Song: "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield (Authorized Purchase: Itunes Account) Words Spoken & Written By: Donyale Life Is. . .
Life is From My View From My Perspective Life is like a book, Chapters filled with many pages; Pages written with laughter and pages filled with tears. Life is like Water, Fluid, Continuous, you can't hold it in place, you can't decide the direction that it will travel. Life is Faith, knowing we are a creation of a Living God and seeking daily for His Wisdom for our travel, remembering no matter the road; He is a Loving God, a God of Purpose, the God that I know. Life is living this day, this moment with Peace within, being Grateful for what you do have and not focused so much, on what is missing, not always easy, but when you consider that no one promised that our tomorrow will look the same as our today, it really becomes much easier to appreciate each and every moment along the way. Life is Choosing the Words before you Speak. Choosing your actions and reactions before you act. Life is asking what do I deliver when I show up along my travels. Consider, Along Life's Journey to participate To be the Change you want to see To be a Doer To add, to be an asset wherever you go To show up with a positive attitude where people hate to see you go and anticipate your next visit Love ~ Say and Share more often the compliments, the good thoughts that you're thinking. Live ~ Try, Experience those things, those places that you have considered numerous times Laugh ~ Don't always be so serious, share in the silliness of moments. Did you know that really is okay to smile?! Life is not always looking at the grass, the yard on the other side, "so much", that you forget to appreciate your own surroundings, your own yard, while this is a "metaphor" it can be applied to any area of our life. You can watch others for so long that you forget to participate in being the best version of you. Life is recognizing when to stop pulling on that Closed "Locked" Door and instead look around and embrace that door that God has Wide Open Waiting on You, "Uniquely You" to Walk Through it. Life is considering there is not a Destination to arrive to on this earth but instead it's many moments along the way. Lessons to Learn that you can build from and share with others that can continue throughout generations and will continue to live on. Life is choosing to participate or to create Moments that deliver unconditional Joy, filled with eye to eye conversations and reflections on times past and with hope, and anticipation for wonderful tomorrows. Life is from my View, from my perspective includes, Sharing Life's Journey with You, Community H.B.B.A, aka Helping Build Bridges Across from our generation to the next. Life is from my corner of the world from my view Is to Live Daily with the Intent of #MakingGratitudeContagious
February 2025