INSANITY is "doing the same thing over and over again THEN expecting different results - Albert Einstein Numerous articles, talks shows, interviews, statistics are studied and expert views are shared, that most people are miserable in their daily routine, career choice and or work day. This thought can be intimidating. .Especially. . when you consider. . For many reasons, that state of misery or frustration is EMBRACED instead of CONFRONTED. Many just don't take steps (including "micro" baby steps) to incorporate some sort of CHANGE, to alter the current direction or to aspire to the desired result. WHO IS THE ONE THAT IS ACCOUNTABLE IN MAKING DAILY DECISIONS? WHO IS STEERING THE BOAT? WHAT DIRECTION IS THE BOAT TRAVELING? This is fascinating to me and I want to explore a little more. The goal is to benefit from the insight on the subject "CHANGE" and all that it has to offer. As always, I invite you to Feel Free to share your Perspective, Your Insight on this subject. This week's subject on "CHANGE" is being served up to Awaken us all to areas where we might find ourselves embracing Complacency or Activity as usual, or doing certain things over and over again that will bring the same results. is a village, a place comprised of folks who seek purpose and desire to do more of what they are passionate about. And "CHANGE" is a key component on this journey. Together, right now, we are taking a P & R (Pause and Reflect) Moment and bringing into focus the view of the road that we're traveling. If we continue the same habits, the same activity or remain complacent in the moment, we have to take a serious look, where the path is leading us, what is it setting up to offer us, in the years ahead? That question alone can be offered to us directly, to our work life, career choice, to the time we invest with Family, Friends, Goals or Aspirations, in every area, we can take a closer look at "CHANGE". THE GOAL is that we immediately implement CHANGES that are needed, even microscopic changes is a plan and in the process we can become excited that we are creating CHANGE for our Journey and now we can anticipate more the path ahead. Keep in mind the Mandate here at "Helping Build Bridges Across" is Always Enjoy the Journey, the Moments along the way. . it is a Choice! COME TO MIND, TO AID ON THE TOPIC OF "CHANGE" "PROCRASTINATION"
Be creative in any area to get the ball rolling; take the steps instead of an escalator can be a change. Shake it up, do something different, if you are a coffee drinker, order tea. If you watch the news every night, turn the television or media off a few nights a week. The point is Now, the little as well as the big, we are incorporating CHANGE in the areas we don't like or recognize needs improvement. The activity of today doing something even a little different, will make us more alert to and look for more of what we can change for the better. "TIME" I'm Just to busy! What is the point at this stage in my life? THE POINT, is your still breathing, no matter what stage you're in and for those who are in a later season of life, you have something to offer from life's experience alone, you've learned so much, you've seen so much that YOU alone could feed Knowledge in the generation around you. TOO BUSY?, Consider that those who have been examples of great accomplishments, have the same 24 hours that we all have. So we know it is not I don't have enough TIME that is a Factor, it is what we do with the TIME that we have that matters! Hope is Great! But it is not meant to replace some form of activity. We can't expect results without some form of effort. HOPE can easily ride on the back of Complacency because it can LULL us into a sleep. .that. .one day soon it will be better. If no effort in This Day or Change is implemented, it returns us to that earlier quote on insanity. Again, CHANGE, is a key component to rev up areas where we've been lax to add Activity current day, traveling the Journey of where we desire to go.
"CRAB APPLE BARREL" Misery loves company, so we have to look seriously at the people we surround our life with (what is the conversation, what are the comments. . when you share personal goals, ideas, dreams or aspirations? What is your environment?) Are the people we have in our life, folks who love to gossip about others and are negative, pessimistic or are they folks who love talk about ideas, aspirations, desiring good things for the community around them and being a part of the change they want to see. We can CHANGE who we allow to speak into our life and or company that we choose to be around. Now, I realize that our relatives and or co-workers could be that negative component in our life, in hose moments we can can limit how much time we spend together or choose to Not Engage in that type of conversation, change the subject or assist by adding something positive to the conversation instead. "VISION" Do you have a picture / pictures in the place of what you see your Best Version of Your Life being? It is said that before any results are achieved, in any area, that is "seen" first in our mind. It is as if the actions follow the images, so what we feed our mind, the type of information we read or receive is a vital component. I also believe we could add PERCEPTION to this equation, so, if we see it, then we pursue it and our perception of the current moment, CHANGES, because we are traveling the path towards what we see, now maybe misery and or frustration or undesirables THEN, just become gravel on the road we are traveling. CHANGING OUR PERCEPTION, CHANGES OUR LIFE to see that there are LESSONS and OPPORTUNITIES in any season, in any situation. Now the journey to pursue purpose, to do more of what we are passionate about becomes more exciting, because we recognize and or are alerted to that life challenges, offer something to us. It Awakens us to CHANGE, it Awakens us to New Possibilities and Opportunities. Living a life with Purpose, Living a life of Fulfillment. "WORDS" The POWER of OUR WORDS. Words we use is vital, what good is Vision, if the words you speak are Negative or Defeatist. I believe Words should be chosen wisely and Silence is Golden. When you have nothing good to say, don't speak. Choose Power Words, choose Words that travel alongside to achieve your vision. SPEAK as if your life incorporates that Best Version of what you see you are, Now, then your actions will follow and what you see has become your reality. Life is a process and I believe we are always learning, always evolving in the Best Version of Ourselves that we can be, especially when we are alive and open to our Creator and who He has created us to be.
Time no longer Robs Us, we are putting time to Work for us because NOW we are alert to the POWER OF CHANGE.
January 2025