Who is in the Driver's Seat? What emotion has the keys and is driving, doesn't ask, again not asking but is driving. What emotion has the keys? and is deciding the direction. The driver always decides the direction, will it be to continue forward, or to park, or maybe the vehicle has a cover over it, and or maybe even decides to turn around and return to the road behind. Who is in the Driver's Seat? Sharing Gratitude, exercising Gratitude, choosing to locate beautiful in what surrounds our life daily, meditation, daily affirmations, and favorite scriptures spoken daily, is not "magic" it is exercising in it. It is boldly "choosing" the emotion that will be allowed to drive, that will be allowed to have the keys. Who is in the Driver's Seat? There are "weighted days", days that try to rob you of joy, and want to steal your attention to all the "wrong" in your life, all the missing pieces, all those who have done you wrong. Thoughts that dance with you whispering if only you had done this or done that. Thoughts sometimes spoken out loud even through familiar trusted faces. Distractions. Who is in the Driver's Seat? Exercising Gratitude does not just remove those not so great emotions, those challenges. The exercise is a great word in my opinion because for me it is "exercising" and "exercising symbolizes "work", "exercising" symbolizes a discipline, it symbolizes especially on those days where you don't want to exercise, a choice, you choose in the midst of those emotions, those thoughts, who the driver will be. You decide the page that you "intend to write" Intend because we don't control "most" things but we can decide how to react to those places that are not so pretty, are not so great, are triggers that we have to choose not to dance with. Always a Choice and for those who know our village, No One Said or is Looking for Easy, it is a Choice, it is intentional living. Who is in the Driver's Seat? Please know, I don't share answers, I share a perspective of what has allowed me to walk in Peace and Calmness more days than not. I choose not to dance with drama, it's "a choice" for me built from my foundation of faith, from firsthand experience, my truth. It does not mean that I don't receive "invitations" for confusion, or drama. It means, I have the keys and I choose to decide what will have "my focus" I choose the invitations that I will accept and or decline. I choose who has the keys, and what emotion "will be allowed" to drive. Who is in the Driver's Seat? In closing, like a sponge we choose what to soak up our lives with, all the conversations that surround us, the noise, the focus is the those conversations that we choose to engage in, and that we choose to allow to surround us, we choose what we want to entertain. Always a choice Who is in the Driver's Seat? Along this journey that we travel, we are exercising, we are planting seeds of gratitude, we are intentionally living, and we know that what we plant has the potential to grow for "generations". Helping Build Bridges Across building from our Generation to the Next Making Gratitude Contagious is always the Intent
January 2025