My Life was forever altered, my home, my family. My husband of almost 20 years was shot in the back with an assault rifle, left to die in the street.
This is My Story, this was recorded a year after the storm that came to destroy our lives, to destroy generations. This was Recorded Sharing Freely, not a script, or words written down, a flow of the heart, and there are two parts. For me, this is taking what disrupted my life and "choosing" to make a difference in the lives of others...that is "fulfillment" for the remainder of my journey. Note: I considered recording a short version but it is better shared just how it was felt a year after and my heart a this time just doesn't want to share those words. ~ Thank you for traveling this unfamiliar path with me ~ "No One Said Easy"
The Story...What Happened?!
The Day my Husband Died Part One
The Story...What Happened?!
The Day my Husband Died Part Two
The Predator who shot my husband has been sentenced, the link of the sentencing
is shared below, on a prior post on this page. My sons and I, our lives forever changed. That day changed numerous lives extended beyond our Home a ripple effect in the lives of many. For me, "Victim is not my name, my punch back was and is "Making Pain Pay Dividends" I can't control the winds...but I can adjust the sails. My Sons will know that flowers can grow out of ashes.
In an instant...Life is forever altered, a chair is now missing at the table.
"Victim" is not my name and after praying through, walking through, the only question is how to Make Pain Pay Dividends. How to make flowers grow out of ashes?! This is not just about me, this is about flowers out of ashes for my sons, for Todd's boys. This is about those who "right now" are in a dark room and or are sharing a similar experience that is a sucker punch to the heart. That a moment, in an instant "life changed" forever altered. Grieving Process after death, of a spouse, a child, any loved one is very real and post-travel of that is a continual journey. A journey that I would never tell anyone how to live or how to grieve. My healing ointment by the Grace of God, is the work, is my eagle call, it is finding out that Encouraging multiplies, returns and encourages me.
"No One Said Easy" and I live that, the question I asked myself is now that I know,
what can I do with that?!
#MakingGratitudeContagious is always the intent
Why is the focus...Gratitude?
In An Instant...I know firsthand "a moment" that changes your life forever. Gratitude allowed me to Rob the Thief Name "Regrets" Gratitude is not a small word and that is my focus, my work and my fulfillment When my Life, my Home, was forever altered, blueprints and plans torn up "In An Instant" this "exercise" was a gift that returned to me, gave back into my showed me the value of exercising life in this way, the priceless treasure that was attached to that. It showed me the Harvest of the many years of planting these seeds. Exercising Gratitude, never mastered, an exercise. The Seeds "we" plant in the lives of others "will always grow" The Only real question...What are you planting?! Did You Know that Your Life Can Change "In An Instant"? "No One Said Easy" and now that you know that...what does it mean to you and to the lives that surround you?! Don't be fooled by "forever" things do and things will change. It's called Life's Journey. In An Instant |