“Lights, Camera, Action” Calling all readers. . What Role do you play? Your Comments ~ Your Perspective is Welcomed! LIFE is like a Movie and we each have a role. The question is what role do you play? Have you been cast for the part or hs the part been assigned? Are YOU the Producer, Director, Leading Character, a Support Role, a mentionable, or an Extra, are YOU only watching the role of others and not involved? Are you waiting to be assigned a part or take whatever role that is given? THESE ARE QUESTIONS THAT ONLY YOU AND I CAN ANSWER. When the cameras are rolling, what part do you play with those who know you in the Home and or in the Marketplace? The reality is yesterday's footage has been archived and the most we can do with it today is edit material by reflecting on the past performance. We can revise today's role and upcoming productions based on past footage. We can decide to put a little more heart in it, be a little more in tune to the role that we have, change the Attributes of the Character, find the Role that best suits us and Develop it more. We can choose to not accept any parts that don't fit us. Doing our daily research and being diligent in pursuing a role of excellence, a part that makes us complete, a part that brings fulfillment and joy to our life. Recognizing that we are Responsible for the part that we have and any Improvements that are needed is Our Job to Do. We are fully alert that we are in This Day and We Can DECIDE to be our Best. The goal being "each day" having a little less material that needs editing. THE SCRIPT SHOWS. . .many roles and some characters play multiple parts: Full Time Student, Spouse, Parent, Caregiver, Son, Daughter, Sibling, Employer, Employee, Retiree, Entrepreneur, Solopreneur. . .the list really is endless. The ROLE should INCLUDE those things that YOU and I are passionate about, pursuit of what YOU and I LOVE TO DO. If we are already operating in the best role ever, REFLECTION on How we can make it better, especially if it effects the Lives of Others. YOU don't have to WAIT on Doing More of What YOU LOVE to do, your pursuit can run alongside What You Have to Do and or Responsible for in the course of the day. THE FULFILLMENT is in Embracing that part, your role, your perspective that you bring to it, your passion and when you operate in that, the other roles become more significant. More significant because YOU recognize you have control in making it better, you can write the script by the behaviors that you display. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO?. . .then PURSUE IT. Side Note: Reminder to not put anything in jeopardy in pursuit, using WISDOM of course, but WHY NOT. . .START TODAY. Look into, do the homework of what it takes to do what you want to Try, or Pursue, or Experience and Take the Steps to Incorporate that INTO YOUR SCRIPT. No Matter what STAGE OF LIFE you're in, No Matter what SEASON, GET STARTED. "BE a DOER" Be a Child again, learning to ride a bike for the first time, you fall down, OKAY, so Get Up, Wipe Yourself off and Keep Trying! Be watchful, be alert to a lurking Life Syndrome. . . "I Woulda, I Coulda and I Shoulda" Remember it is YOUR LIFE, it is YOUR PRODUCTION and YOU, ONLY YOU, can DECIDE the ROLE and YOU DECIDE How Wonderful the Character can be. We all should strive to be the "BEST VERSION". To Bring Sunshine on whatever doorstep we find ourselves. A SMILE Travels a very long way. Bring POSITIVE ENERGY to those who surround your life. . .to the degree. .that your next visit is anticipated. EVEN IN THE MIDST OF LIFE'S CHALLENGES, the POWER is in the KNOW that YOU have the Strength to GET THROUGH IT, To Embrace the Rainbow that is there when you make the CHOICE to see it! WHEN THE CLOSING CREDITS ARE BEING SHOWN
YOU WANT TO I WANT TO REFLECT AND SAY "WOW, that was a Great Production, even with all the Editing, THE JOURNEY WAS GREAT"
January 2025