Doing a Little More
A Little More Of...
Priceless Treasures What We Love What We Enjoy What Brings Peace Within
There is plenty to bring weight to our life
There is plenty that can play on our thoughts. There is plenty of disappointments All of which "knocks to come in" and to visit along the day It is easy to find the conversations, the posts, the opinions that people can't be happy, be positive all the time. From this Heart's View It really is not about "all of the time" of anything, it is living "intentionally balanced" It is making the choices that matter What's new, we all have issues, challenges, things that we are thinking about, working through and from my view, that will always be a part of the journey. Some seasons more of than others. The Balance is to do what we can do Who decided that complaining, being negative has to be our Focus Who determined that it can't be Celebration even with tears Laughter while walking through the weeds and muddy places along the journey We are provided the same amount of hours within a day The same minutes The same seconds that will continue to Tick Away This share is a reminder for this heart, for you, for any and everyone that we can "do a little more" We can choose our Focus We can add in our day those things that Encourage And Make Us Smile Anything and everything that can deliver a breath of fresh air We all can Do a Little Bit More Doing a Little More
Found a great quote that inspired this share
If You Enjoy this Village
The Vibe, the Flow There is always more to share More to come Welcome to the Village! "Doing a Little More"
September 2024