"You Are Enough"
"You Are Enough"
This Heart finds Fulfillment in listening to the Stories of Another, the greatest joy for this Heart, is often located, in just listening to the Heart of others. The space that was shared "this day", was a Conversation with a Heart of a Stranger, that shared that "they felt less than" in a season of life that they currently find themselves in. This Stranger shared... Life "current day" has been very challenging and they were personally experiencing some set backs and they shared how they had a doctor's appointment and they were treated poorly by the "tone" of the personnel who greeted them upon arrival, for a scheduled appointment, and they already had felt so low before arriving. An opportunity missed from my view, of just being professional, just doing the job of greeting someone kindly upon arrival. A moment that could have offered a burdened heart, a smile, a peaceful moment. My Heart was overwhelmed by this Heart who was sharing. A Stranger, so burdened, that this Heart was grateful to be positioned to just listen, to allow this heart who was burdened a moment to vent, a moment to share, with a stranger, who just offered a space to listen. My nature is to encourage, to inspire, to remind the Heart of another to Focus on what really matters. It is Fulfillment, it offers an unmeasurable joy. The same that was done in conversation with this Heart. The greatest fulfillment this heart has found is when being allowed an opportunity to be in service to another, it is fulfilling and a gift that flows back into this heart's life in so many ways. It is a blessing to be "used" in this way, a way that affords this heart Fulfillment, beyond the words to express. I believe this stranger, who in our brief moment together was allowed a moment, a safe space to vent, without judgement. Which allowed an opportunity for "this heart" to give back with words of encouragement, to offer a listening ear, that served as a brief moment to give a stranger a Hug "with" the offering of listening ears. When this Heart Shares moments like this... I'm not looking for validation, or cheers, or acknowledgement, I'm looking for the tribe, the hearts who have connected to this village. Kindred Hearts. I'm looking for the Tribe who shares this Heart's Vibe to be on alert, to have awareness and to be available in the moment with Strangers, available to just listen. To encourage, to inspire, to share a Smile, a peaceful space in which to engage when afforded an opportunity, with the Heart of a Stranger. When and If The Moment offers an Invitation You Are Enough
From My Heart to Yours
This Heart does not share Answers This Heart shares a Perspective A Perspective that comes from a Heart that has traveled a road filled with Mountain Tops and Valleys so low, that this Heart had to Crawl Through That "Thank God" was traveled with a Heart of Faith That allowed this Heart to not be locked in a Dark Space This Conversation with a Heart of a Stranger Reminded this Heart of My Why The Why this Heart Shares The Why this Village offers an Open Door You Are Enough
Dear Heart...
No one is greater than you No one sits in a position to pass judgement To decide if you are worthy Or To offer Validation In closing, Never give another person A Stranger An Associate More Value than YOU You are investing to much into the Worth of Another In Which You have No Clue Who They Are And The Darkness that they are Walking Through Sometimes The "low self esteem" of another Only finds value In making "YOU" feel less than You Are Enough
January 2025