Feeling Stuck? Find yourself Complacent? Locked in a Box? Feet stuck in the Mud? Distracted? Stagnated ~ No Movement in any Direction? Frustrated to the point that it is hard to Speak, to Smile, to Laugh? I could easily go on, but I believe you get the premise of where this post is heading. ![]() What great ideas do you have? What have you started time and time again and then life distracts the plan? What's written down or doodled on every piece of blank paper? What image, what plan, is in your mind all the time? What is inside of you that the world is waiting to be introduced to? What are you Passionate about? What drives you? I heard it said and I agree, "I didn't say it would be easy, it will be work, but it is so worth it!" If this sounds familiar, join the Journey, of "Just Do". Just do it, just try it, try something, try anything that moves the chess piece to the next space. Find the lesson in the Revisions, find the lessons in the Eraser and the Start Again and the "been there, tried that" and just move forward. When you have the mindset to NOT QUIT, the next move could be the door to your destination, to what you dream about, to what you have set goals for, what your Vision is for your life. ![]() . . .is it so easy to work hard for a paycheck?, or for the dreams of someone else? and not put the same effort into our own dreams or vision for our life. The same effort into pursuing our passion. WE all have to support our lives, which is a given, it is the "WE DO WHAT WE HAVE TO DO" factor, but what should be included, is working on "DOING MORE OF WHAT WE LOVE TO DO", with the goal having the percentage of time being higher on the side of our passion, on our place of fulfillment. The point is that when Employed, even Self-Employed with a business that you are half-hearted about, you are an employee, your time is invested to do a certain amount of something to receive and to maintain the necessities of life. Life is driving you. How would life be, if what you are invested into, work hard for, even including the Plan B that has the potential to become Plan A, are invested into it and committed to traveling the distance to arrive to the destination that you see. A Life committed to Not Quitting or Settling for Just Anything? Are you willing to do the work? Are you Motivated to reach what lives inside your heart? Are you swayed by having a Pep Rally of Supporters or Can you Move forward by the drive inside of you? Questions only You can answer. ![]() Those questions are the. .What makes the difference in reaching our Personal Mountain Tops. Why waste energy, why waste time, conversation, monetary investment, if you know you don't have it in you. Find out if the work is worth it, if the answer is "YES", get to it, do it, get started now. You can't reach the landing, if you are not willing to take the first step. It is the Our Mindset, we need to See it (to have Vision), we need to Feed our Heart and Mind on the food that drives us, to inundate with materials that support the process, that keeps us on the journey of what we see in our heart. Whose Journey are you Traveling? At the finish line, will the review be satisfying? It is never too late and it is not determined by age, even if you are at a crossroad where you feel that you aren't at the level you wanted, or didn't pursue what was in your heart, you have a TREASURE Box of Wisdom. You speak from a life traveled, your experience uniquely your own. You can offer positivity, wisdom, lessons learned, giving it into the life of someone else. Your words are seeds that can be sown into lives forever, seeds that grow into a harvest of the lives of many others. Words that can be passed through generations. That can be very satisfying, very fulfilling, to give wings to someone else to fly. ![]() to Pursue, Ready to Join the Journey of "JUST DO"? I won't promise you that it will be successful out of the gate, or on your first try, I'll even add that what you start may finish with a different pattern, a revised plan. I will also share to expect "Challenge", to expect "Resistance", not Maybe, not if, but to Expect those appointments, so when they arrive, it is No Surprise, it is SIMPLY, step over and continue to take another step, to move another Chess Piece. There are days that are weighted, days of thought overload of "Why, am I pursuing this or that", but with all that being stated, if you were living in your Vision of what you see for your life, the idea life, the idea experiences for you, WOULD THE PRICE BE WORTH IT TO PAY? IF YOU WERE LIVING IT AND YOUR SOUL, YOUR SPIRIT WAS FULFILLED, WOULD IT BE WORTH IT? In the realm of living life fulfilled, it represents to me, living life with purpose. Living life sharing our gifts and talents that can be an asset to someone else. Knowing who we are and being willing to give ourselves away, knowing what we offer can offer joy, encouragement, empowerment into the lives of someone else. A life providing benefits and not liabilities. A life that becomes A Statement, a road map of what is possible. Would the work and the effort be worth it? When you operate with Purpose and your work and effort has shown that it was worth it. How could that feed into the lives around you? What could it mean to future generations? Who could you help? Who could you encourage? How could your life, "Make a Difference"? How could you support and build in your Community or Join In a Movement or Cause that drives you? ![]() What is life if we live it half fulfilled, or end on the path of "Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda". What is the Ultimate Goal, where do you see yourself traveling? If you don't plan, how do you know when you get there? If you don't FAIL, how do you know what to Revise, what to Do Different? When you don't Pursue, how do you know what to Add, what to Subtract, what to be Alert To? You may have a Road Map and I applaud You, You may be operating in the Arena of Fulfillment of Your Vision, Your Dream, "NOW" and I Celebrate You. I hope you Pay it Forward, to help someone else along the way. To give to others what you've found you needed as you Traveled along the way. ![]() If you are reading this and you don't have a clue,or you are living life with the glass half empty feeling, get in gear, find yourself. Find what brings your heart, your spirit, your soul the most joy? It is usually attached to those things you do or have done that brings you the greatest joy, that you could do for endless hours. Fill up, feed on positive environments, get around those who are moving forward, who are pursuing their passion, read or listen to books that support your Journey, Your Vision. I opened with, "What's the Worst that can Happen?" What would be your answer to that question related to your own Journey? Enjoy the Process, Expect the Work and Celebrate the Journey from Now to the Finish Line.
February 2025