Upon this Earth ~ HS
Be careful to not always stand in someone’s shadow You can’t always observe what someone said or what someone heard Time, Time, yes that Action Word called Time We all recognize waits for No One You have Value, You have Worth No matter your present conditions No matter your surrounding environment Upon this earth Consider your eyes, your ears, your perspective It Offers so much You can provide a view from the place that you reside Upon this earth When we make our departure In our absence All that Remains will be Our Actions and Our Words Consider Living a life with Legacy in mind Making an impact on generations that we will leave behind Those who will continue life forward Carrying our worth, our words, our actions of what we leave behind Awaken, be alert, consider in all that we experience Upon this earth The Great, the Joy, the Ugly, the Tears, the Fears and Triumphs It really isn’t just about us It is taking the punches and sharing with someone that They are not alone and they have worth They can get up and continue They too can leave something behind when they depart That continues to live for a lifetime Upon this earth ~ HS
February 2025