Thank you for being here.
This heart does not share answers, sharing a Heart Perspective from my own WHY, my own tears, painful places, and as well, joyful moments, filled with laughter Peace Within Along this journey. Sharing my walk of Faith, that is still teaching me, and Grateful for God's Grace along the way. This is a Heart Buffet, sample, take only what can be an asset for this day, and for the day before you. Consider...
This Heart does not have a Recruitment Center or a Sign Up Sheet
But Consider, we all have so many differences BUT YET, we have a common core We are living life's journey A Journey that is Like a Book We have a story that began with our Birth We are in the middle with a New Day that Allows Us Opportunity That Allows Us to Write a New Page, expressed by our words and by our actions The Question This Heart Has... We Are all Living with So Many Declarations We Live with a Measuring Stick We Set a Bar on what a Successful Life "Looks Like" We all know that we share the in the "Same Book that Has a Closing Chapter" We Research So Many Things We Pursue So Many Things We Recognize, at least for some, that Time is a Priceless Commodity The Question this Heart Has What is our Faith, What is our Belief for when the Chapter Closes Not If But When it Closes This Heart has to ask the question Because So Many Times when a chapter closes It seems, in observation that so many are weighted, overwhelmed and in many ways surprised But Yet We Know Like a Book It Comes to a Close Consider...
This Heart has not Mastered these skills
But This Heart Will Continue to Exercise Daily Living "Intentionally" With Gratitude, with Love, with Living Heart Inspired Searching and Locating Beautiful "In the Midst Of..." And When This Heart is Not in the Best Space Choosing to Do the Work before Delivering Words or Actions "that can't be erased" Not Easy An Exercise Consider...
We All are looking to live Fulfilled Lives
Which is Wonderful Consider... Should that Include?! Knowing What We Believe Knowing Our Belief Walking in that Faith Knowing How To Live On the Same That each of us are Willing to Die On "That's All"
February 2025