When This. . .Than That
Often, I consider the image of a hourglass, sand slowing drifting from the top into the bottom glass. In reflection, like time, no matter what you or I decide to do with it, the sand continues to drift, time continues "no matter" how we choose to use it. With that, for me it puts in perspective what really makes sense on a daily basis, which includes for me, to decide to grab the reigns that matter to my heart, to be "grateful" for all areas afforded within a new day. If that thought could continue to dance with us, it would allow us to "be aware" on how we decide to spend our time. It would allow us to walk with that knowing of "no one promised us, that tomorrow will look the same as today". Those thoughts allow us to live with a "Pause" before we speak. A pause that allows us to consider the intent behind our response or the words that we choose to speak. A pause allows the decision in some situations, of "peaceful silence" without ever speaking a word. We would let go of hours spent on "what others" should do or should not do, and we would live more in starting our focus on our daily journey, we would allow our lives to represent living in "not taking one day" for granted. We would not allow the voices of others to set the bar, of what our heart whispers is possible, and if nothing more than just "trying" that alone would allow gratification. Not One Day for granted. . . Not one day wasted on trying to wait on every block to be in the perfect spot, having a blueprint drawn that truthfully when you've walked enough miles, you recognize, how much control you or I truly have. Living daily with an intent of what really matters in our life, and what is priceless. When This. . .Than That Words to consider, not sharing answers, sharing a perspective. Making a choice to take my experiences of personal pain and doing something with it. Not allowing it to defined me but instead to be in service to others, recognizing what I'm able to share. #WhenYouKnowYourWhy #PlantingSeedsofGratitude #HelpingBuildBridgesAcross #FromaHearthatKnows #GratitudeRobsRegret
February 2025