Do Not Invest so much into the words from others, from the opinion of others, so much that you lose your Focus, you lose your Joy, and or lose your Peace. Not one of us know "the heart" of someone else and some only know how to hurt others by words and actions based on there own pain within, there own insecurity. There are situations, that you can't just walk away. For some, they live with the Pain, they work with the Pain, they encounter the Pain along the journey. Do Not Invest so much The work is your heart, your mind, your peace. Yes, work. You and I can't control anyone else. Our control is what we do with the insensitivity, the nonsense, the anger delivered our way. For some, it is easy, to draw a line and end those situations. For some, not so easy, so much is obligated to this source of no discretion. You can't just make the change in an instant, so much more is involved. How powerful it is to know your source of Peace, and to live daily in deciding what is allowed in your Heart Gate. Only we can decide what we allow within, only we can decide how to respond. The work in this village, Helping Build Bridges Across, is to remind you that "No One Said Easy", we are not exercising, building on EASY. Our work is daily exercise, in the decisions we "choose" to make, our "response" we choose to deliver, and our "participation' in accepting invitations to Drama. Do Not Invest so much Do you recognize how powerful that word "participation" is. The source that delivers confusion, drama, just venom, consider it requires participation in the "invitation" of that, for some it has been a dance, a rehearsal of the same script. Only you can decide "no", I will not participate in the pain of someone else, it is there work to do. The same as it is for us, we should not be delivering our moments of hurt, pain on to someone else. We have to do the work, we have to confront the ground that needs to be worked on.
Do Not Invest so much
The journey of "Peace" doesn't require speeches, or declarations, it is operating in what we can control, our heart, our mind. My Faith has taught me the power of my journey, my heart, my fulfillment, and that is not measured by anyone else. I have forgiven many things, and the greatest freedom, is it no longer a Focus, it is no longer a Distraction, it is not my center, my thoughts and my time is no longer invested in those areas, I can't control and "what has been released".
Be sure to connect to our Village News, together we are exercising our Peace muscles, our Gratitude muscles and we share the power of that. #PlantingSeedsofGratitude
"Whatever we plant, always has the potential to grow"
January 2025