It is not just about how "we" feel?!
Any project that begins
Any commitment Any intent Any determination to make a change Starts off much easier, the first step, it is the beginning The Start Begins with a Focus For some with "a detailed plan" For some with the determination to just take the next step
It is not just about how "we" feel?!
It is not just about how "we" feel?!
We begin with a Focus
A Starting Point We move forward We have the "Hopeful Route" for the road ahead The Challenge Is the Dips in the Road The Unexpected Detours The Re-Routes The Unfamiliar Roads The Many Voices, Who Seem to Speak Often and really never seem to Know "Our Why or Our Heart" The Many Voices, who have Familiar Faces but Appear to Speak a Different Language Those are the moments, the places that confronts the journey The moments that will present us with an opportunity to Re-Focus To Rise above those Pressure Points Pressure Points that do "exist" and will visit our Focus, our Journey The Work, the Exercise is to "Rise Above" the moments To Rise Above is the work To Rise Above is the Exercise "in the moments"
It is not just about how "we" feel?!
If it was Easy Then Everyone Would Do It Right?!
No One Said Easy
To Continue Forward It will Require Focus It will Require Taking a Pause Recognizing and Determining Who Can and Who We Will Allow to Travel "closely" alongside the Road Ahead
It is not just about how "we" feel?!
Not Sharing Answers
Sharing a Perspective If you enjoy this Feed You will love my Inspirational Journal Available Soft Cover or E-book Book: Live Heart Inspired Purchase a copy For Yourself For a Friend Created from my heart, for you to write all over the pages Your observations, the reflections from your Heart To Have Love Conversations with those that share your Vibe Hugs, Donyale
What IF?!
Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . When we Function in the Flow of These Two Words We are always "running ahead" We are always "miles ahead" Playing out what Tomorrow Is and Could Be So Much That Today has "been robbed" What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . We have to Grab Hold We have to Embrace What we have right now, "This Day" What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . These Two words are shared to "hopefully" Shake Us Awake To Become Alert, to Become Focused on What Really Matters What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . Tomorrow is "Unknown" No Matter What is "Known Today" What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . For Those of You Who Have Traveled Numerous Miles with Me You already know. . . We no longer Focus On Easy We Focus on Exercising "This Day" on What Really Matters We Know Tomorrow will Take Care of Itself What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . We are Exercising "Gratitude" We are Looking Around our Lives "This Day" and Taking a Moment to Reflect Taking a Moment to Consider Taking a Moment to Being Grateful For What We Possess Today What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . You May Be Saying "Donyale, you don't know about what is happening in my life right now, How can I possibly be Grateful?! What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . My Heart Says. . . Friend, if you can't "in the moment" find anything "hopeful" in this day Consider, You are breathing in and out through "your own lungs" And Someone, Somewhere no longer has that option What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . . Not Sharing Easy Not Sharing Answers Sharing a Perspective along "this heart's journey" Take what can be "an asset" for your journey What IF?! Just Two Words that can so easily Rob Us. . .
If this Feed has been or is a joy to your Heart
Share in the work of Planting Seeds of Gratitude with Me My Book: Live Heart Inspired It is an Inspirational Journey that travels with you and Please Share with the Heart of Others that come to your mind right now Hugs, Donyale |
February 2025