![]() Worried?! Such a loaded word. . .
Allow me to say, I don't share answers, I share a perspective that comes from my experience, my environment and beliefs. **Please Take, what can be an asset to your journey** We don't have to share the same view, have the same experiences, but we can respect each other enough, to listen, and to determine if there is something that can be an asset to our lives and continued journey.
The work is in the exercise, when I consider exercise, whatever area is before me; Spiritually, Mentally, and or Physically, it is the work, it is the Focus that determines "My View". I know firsthand that in "consistency" lies the power, the discipline includes "rising above" the moments of hesitation, and or procrastination. Not easy, again not easy, a discipline. To Know that, to Share that is great, but to do what is necessary, is "always a choice" Most of us know, those things we need to do, and we have "great" intention but like clockwork for some, the thoughts come with a list of distractions, and before you know it, that weekly, daily routine planned, becomes a "To Do". As a woman of Faith, my peace has been located in the "surrender", in casting my worries on God. The question I often consider, reflect on, how can I Trust God in One Area and Struggle with doubt in others?! The surrender allows the "decision" that If I'm willing to Die on my Faith, that should include Living on it. God has been and is faithful, and for me, He is a Big God, and why should I wrestle with weights that are to heavy to carry, so I intentionally "exercise" handing them over to Him. I exercise in casting those cares, an exercise, a work. My perspective, He is God and He can see over the Mountain, He knows the Road Ahead and He Knows my End from the beginning, so why should I rob myself of this precious gift called a New Day?! My exercise "now" includes giving those worries to Him. When, not if, but when worry knocks, when stress whispers, when fear provides thoughts of all the things that can go wrong or challenge my hope, my joy, and peace. When "what If this or what if that", comes banging on my door (my thoughts). I "exercise" taking a pause, getting still "choosing" not to wrestle with things that are so much bigger than me. I will do what I can and "choose" to leave the rest to God. I have a great exercise that really is a peace gift, no matter your beliefs or philosophy, when "thoughts" wake you in the night, or early morning, or anytime and all these things are coming at you, "sing a song" in your head, any song that you love or brings you comfort. The thoughts have no room to compete, they become silent because all we have in that moment is that Song. I encourage "YOU" to Try it, exercise in it and even in your light sleep, when thoughts try to weigh you down, the Song will eventually become a reflex when you exercise. Such a sweet, precious gift that will bring a smile of comfort. Trusting God, surrendering, casting cares, could be summarized by; I don't know HOW God Will, but I TRUST that He will and my exercise is to just surrender, to rest in that, not wrestle, not worry, but Trust. A work, a discipline and as shared "no one said easy". Why should my blood pressure go up and my nerves become rattled with things that "I cannot change?!" This is the exercise which "for me" covers all the areas, God is my center. Now Visualize, Circles, that represent the day, filled with choices, decisions that will come before you. Consider God, our creator as the center circle and than draw circles around that center circle that will require our attention, some known and some that will arise. Consider, the exercise of that center being our foundation for our decisions. Starting from our center, "Living Inside Out" at least for me, brings peace, allows me to pause and just appreciate Who Really Is In Control in my life, who is my Foundation. At Some Point. . . As a woman of Faith, God is my center, for me means I'm bringing all things around my Faith, doing all that I know to do, but "choosing" to Focus on Peace, "choosing" to live Inside Out. These are choices, and I know that I'm not obligated to do anything, I have the power of Choice. I choose Peace, so I continue to seek those things that build on that foundation, working from Peace. Did I say Easy? Did anyone say Easy? #NoOneSaidEasy I've considered based on the road traveled, that my personal focus is not about seeking or being focused on easy, the work is exercising to "Just Do", just do what I can and exercise leaving the rest to God. Choosing to Focus on what really matters for "this day", and for the road ahead. Choosing to Focus on those areas that bring more joy, that build upon more peace, and to decide that my life's journey is not a destination, it is in every decision that I have to make, it is found in Trusting my Creator, not in some areas, but all of them.
Worried? . . .the Work is in the Exercise
February 2025