When is the last time you had a good laugh? The belly hurting, eye watering type of laugh? How did it make you feel? In those times for me, it is the greatest feeling of joy. There is no other focus or concern, just a good feeling of shared silliness, just plain funny, a room filled with laughter. For Our Journey. . We Can Build on that Premise. . .How? One of the areas that I most enjoy, is not taking everything so seriously. Creating an environment for myself, that looks at things through a colored lens. Seeking ways to de-stress from a situation or from a moment. Taking a Pause before I react if something is said or done that hits a nerve. I purposely Pause and then from there, I decide if it deserves a Reaction or maybe on Purpose I choose to not comment or to become involved. Even if the scenario was one that was Personal or Intended to be hurtful, I still have the driver's seat, when I choose how to react. . . .My Viewpoint is, "IT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS TO ME, IT IS HOW I CHOOSE TO REACT THAT MATTERS" That is a powerful state of being.
For me as a Woman of Faith, my Perspective is what can I take from this moment, what can I learn from it. What asset or strength can be gained from it. That to me is being in the driver's seat. What can I Personally do to assist making the situation less stressful for all parties involved AROUND IT. To decide to take from it and be prepared, along my journey to assist someone else who may find the moment, the situation, familiar. What words of Wisdom and Strength can I avail myself of, in and during my own situation, my own challenges, that will prepare me to pass along support and encouragement to someone else. When you CHOOSE to INTERNALIZE every situation, every thing, every statement, every glance your way or condensing comment spoken to you, when you choose to allow the penetration of hurtful words or actions, then you are signing up for external things to become your guide, to distract your life, your actions, TO SET THE RULES FOR YOUR JOURNEY. You are helping to build boundaries, to build walls around, what is possible for your journey. YOU HAVE BECOME an accessory to putting your life, your journey in a box and limits are being set by external extremities (actions and words of others). For the next 7 days, 30 days, for me a lifetime. . to challenge ourselves to live as if. . We wear a "silicone" vest, we are all "buttered up" and nothing can stick to us. That would be a POWERFUL state of being. That would put the person or situation to stand alone in their own mud, their own emotional venom. While situations, require actions, require plans, we are in the driver's seat and we will decide but it will be from our INTERNAL state of being and not from external distractions. This seems to be a good place to mention. . to be careful who you allow to speak into your life. Consider the source, consider their life, their experience, their environment. Are they visionary, are they open to creativity, are they non-judgemental? ARE THEY QUALIFIED TO SPEAK INTO YOUR LIFE? YES, some will speak without permission, but even then you can remember you wear silicone, you hear and release. You fill those thoughts, that space with positivity, with wisdom, in my life that includes prayer and meditation. I'm always seeking to hear the voice of my Creator, His Voice, His Wisdom for my journey. I opened with. . LAUGHTER IS GOOD BECAUSE. . .? You know what follows. .the question only you can answer: What can laughter do for your life? This week to keep it fun and creative, I wanted to share a great article on laughter, which is found at: LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE
December 2024