This is something new?!
Life "delivers" change, rather you're prepared or not, and on board or not. Change Happens. "Nothing remains the same" is often quoted. Some don't embrace change well, and for some it can be very overwhelming. Yet, whatever the emotions, and the concerns attached, change doesn't come along and ask for your permission to visit.
This is something new?! As a woman of Faith and one who exercises Gratitude Daily, it has been the recipe that has allowed me to rob the "Thief Named Regret". My heart is to share with others some ways to Exercise Gratitude. The question often asked, "Donyale, how can I exercise Gratitude Daily, when some days are not so great?" First, before we continue allow me to state; I do not offer answers, I share a perspective. If only it was as easy as a few steps, or five ways to this, and 10 steps to follow, we would all gladly sign up to that blueprint. The truth, from my view, is that "No One Said Easy" so we may never master, but we continue to "exercise" Gratitude daily. "Not Just Mountains, but Moments is the Focus "the impact of embracing a new day, doing what we can do and not allowing worry about what tomorrow may hold, to steal from the gift of the life we have right now, this day. Embracing "No One Promised Us that Tomorrow will look the same as Today" that alone can allow for us to embrace "fully" what this day offers and becomes "an aid" in the words that we choose to deliver to others and in the actions we choose to take. This is something new?! The road behind offers us, an opportunity to consider the lessons from our experiences, if we are open to listening, to reflecting, and to consider who we were in those moments, what role did we play. Beautiful includes a heart with the intent to become better, to do better, to decide within what is "priceless and precious" this day and what can we carry forward for the road ahead. Beautiful is recognizing what is really important to us?! This is something new?! Gratitude Gratitude is a word that means so much more than "appreciation", Gratitude is an action, when exercising daily, it can become a reflex, and it flows into the lives of those around us, even our silence can offer Peace. This is something new?! When I consider the noise around me or the challenges that knock on my door, I found that Beautiful can be located wherever I place my Focus. Beautiful is when I begin my day focused on that I awaken to having a new day, a new page, the gift of life and loved ones who surround my life. That is a blessing. I reflect on all the things that are so easy to take for granted. I embrace and my heart is tattooed with precious moments and memories of love ones that shared a space, that shared a season along my journey, that alone travels with me daily, and for all of this, I AM GRATEFUL. This is something new?! Some like to close there day in reflection and some begin the day with reflection, "Exercising Gratitude is when you intentionally live recognizing what is important to you, important to your heart. It's so easy to get wrapped up by Noise, by Distractions, including those who can trigger negative emotions or thoughts by their words or actions. Life is short Life is precious Life is priceless Life is a gift that only "we" can decide individually on how to "spend" it. Those words hold so much truth at least for me, and they are really so much more than just words... We all hear slogans, popular quotes or words, but when you stop and consider the value, the truth behind them, reflecting on what they mean in your life, it puts many things in Perspective.
This is something new?!
In closing,
It's important to know our value, to maintain our peace, to change what we can and let of those things we can't change. Make a decision to live beyond "yourself", treasures are sometimes hidden and delivered to those who live beyond themselves, who choose to Plant Seeds of Gratitude in the lives of others while "Exercising Gratitude" in their own life.
January 2025