On September 7th, 2016, my Life Shifted, was forever altered. Evil knocked on my door and changed my life forever. My intent is to Share my Experience, my Story with the Intent that it can be a rope of hope for someone else who may share in a similar experience, to know they are Not Alone, they can Move Forward. There is life beyond a dark room. This was an Event that shattered my Heart, that delivered a Sucker Punch, but I believe It is Not What Happens along Life's Journey ~ IT IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO DO WITH IT THAT MATTERS. I now know what to do. . .I know how to Punch Back! I need your help, this is an Eagle Call.
The Ask: Shares Share this Website Share this Page (Like, Tweet, Share, Tag, Pin, Post, Talk About) Wherever Your Reach Travels, it is appreciated! ~ THANK YOU ~ My Intent in Punching Back is taking the Event that I Was Invited To and Making a Difference, Making an Impact, to put in the work of the Change I want to see. I choose to believe that Flowers can Grow from Ashes. My Husband then of 19 years, Todd Terry, was shot in the back, left to die in the street, by a 17 year old Predator, who shot him in the back with a Military Assault Rifle for sport based on his known history. This is the video of the Predator Being Sentenced in court. 17 years old and this was not even his first rodeo?! Even served time, in the Juvenile System for the same strategy of using Craigslist Ads and he continued his sport. 2 Days Before this Predator murdered my husband, there was another victim that got away but whom this Predator attempted to Murder. . 2 DAYS BEFORE my Husband. Consider, a child, a baby is not born a predator. The question then becomes, how does a child turn into a monster? Where, Why, How does this happen?! We see the Monster who is locked up but where are the eyes when this baby, this child was growing up and was traveling in the wrong direction? What signs were ignored and brushed off? This should start at home, right?! But when it does not, where is the System that is paid to rehabilitate, support, make sure the help is at an appropriate level?! Where?! Where is the Village who sees and chooses to ignore, assuming someone else will see and do something?! My focus has turned into this direction because this face, this predator is one of many who roam the street, he is a face of a village that while we don't live on the same street, it is a village of empty vessels, troubled, angry, empty vessels who somewhere, right now while you're reading this, are the product of a failing system and while easily ignored, especially when it doesn't directly effect your life, they still exists and will continue to show up somewhere, they will show up and devastate the lives of someone, somewhere which sadly includes the ripple effect of many. WE all have choices in life, this Predator, apparently Chose to Be Evil?! My Truth, My View, is that no matter our conditions, our experiences, we always Have a Choice. Predators have no color, no certain race, or environment. When you reach the peak of Murder, in my opinion, you have become a Zombie and no longer have regard for anyone. He is a face, just one of many Zombies lurking around, zombies who choose to live reckless without regard for others. I don't understand how Predators play a sport and never consider the prize, the reward for their actions?! The Only Prize being handed out from what I can see, is being Caged like an animal or a Permanent Trip to a Cemetery?! Who would Plan and Work Hard to Achieve this as a Reward?! Really it speaks Volumes, that maybe the Soul, the Heart is so empty that they do know the Prize and Simply Don't Care. MY INTENT is to Continue the Road before this Moment happened. Only now becoming more diligent in #MakingGratitudeContagious Your Help is Needed, I recognize I can't do this alone This is An EAGLE CALL. My intent is to reach out, as Far and as Wide as my Tent can stretch, Reaching out to those who might be barely hanging on emotionally, who are standing on the edge. That are residing in a dark place. I want them to know that like Eagles You Can Rise above the Storms of Life. You Can Rise Above the Evil that arrived to Devastate Your Life and the Life of Those Who Surround You, with the Intent to Disrupt and Destroy Generations. "You, I, We Are Not Alone" "Lean on someone who has been Tattooed for a Lifetime, by a Moment that arrived to Destroy and Devastate Follow the Path Paved out of the Darkness. God Does Shine Light and He Does Know the Way Out Follow those on the Paved Path Found Until You Can Show, Until You Can Share with Someone Else There is a Way Out" ~ HS Recommendation Needed:
Looking for Organizations that you know are on the Front Lines, doing the Work. Dedicated working with Troubled, Abused and Abandoned Youth It's time to Spotlight them in our Communities and Find Ways to Support the Work. To join in find the roots of the violence and help in pulling the weeds. ~ Eagle Thanks! |