It Just Heart Resonates. . .
It Just Heart Resonates
This Heart doesn't pretend to have it all figured out and is very clear from those things experienced don't expect to... Not sharing answers, sharing a Heart Perspective What this Heart has gained “to date” is the road that has been traveled and chosen lessons from what is behind and choosing to carry forward for the road before me. Living Intentional, exercising being alert to choices before me, and knowing it is much more than just about me. It Just Heart Resonates To be engaged and embrace the moments by “taking part in” conversations, singing the song, sharing the story, listening more than just talking, appreciating the beauty that unfolds in a “shared moment” with the hearts that this heart has the privilege to engage in any given moment and on any given occasion.
Along my daily travels being aware of those around me, knowing there is always time to scroll, create, write, read or watch something later. Instead choosing to observe my surroundings, alert to expressions and faces that outwardly wear thoughts within.
To be peacefully present while waiting in line until it’s my turn To push my basket back into the carrier instead of leaving it wherever it lands To call the person who God continues to place on my heart To accept I may not know why or if it even made a difference but to “just do” because it was on my heart to It Just Heart Resonates
My Dear Friend,
We have now and anything else is just speculation A big stepping stone is moving past “intend to” and just taking the first step towards… Don’t wait until this. . . before you take a family vacation Or spending time with your children To spend time with a friend To place a call or send a text “just because”
We may master many things but what can we do with what we have learned?!
It Just Heart Resonates
This heart no longer focuses on what is “easy” and that includes not being centered on what is “hard” Exercising Gratitude daily, with the intent of it being a Reflex, being a Heart’s first reaction with words and by actions. God whispers because He is So close when you listen and are led to. . . “Simply Do” The Why doesn’t really matter, who knows about it, should not really be a concern if it is a “good thing” with a true intent “to do” that “for this heart” is what really matters. It Just Heart Resonates Don’t allow the Mountain, to distract, to hinder, the next “to do”. Just do is taking the “first step”, it is the first chop at the mountain. Until Next Time. . . Take Care Hugs, Donyale
February 2025