Excuse Me; Respectfully this is for "You"
This hits close to home because it reminds me of the "same conversations", the same cycle with those very close to me, who never seem to understand "what really matters". The same issues, the same conversations, it really is a Merry-Go-Round. No matter how many ways you say it, share it, listen to it, like a butterfly, whatever is shared, it is captured for a brief moment, and then flies away, and then the cycle begins again. No, I'm not an expert, and No I have "not mastered" this but what I have done is "exercise daily" and that has allowed my muscles to become stronger; Spiritually, Mentally, Physically and including holding the reigns on my emotions. It does not mean moments don't challenge my journey, it means my muscle is stronger and my Reflex overrides my emotions of nonsense "most times" I will continue to allow the Merry-Go-Round cycle, because I do care, I do love those who are close to me, and maybe it is just venting to a trusted source and from my end, it will not be judged, it will not be retained. A listening ear allows a release to the one sharing. Including, who knows where a "trusted ear" for me, will be needed for the road ahead. I'm not naïve, I recognize that Words are easier said, than taking actions but that is Why I, Why others should consider "exercising" the Peace within. Exercising "daily" on what "really matters". NO ONE SAID EASY, it is a choice, it is an exercise. What can I do with this Merry-Go-Round Cycle?!, I can take it and share it, knowing that a Heart will hear it, and do something with it. I know that in this process it will be shared, and those seeds will continue to Grow. That is truly a blessing. That is taking something and doing something with it "that matters", at least for this heart, I Am Grateful. Excuse Me; Respectfully this is for "You" Why the same questions?!, and Why the same cycle?!, when most who ask already know the answer. Respectfully, change is not an easy road, "for most of us" and truthfully the option in some cases, is not really available, it is the moments that are overwhelming and God Knows what is really needed, including "who" is a "trusted ear" that will not pass judgment, or look for an opportunity to blast someone else business, that may be just enough, but at some point does anyone recognize, as a new book opens, it will also will surely close. That is what allows for "some" to exercise Gratitude Daily. Respectfully, these words, this image "for some" will be enough to allow reflection, will be enough to begin the work, a moment for change, for the work to make a change. These words will penetrate reflection and the work will begin with a local church, or "trusted" professional Help. It will begin a Change, "for some". Excuse Me; Respectfully this is for "You" For some, the roots are much deeper, and if that is "you" there is no shame in that. Please, get the help you need, not later, not tomorrow. Now... Hopeline: 1-800-442-4673 A confidential conversation is always a great start, and including local recommended resources will keep "you" moving forward. Please do what is "best" for YOU. This is not about They, or what someone else would do. Respectfully, this is shared for "You" Excuse Me; Again, Respectfully this is for "You" How Long do "YOU" choose to carry the weights?! Hugs, Yvette "Donyale"
God Knows the Heart. God Knows when no one else gets it. Respectfully, you did not pass by, stop by or connect "by chance". Yes this was written and shared just for "YOU"
#MakingGratitudeContagious is always the intent
February 2025