If you "prefer" to listen to the podcast... "Gratitude is NOT "either-or"
Allow this Heart to Remind "you"
Not sharing answers, sharing a perspective From the road traveled to this day For this Heart, it is an Exercise "daily" from a Heart that knows "Gratitude Robs Regret" When some Hearts share a... Word Phrase Theme "For Some, It is not with the intention of "one size fits all" For this Heart... It is a "heart buffet" to allow your heart to sample, consider From a Heart who is not guessing Sharing from one who knows "firsthand" Gratitude allows you to Rob Regret Dear Friend, Please "hear this heart" It is not a "pass" from what life delivers... Moments that will bring Grief, Tears, Challenging Moments But It will allow “in the process” of Healing to not be left with Regret For the Hearts... Who are suffering present day “with regret” The next step is to get the Help your heart needs Don't live with what you can't change.... Please, Do the work to live releasing those things The work with help if that is what is needed Not tomorrow…Today Gratitude is NOT an "Either-Or
Thank you for sharing this "heart journey"
"Making Gratitude Contagious" infecting as many hearts as possible is the only option For This Heart.
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September 2024