How can we have Gratitude this day
and Not get Stuck in a Chapter along Life's Journey This was inspired by the thought of a "Slippery Slope" these two words can so easily become the slope. When I consider these words it implies that the simplest thing, a mold hill, can so easily become a mountain. Life Life Life is such a precious, priceless commodity and every day has become an exercise to not take one moment for granted. Along my journey, I have found every defining moment becomes another precious stone, a lesson on what really matters along my journey. My prayer is that you can find this precious stone called "Peace" It will change your life forever #LivingInsideOut Thank you for watching, Thank you listening, Thanking you for traveling this unfamiliar journey with me.
When you know your Why.
When you awaken to this precious commodity called "life" you no longer spend or invest energy on things that are "just noise" or "shiny objects" designed to Distract When you become Eagle Eyed Focus, the gift is patience and to keep your eyes "daily" on what really matters
How can we have Gratitude this day
and not get started in a Chapter along Life's Journey
#MakingGratitudeContagious is always the intent
January 2025