This is an Audio Journaling Experience Grab Your Favorite Beverage, your favorite Note Taking App, Notebook or Journal and Lets Begin this Experience Together. We Live, We Learn, We Share Along Life's Journey ~HS Hugs, Yvette "Donyale" "Making Gratitude Contagious"
We Live
This past week, have you wrestled with thoughts that robbed you of “time” within a day, or a moment that could have been special, could have been more peaceful “within”, and for some that included the conversations and actions with those who surrounded your life. How often do you take time “to be still”, scheduled time with just you, a time to sit in your Faith, to reflect on your thoughts, to consider the Goodness of God that was a cover over your life this past week, month or year. What are you living for? What is your pursuit? Which is not defined by age, position, location, or environment, it is a question for present day, for this moment, we have now. In reflection, when were you so distracted by your life, your next move, your pursuit, that you missed out on the words of a heart sharing a moment, or expressing something that needed a trusted ear? Sharing a space, a moment distracted by “you and your thoughts” and didn't show available to a moment that needed your undivided attention.
We Learn
What lessons have been learned along life’s journey to present day? Can you identify your triggers, your risk factors that increase those negative vibes or repetitions that are not beneficial to ‘you or anyone else’, that have become a liability along your journey. Moments are priceless, and have you reflected on the minutes spent, the time invested, have you considered the seeds planted by your words, and by your actions that has the potential to grow, with time to revised or work through, when journaled.
We Share
We all have a story, actions, words that we are proud of, that encouraged us because in reflection we were available and we shared kindness or a peaceful space. We all have moments that we are not proud of , words spoken that were vicious or meant to hurt someone. Actions that were intentional to be a dagger in the life of someone else, not a mistake, intentional. Have they been identified, or repeated because you live unaware.
We Live, We Learn, We Share Along Life’s Journey ~ HS
This is the topic, the theme. This is a Journaling Exercise This is a practice that does not require for someone to check your work This is not an exercise that will provide 5 steps to this or 10 ways to this at the end of it This is a Journal Experience on Topic, on Theme This is you clearing out space, exercising by theme to empty out useless behaviors This is your way, This is my way, to write it all down, to be as blunt as we choose, to be very direct, and that includes “whatever” needs to flow out onto our journal. Then after the Uninhibited Flow You can Return to those words written, Reflect on the triggers behind the actions, observe what your behavior and words created, and then identify and address ways to engage, confront, take reigns over, when those familiar triggers arise. You can counteract with Gratitude, actual actions, words that are in already place, in your treasure box, your tool belt, living aware for any encounter when your confronted, when you are being triggered.
The more toxicity that you remove, the more you can make room for what empowers,
what builds upon on your Joy. "Intentionally" ~HS
January 2025