Where is Your Faith Now?!When my husband was murdered There were emotions that were all over the place When that moment happened "The Battlefield of Thoughts flooded with" Where is Your Faith Now?! As a Woman of Faith My belief is that life's journey has Mountains and Valleys I've had my share of challenges It rains on us all My heart could have never imagined that my Husband of 19 years A Dad "invested" in our two sons Would be snatched from our lives "In An Instant" For those Hearts who want more on that story It is located under "Living in My Truth" Where is Your Faith Now?!
We all grieve differently We all have our walk through life to take And Our own decisions to make Our Lives Are surrounded by Many But We are always accountable to One Accountable to Our Words and Our Actions Not Them or They But You and I Are accountable to our decisions This Heart Share is that Life will offer All of Us Challenges Not all being the same My Share As a Woman of Faith When life changed in an Instant I was in a Fog With two young hearts Looking to find what all this meant To our home and the Road Before Us God's Grace and Protection No way to share the Measure in words that covered our lives and Continues to do so This Heart Knows a Living, Loving God More than words written can ever express A relationship that was before that day And Continues To Carry This Heart Forward The Road is not always easy God remains with us Still providing His Grace His Love and Wisdom in any area When and if we ask What to be done any given day We are all left with a decision
February 2025