![]() What Does Your Road Map Look Like? How About?. . . A Road Map for the Journey, Paving the path with Words that Empower, Traveling the Distance we have in Sight, Recognizing and Embracing the Moments while we Travel. Now that sounds like my kind of Road Trip! DILIGENT - Characterized by Steady, Earnest and Energetic Effort. AWAKE - to become aroused or active again. To become conscious or aware of something (awoke to the possibilities) PERSEVERANCE - Continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. The action or condition or an instance of persevering. VITALITY - A lively or energetic quality. Capacity to live and develop. Also, physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed. CONFIDENT - Having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something. Having Confidence. Full of Conviction. RESILIENT - Tending to recover from or adjust easily to Misfortune or Change. FOCUSED - A Main Purpose or Interest. A State of Condition permitting clear perception or understanding. TENACIOUS - Not easily stopped or pulled apart. Firm or Strong. Very Determined to do something. DETERMINATION - A quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult. The act of officially deciding something. ENGAGED - Involved in Activity. Being in Gear. ![]() PERSPECTIVE - The Capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. OPTIMISTIC - An Inclination to put the most Favorable Construction upon Actions and Events or to anticipate the best possible outcome. ALERT - Able to think clearly and to notice things. Quick to Perceive and Act. CONSISTENT - Possessing Firmness or Coherence. Marked by Harmony, Regularity, or Steady Continuity. Free from Variation or Contradiction. PEACEFUL - Untroubled by Conflict, Agitation or Commotion. Quiet and Tranquil. ![]() WHAT POWER WORDS WOULD YOU INCLUDE FOR THE JOURNEY THAT YOU ARE TRAVELING? ![]() "This is the Day that I Will Embrace, Blessed to Be In to Win It and To Encourage others Along the Way" - Y. Terry
February 2025