When This. . .Than That
Often, I consider the image of a hourglass, sand slowing drifting from the top into the bottom glass. In reflection, like time, no matter what you or I decide to do with it, the sand continues to drift, time continues "no matter" how we choose to use it. With that, for me it puts in perspective what really makes sense on a daily basis, which includes for me, to decide to grab the reigns that matter to my heart, to be "grateful" for all areas afforded within a new day. If that thought could continue to dance with us, it would allow us to "be aware" on how we decide to spend our time. It would allow us to walk with that knowing of "no one promised us, that tomorrow will look the same as today". Those thoughts allow us to live with a "Pause" before we speak. A pause that allows us to consider the intent behind our response or the words that we choose to speak. A pause allows the decision in some situations, of "peaceful silence" without ever speaking a word. We would let go of hours spent on "what others" should do or should not do, and we would live more in starting our focus on our daily journey, we would allow our lives to represent living in "not taking one day" for granted. We would not allow the voices of others to set the bar, of what our heart whispers is possible, and if nothing more than just "trying" that alone would allow gratification. Not One Day for granted. . . Not one day wasted on trying to wait on every block to be in the perfect spot, having a blueprint drawn that truthfully when you've walked enough miles, you recognize, how much control you or I truly have. Living daily with an intent of what really matters in our life, and what is priceless. When This. . .Than That Words to consider, not sharing answers, sharing a perspective. Making a choice to take my experiences of personal pain and doing something with it. Not allowing it to defined me but instead to be in service to others, recognizing what I'm able to share. #WhenYouKnowYourWhy #PlantingSeedsofGratitude #HelpingBuildBridgesAcross #FromaHearthatKnows #GratitudeRobsRegret
Who is your Pack?!
Who our lives are surrounded by matters. Your Pack, references your inner circle, those who have traveled along the journey with you unconditionally. It is not attached to personal interests, or personal pursuits, or contacts, or connections. Your Pack is those who are with you when life gets ugly, when you have pages that take your breath away and some pages that you knock you down to the mat. Your Pack are those who celebrate with you, not envious of your "mountain" moments, but truly are rooting for you, and they are there with you, hoping along with you, to go as high as you strive to climb. Your Pack. . .Who is Your Pack?! That matters, because those whom are closest to us speak into our lives, they share words that can be empowering, they share words that can also irritate, can frustrate you, all while being wrapped in love. But through it all, you know the Intent, You Know they are giving from the Heart and they are prepared to go the distance. Your pack "has shown" when it was not great moments, they were there. A brief pause to share, I pray we add the same value to our pack, to those who are precious to us, it should be a dance along life's journey. It should reflect the love and show support "both ways". Packs consist of Family, and Dear Friends and together pursue the distance and love on each other along the way. The Pack shares in tears, in fearful moments, the challenges of each other and celebrating the Moments of Life's Journey. A blessing for some, to have a Pack that prays for each other and recognizes that our Life's Journey is so much more than a mirror, not predicated only on ourselves. Choosing to not live intentionally selfish. Who is Your Pack?! It may be you don't have those, or even a few, and if not, than find the villages, the places and spaces that send out love and have an unconditional open door. The same as this village, Helping Build Bridges Across, has an open door. The intent is to travel together, sharing, living experiences that can be an asset, that can be a reminder of why Making Gratitude Contagious is Priceless. Your Pack can consist of a Few, in my case, it consists of Family, Dear Friends and Including this village of HBBA, and I don't take that for priceless, treasure for granted. We are not limited to the many Packs we have, together, we remind each other "What Really Matters", and what is most precious in our lives "right now" Hugs, Donyale For those who want more, be sure to connect to our Newsletter, it allows more ways to be connected and together sharing in exercising peace within and planting seeds of gratitude. and Sample Platter, in case you are not aware of the buffet table, this allows you to experience a sampling of the work this heart is blessed to do. #Fulfillment Until next time. . .Continued Best |
February 2025