I consider the season that my journey is in, and I'm very comfortable in knowing what "heart matters" to me. I'm not driven so "easily" by the opinion of someone else.
With that stated, and in fairness, I'm also not the young 21 year old girl either, who at one time cared about the voices that surrounded her journey. A 21 year old, who had a very different lens, and a very different view of the road before her. That alone allows me "now" to not draw lines in the sand, or determine what others should do or not. That alone allows me to not "judge others" I have a huge project, that I'm reminded of every time that I look in a mirror. My hope is that the grass of others is very green, but there is so many things that creep in my own yard, that I'm constantly pulling weeds, with a heart that desires instead to "plant more flowers"
This village is a gift, I share what encourages, what inspires, what is not so easy. I share words to consider and to reflect. I define my journey, by "this day" and by the road hopefully before me, as one traveling with "An Artist's Heart".
Why those words... An Artist's Heart For me, it speaks volumes, it means that as an Artist, you are constantly creating from the thoughts within, and you release what "is lodged within", what is seen within. For most artists, they are filled with Hope of what can be. The Freedom in that, is that in this village, Helping Build Bridges Across, started as a simple share from a joyful place. Those same words that began in "2014" revisit my heart often, of why this "online journey began." To learn how it started, please visit the ABOUT page which is added to but began "April 2014", consider those words of where it began, and for those who have traveled quite a distance with me, consider all that has happened between "Then and Now." As a woman of Faith, I believe my steps are ordered, and I don't have it all figured out and before my chapter closes, I don't know If I ever will. I do recognize the priceless treasure of a New Day, and that each day someone was not afforded that gift. For me that's priceless, and my garden continues "Planting seeds of Gratitude. I know "My Why" My garden started as a joyful "hike" and continued through "painful places" which included a decision to do something with those places, and that was not easy. The focus continues, working, planting seeds of Gratitude, that have the potential to grow for a lifetime. That is a treasure to this heart. Now, this village has become a Fulfillment, a Work that is bigger and more than about me, and including I don't know where it will go, and I don't know where it will end. I do know, I will "continue forward" I live daily grateful to my Creator, a relationship, that reveals "beautiful" is located in every day, and yes there is "painful places" but this village is for us to "exercise" in those places, to soar above them. Again "multiple times" an exercise. Challenges, Distractions, Hurtful, Painful Places will travel along the journey. THE EXERCISE is to FOCUS on what "Heart Matters", exercising Gratitude, exercising Peace. Like the Eagle, "by choice", Soaring above the Storm. Did Anyone Say Easy?! I believe the words were Focus and Exercising in what "Heart Matters" Hugs, Donyale "From a Heart that Knows, Gratitude Robs Regret"
February 2025