Words Spoken by Donyale |
Mug with a Message | Is the Grass Greener? This was inspired by a number of conversations and it included an audience of different ages. This is shared as a perspective and not as an answer, my part is just conversation and in many ways, I'm just talking out loud, words for you to consider and to analyze and decide what matters and is best for you. Again a shared perspective. Is the Grass Greener? Along my journey, I’ve learned that Perception somehow becomes a reality and it is amazing what we, so many of us measure our lives by, what our fulfillment centers on and is measured by, on what seems to matter to us individually. The part that really got my attention is how much is spent on the Grass being Greener in someone else yard. How much of someone’s life is measured by a blueprint of someone they may not even really know and if they do is limited in the information they really have. Is the Grass Greener? Social Media what a great tool, I can tell you firsthand from someone who years ago, didn’t really get the Why of it, I have come to value it because it is a space to Share, to connect, to stay in touch with family and friends. It has allowed me to connect with my tribe, my village, my vibe with those who travel the road of Gratitude, who live with the premise of the value of a gift called time, called life, the priceless commodity of loved ones and dear friends, who live treasuring memories and who exercise in kindness. Who understand that when you don’t feel so friendly or kind, that less is more, those spaces are something that you personally work through and not deliver on to someone else’s doorstep. A tribe that really is contagious. . . . and so true at least for me that Your vibe really does attract your tribe. Is the Grass Greener? Like any and everything Social Media can provide a High and a Low and the Balance is to know your focus, to know your why and to be alert to what you allow into your heart, who you allow to speak into your life. What is the intent of the one speaking?! If not known, should it be valued, should it hold weight into what is important to you? To be aware of where you spend your time and who do you measure your life by, To be alert to that thing that can become a Distraction. Distractions are a Time Robber and when you spend “too much time” in someone else's yard, viewing someone else's life, you then give up more hours of what is precious to you. Time is a priceless commodity, you can’t get a return on what is spent. Is the Grass Greener? There are so many influences and Social Media creates such a Great Stage, a great Play with live characters who appear to have it all together, who have it all figured out. Consider who are these people before the photo or after the photo, what is the state of there lives every single day, what are they challenged with, what are they battling, what is really happening behind the photo. Is the Grass Greener? Now allow me to be clear, I as well as others share special moments in my life, my children’s life, because there are joyful moments and my intent, is to share that “moment” Keyword “MOMENT” This is being shared for the one, for the many who are Measuring there lives against a photo, photos or posts. This is for the one who is battling emotions that life is missing something. This is for the one who hurts and cries every time they see someone or others who they believe are living mountain top lives ‘all the time”, keyword “all the time”. For one who has traveled many miles and pray to travel many more, perception is not always reality and we should Celebrate each other, accomplishments, great moments, but we should not measure our lives by others, we really don’t know the full story. We should keep our focus on what is priceless to us. What brings our heart the greatest fulfillment that is a true success. In fact; 2 great quotes come to mind; Sucess could be measured by What brings Your Heart Fulfillment, What Allows Peace of Mind and provides Unmeasured Joy by ~ HS and Success is not a destination A quote to add that really fits by Arthur Ashe Is the Grass Greener? This message today is for those who I know behind your smile, behind your post you may be hurting, lonely, barely hanging on because they feeling cheated as if life has shortchanged or robbed you of something? Perception of others is not reality, don’t measure your life by measurements that are not real. As a woman of faith, Peace is a Priceless Commodity and allow me to share that the richest person is who Knows there Why? Who even in the midst of challenges can be grateful for having life and recognize that Every Day is not the Same Day and any Storm that is Will Not Last Forever. Do what you can do? Get help if you need it, don’t let anything rob you of living and Know Your Why. Is the Grass Greener? On the other side, I promise you it is not. You are always welcome here at Helping Build Bridges Across which started as building from my generation to the next and now includes any and everyone to know You are Not Alone, Travel the journey with us. Be inspired until you have your own wings to inspire someone else Is the Grass Greener? |
Thank you for traveling this unfamiliar path with me. We all have a Story behind a smile. Of course, I'm no different. I have many chapters of stories behind my smile. Life's journey is a road, while we make plans for the route that we want to travel, when you live long enough, you will learn that every road is not on the map, not on the blueprint for where you had plan to go. I've awaken to the chapter of living life in the fullness of who I am, embracing moments, being grateful for the gift called time. I've learned the value of celebrating others, speaking out loud the words lodged in my heart, sharing my fulfillment, sharing my perspective. My why starts with my sons and it extends to many outside of that, my work is Making Gratitude Contagious and allowing my sons to know that Flowers can grow out of ashes. Helping Build Bridges Across, sharing from our generation to the next. Operating intentionally as an Eagle, learning to masterfully fly along the journey. Please know my I'm not an expert, desiring to share answers, like you, life is a continual teacher, I'm just someone who wants to share the journey and to remind myself, to remind others that exercising Gratitude allows us to see, to hear Beautiful, to value those who surround our life and the things that surround us. Gratitude allows us to see all that we have Right Now. God Bless You. Eagle Hugs, Donyale |
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