This Book called... Why?
This Heart doesn't share Answers, sharing a Heart Perspective
And This share is an experience on God's Movement in my Life A Relationship with God learning more daily in intentional scheduled "devotional time" A Relationship, which for this heart is much more than a Religion A Relationship to Share Life With God, and to "Be Still" Intentionally while Receiving Back. Asking questions, sharing life's challenges, tears, concerns, as well as all the great things going on, the celebrations, including the anticipated and hopeful days ahead A Relationship
I am a Christian
I believe In the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I'm walking out this journey just like you and I have learned so much about God Which includes Asking the Questions Being Led, being Guided to the Answers at times Including Silent Times with No Answers to my Questions Some that present day 'still linger' The Why The When There is a Gift of Experienced Moments of Peace Within Especially in the Midst Of... I’ve traveled some miles now in this Relationship with God And There are so many Layers There is a Quiet Assurance A Surrender to being aware "intentionally" knowing that I'm not in Control Leaning On God Trusting Him A Loving God God whom has no "Respecter of Person" The same I found Is the same available to you and even more if you choose Your Own Relationship When I fall short When I make a mess When I say things I shouldn’t have Take Actions that were completely the opposite of what I want my life to reflect Suspecting there will be more times It is called a Journey With all this A relationship A Relationship with God My Creator Who already Knows And Without Judgment filled with Love Arms opened wide Especially when I fall short I'm So Grateful GOD WHO KNOWS A God Who is Not Unapproachable Doesn't deliver condemnation Doesn't have a list of disappointments or A Pointed finger with a list of Wrongs Even when sharing correction it is with Love Doesn't always feel the best in those moments but Correction Is Love and Represents Caring Represents Love GOD IS LOVE This Book called. . . Why?
This Book called. . . Why?
This Share was placed on my Heart to Give to You
To Someone who may need to hear it "right now" Tomorrow, or Somewhere along the Way My Truth is on all that is Shared It's God Business Where it Lands Where it will be Delivered Again, This Share is Not Answers Not my Interpretation of what you should take from it It is my Experience If you feel led to after or during this I recommend to purchase the Book Wherever books are sold
I started to read it that day and a few days throughout that week
It has been at least 7 or 8 years ago now What I remember I was clueless what this book was about It didn't grab my attention on the first few pages And I really felt I couldn't relate what was being shared Clueless Unrelatable No Idea of The Direction the Author was going I continued to attempt to read the first chapter and I Just couldn't connect Since I didn't really get what the Author was sharing I decided to stick the book in my dresser drawer and Maybe one day revisit it In the Dresser Drawer it Went And I Just Forgot About It
My husband was killed on September 7th, 2016
If you want to know more, the share, is found under "Life Shifts" But That has its own Journey GOD KNOWS And Suddenly A Tragic Experience of an Immediate Loss of his presence in our Life As a Husband, a Friend and Father for our two wonderful sons There was a lot to handle In An Instant With Minimal Time to Think A Season of Just Do And God's Grace, carried, even as I share this, I can't even share all that happened During that time and space But God carried the boys and I through With many chapters to be shared and was written between that moment and Now This Book called. . . Why?
There were many things to be packed up during that season
To go through things, and decide what and where it needed to go I came across this Book Located in my dresser drawer This Book called "Why?" From the First Page Until the Last Page Tears rolled It was filled with Hugs and Understanding And It Spoke with such a Connection Like a Dart on a Bullseye Target GOD KNOWS Every Page was like having a Retreat with Jesus It was a Heaven Sent It was reading My Mail It was Sharing to a Grieving Heart Delivered by someone who just seemed to Know This Experience is one that I will never Forget A Cherished Appointment with God The Book called... Why? In that Dresser Drawer?! If You
February 2025