I recently realized to date of this post, that my last post was on April 2016,
I completely went off the map with the Blog posts. In this duration of Sandbox Absence, images were posted on Facebook, on our community Facebook page HBBA. I’m now climbing back into my Sandbox, inviting and sharing via Blog, Pinterest and Twitter. Where did I go during that time? I’m not really sure?! I’m referencing the 5 months from April 2016 to September, enjoying a personal favorite, time with Family I assume, my husband, my sons, family gatherings with my parents, brother and including time with all of my extended family and dear friends and based on that time frame, school, end of year activities, sports, etc and then the Carpet was snatched from under my feet, I received a sucker punch, a direct blow was delivered to my heart on September 7, 2016. So from September to current month, now July 2017, I know where I’ve been since that 7th day of September and very conscious of the gravel, this rocky road that I’m traveling now. ------------------ My Life Shifted, Sharply that 7th day of September 2016. My world completely turned upside down in a flash, in a blink of an eye, a moment in time now burned into my heart, and now. I’m walking a rerouted, unfamiliar, unknown path. Rerouted because of the Plans that I had being married, raising our sons together, now instead, invited on September 7, 2016, to a Tragic, Unimaginable Event, that now leaves me present day as a Widow raising our sons on my own. ---------------- I’m willing to die on my Faith, the question is am I’m willing to live it? ---------------- My husband then of 19 years was killed, murdered by a 17 year old predator and allow me to add to the gravity of that, I’m a mother of two boys, at the time this happened our sons were 16 and 13. So to even conceive that a 17 year old boy, was a predator, killing my husband by shooting him in the back with a Military Assault Rifle, left to die on the street still present day is "Unimaginable". My Husband Todd, responded to a Fake Craigslist Ad and now it's known it was a pre-meditated Set up, one that this Predator, this 17 year old boy, PREDATOR, had done before using Craigslist, even served time in the Juvenile System for this crime, all previous cases known involved robbing people, not killing them, at least from the crimes we know about. Can you Believe?! This was not even his first rodeo, I did say 17 years old and this time apparently the Predator wanted blood. ---------------- Something like this; This experience stops you in your tracks and looks at you dead in your Face and it asks you directly; What is your Faith? What did you say that you believe? Who do you Say God is in Your Life? A flood of questions, of thoughts, including, Why me, why my family? Why a man who loved, adored his sons, enjoyed every moment of being a Dad, raising boys who adored him just as much. Why Him?! ---------------- Since I mentioned Craigslist, a few things need to be mentioned, my husband sold on Craigslist before, purchased some great deals on Craigslist. He was not naive to the streets or unaware of the stories of those who have been victims with Craigslist. It’s important to note that this was the Predator’s Strategy, one he had perfected over the years so it was a set up and he knew how to set the stage, by his phone conversation, in setting a time to meet, meeting at a location that appeared safe; and including his demeanor, ALL KNOWN, from a prior case; He greeted his victim by shaking hands, he knew how to be approachable, this predator had met up with someone 2 days prior and shot at this victim who in that case got away, but he was able to provide the scenario of how this predator set the stage. When this Tragedy Hit, my comments via the News and News Sources, was that Craigslist Should be Shut Down, Angry Obviously. BUT The Bottom Line, Murderers, Predators as we need to be reminded, can reside anywhere and the best we all can do is to be diligent in our travels and to be alert the best we can to our surroundings. To put our lives in God's Hands and to continue to live, to move forward. More details in the months to come on this topic but for now, I thought it was important to note that. --------------- I’m willing to die on my Faith, the question is am I’m willing to live it? -------------- Unimaginable experience, on so many levels, THIS MOMENT IN TIME, was and is not an Event, It is my Life, It is Now my Truth. The Question is What Am I Willing to Do With It? ------------ I’m willing to die on my Faith, the question is am I’m willing to live it? ---------- For More Listen In
February 2025