just about what happens to us in life,
it's what we choose to do with it that matters and that in my book is very empowering.
Eagle Hugs,
Thank you for Traveling this Unfamiliar Path with Me
Same face but the colors, the photos collaged together provide a story.
When my heart, my home was altered in an instant. I had a choice of what to do with it? My choice...Paying back what kicked down my door, by encouraging the lives of others who for a fact, wear scars that we can't see...scars, tattoos of the heart, the stories behind a smile that we will never know, understandably. Pain located even behind Anger that words can't express, so instead it is very often acted out.
My healing ointment has been located, when I encourage others because it always multiplies and returns to encourage me.
My favorite kind of place . . . The joy of finding Fulfillment
A place we share that represents a Win-Win for all those
who share and travel along this journey together.
My intent #MakingGratitudeContagious by Words, by Images, by Wearing it, Sharing it, Surrounding my life with it. To Encourage, to Inspire, which Encourages me. When the final page of my book is written, to have an ending, a final sentence that includes "I lived full, I lived fulfilled, I lived having "No Regrets" that in my book is a Beautiful Thing. This has always been my joy, my fulfillment, as you will read below, this began as my Online Sandbox in April 2014.
Evil kicked down my door on September 7th, 2016 (story found under "Living In My Truth"). Once I regained my balance, regained my Perspective, catching my breath, it was time to continue forward.
**I will share, my heart has been tattooed forever, a season that will forever live with me** I believe that there is, Always a Choice, Always a Choice and I decided instead of just drawing back in life, going into a dark room, becoming a drifter,
just existing or living bitter and angry.
I decided to Intensify and Share My Intent on a New Level, to share my Perspective
~ N o t T o m o r r o w T o d a y ~
My Why started and continues with my two sons and it now extends and includes anyone who can't find a way out, an option out of Grieving. It includes for those walking with Pain to "just know" you are not alone. Full Transparency, I don't share answers, I share a perspective from my experiences. I'm not trying or claiming to be an expert, I don't have 5 ways to this or 10 steps to that, but I have a hidden treasure within, a Peace beyond even my understanding, that I want to share with you, to share with others. My healing ointment, my heart's joy, is to see someone else Encouraged, Inspired and to realize, they are Not Alone along life's journey. Beautiful is knowing that It's not just about Me, it's not just about what happens to us in life,
it's what we choose to do with it that matters and that in my book is very empowering.
Eagle Hugs,
Thank you for Traveling this Unfamiliar Path with Me
April, 2014
My name is Yvette (middle name Donyale) as I typed this
I realized that I never had the opportunity
to use my middle name.
Why a middle name then?!
Note to self: Put my middle name to use. ANYWAY, I'm getting off topic of introducing myself.
My intent of creating H.B.B.A. (Helping Build Bridges Across) is building from our generation to the next.
THE INTENT, is to have an Online Marketplace Community of like-hearted folks, to have conversation, to provide a place to share experiences, resources, what we find or have found, while seeking and building on
Our Own Personal Passions and Interests.
A Place where we empower each other to continue in Pursuit of the Best Version of Ourselves. A Think Tank of Positive Energy is the FLOW, with the intention of Appreciating what we have "NOW" while including
Exercising Gratitude Daily
This is a Place, a Community the same as with living life daily, it will be in Continual Development,
sharing from Experiences, Interactions and Conversations with Everyday people.
SIMPLY, this is a "Buffet Table" take what can be an asset, a benefit to your journey and leave the rest behind.
Helping Build Bridges Across is a community created for Giving from Our Generation into the Next.
Sometimes, the steps and experiences along our Journey, opens the door for Purpose to Locate Us.
To know our Purpose, provides a place of Fulfillment for our soul, for our spirit, even in the midst of life's challenges.
Challenges, which I promise will pay us visit along the Journey.
Purpose, maybe another word locating "Our Why" allows us to "Press Through" those challenging times.
What is our Why?!
This community is for those
who want to walk, to operate, to live in and to travel together, "Embracing" the Day, the Moments, the Wonderful Things of life, Sharing the Mountain Experiences,
expressing the Blessing of what we each can be GRATEFUL for in the "RIGHT NOW".
Helping Build Bridges Across aka H.B.B.A.
A Community, a Tribe with the Vibe of people who understand, that No One Promised Us that our TOMORROW
will look the same as our TODAY. Our intent is to live Full and to Choose to make the most of "this day"
A Community;
Focused on what Really Matters in our Life,
Appreciating those who Surround our Life,
Even in our Pursuit for greater things ahead, we are Thankful for what we hold in our hands now
Thankful for "Right Now"
Sometimes, the steps and experiences along our Journey, opens the door for Purpose to Locate Us.
To know our Purpose, provides a place of Fulfillment for our soul, for our spirit, even in the midst of life's challenges.
Challenges, which I promise will pay us visit along the Journey.
Purpose, maybe another word locating "Our Why" allows us to "Press Through" those challenging times.
What is our Why?!
This community is for those
who want to walk, to operate, to live in and to travel together, "Embracing" the Day, the Moments, the Wonderful Things of life, Sharing the Mountain Experiences,
expressing the Blessing of what we each can be GRATEFUL for in the "RIGHT NOW".
Helping Build Bridges Across aka H.B.B.A.
A Community, a Tribe with the Vibe of people who understand, that No One Promised Us that our TOMORROW
will look the same as our TODAY. Our intent is to live Full and to Choose to make the most of "this day"
A Community;
Focused on what Really Matters in our Life,
Appreciating those who Surround our Life,
Even in our Pursuit for greater things ahead, we are Thankful for what we hold in our hands now
Thankful for "Right Now"
"Success is a Journey, it is Not a Destination.
The doing is often more important than the outcome"
~ Arthur Ashe
The doing is often more important than the outcome"
~ Arthur Ashe

This is a Personal Invitation for You to connect, to be Involved, to Share:
This community is a place to hangout and to share, a Call to Action
in joining the Movement of "Making Gratitude Contagious"
from the corner of the world in which you reside
This is a community with an open door, with a cozy couch or chair, for everyone to visit. This community is for those who are curious and just want to hang around to check things out
and for those who want to just observe and to visit on occasion
This community is for those who want to Contribute,
who want to share their experiences and share their voice
I will share, that I really don't know where this all might lead, but it is a part of my journey, it is my personal place of Fulfillment, my Sandbox, My Heart's Call, a place that has become very important for me to Pursue,
Pressing Forward, "taking a step of faith without seeing the whole staircase."
A place that I believe will leave my footprints and I pray will be a blessing to someone, somewhere.
Please know, I don't desire or claim to be an expert on the things that I share;
I simply share my perspective on what I experience, I share thoughts on what it all means to me. Think of me as a Friend, who has sent YOU a personal invitation to come along, to join in , to share, to contribute, to connect with this community, to connect with me in traveling this unknown, unfamiliar path together. Who knows the lessons we will learn, the priceless treasures that we might find together along the way, who knows the ripples in the water, that together we might create?!
Who knows where we might need to support each other as a village, making change, pressing through the valleys of life. Who knows. . . that dear friend is defined as "An Adventure".
I believe that is what makes Life's Journey priceless, traveling and sharing the road together.
Sharing what can Inspire, Empower and Encourage Each Other
This community is a place to hangout and to share, a Call to Action
in joining the Movement of "Making Gratitude Contagious"
from the corner of the world in which you reside
This is a community with an open door, with a cozy couch or chair, for everyone to visit. This community is for those who are curious and just want to hang around to check things out
and for those who want to just observe and to visit on occasion
This community is for those who want to Contribute,
who want to share their experiences and share their voice
I will share, that I really don't know where this all might lead, but it is a part of my journey, it is my personal place of Fulfillment, my Sandbox, My Heart's Call, a place that has become very important for me to Pursue,
Pressing Forward, "taking a step of faith without seeing the whole staircase."
A place that I believe will leave my footprints and I pray will be a blessing to someone, somewhere.
Please know, I don't desire or claim to be an expert on the things that I share;
I simply share my perspective on what I experience, I share thoughts on what it all means to me. Think of me as a Friend, who has sent YOU a personal invitation to come along, to join in , to share, to contribute, to connect with this community, to connect with me in traveling this unknown, unfamiliar path together. Who knows the lessons we will learn, the priceless treasures that we might find together along the way, who knows the ripples in the water, that together we might create?!
Who knows where we might need to support each other as a village, making change, pressing through the valleys of life. Who knows. . . that dear friend is defined as "An Adventure".
I believe that is what makes Life's Journey priceless, traveling and sharing the road together.
Sharing what can Inspire, Empower and Encourage Each Other
This community started in my heart, which started with a pursuit of finding a place like this to connect with.
When it could not be located, it was a call to my heart to Create It.
This endeavor, this journey, this personal pursuit, is dedicated to those who recognize that
Life is Short and it should be lived in a way,
that "Makes a Difference" no matter "the ripple" if it's in a small or a large way,
Making a difference in the Lives of others that we encounter is the seeds that can continue to grow.
The Value of Living this Life in my opinion is that we can Leave Footprints behind that live forever.
Living A Life that says "I Was Here"
This community is for those who share a like journey, a shared desire to operate in fulfilling God's purpose for their own life, pursuing a life that encourages others, living a life that creates great moments, not waiting on them to happen.
A Life in Pursuit of Being the Best Version of ourselves that we can be.
Welcome to this Community
Welcome to the EAGLE Tribe called "H.B.B.A"
A Community of people Helping to Build Bridges Across from Our Generation into the Next!
The Movement
The Intent is
When it could not be located, it was a call to my heart to Create It.
This endeavor, this journey, this personal pursuit, is dedicated to those who recognize that
Life is Short and it should be lived in a way,
that "Makes a Difference" no matter "the ripple" if it's in a small or a large way,
Making a difference in the Lives of others that we encounter is the seeds that can continue to grow.
The Value of Living this Life in my opinion is that we can Leave Footprints behind that live forever.
Living A Life that says "I Was Here"
This community is for those who share a like journey, a shared desire to operate in fulfilling God's purpose for their own life, pursuing a life that encourages others, living a life that creates great moments, not waiting on them to happen.
A Life in Pursuit of Being the Best Version of ourselves that we can be.
Welcome to this Community
Welcome to the EAGLE Tribe called "H.B.B.A"
A Community of people Helping to Build Bridges Across from Our Generation into the Next!
The Movement
The Intent is

"Donyale" aka "Yvette"
MY SHARE and a Personal Favorite (Article): The "Attributes of an Eagle"
"Donyale" aka "Yvette"
MY SHARE and a Personal Favorite (Article): The "Attributes of an Eagle"