Thank you God for your Grace
Thank you for in the midst of my Pain, my Discomfort, my Uncertainty you never leave me Thank you because you teach me that it doesn't matter the circumstances Thank you because you've taught me it doesn't matter how I feel What matters is the Truth of Your Word and Your Promises I can't see the full Blueprint I can't pretend to Know Why certain things are allowed or happens along my Journey But I continue to Trust You I continue to Seek You, your Word, your Truth and your Wisdom This Journey is so much more than Just about Me So much more than my story behind my smile My Journey is no longer about what I heard about or about what I've read This journey is about what I've learned firsthand which includes Peace in my life beyond my own Understanding in the midst of Disruptions even in the Midst of Uncertainty and Unbelievable Storms I Trust You God In the midst of the Storm, in the midst of Winds Raging Is this Easy?....No But You are the Potter and I am your Clay Your Creation The doors that you open No One Can Shut and The doors that you Close No One Can Open So my Journey continues In the Name of Jesus "No One Said Easy" but now that I know that I continue to write the page for this day Life is a Gift A Priceless Commodity and My intent is to Spend every moment Intentionally Being Grateful for that "No One Said Easy" but Now that I know that I choose to Make the Most of This Day This Page, right now, that is being written Eagle Hugs, Donyale All are welcome in this Community Recognizing our lives are very different Our Beliefs may not be the same Our Journey doesn't look the same Our Experiences are very different We don't think the same and everything doesn't resonate the same I understand that and I'm respectful of that But In this Community Our common core Is living our best lives and the best for our Generations to follow Our common core is that "Light Always Pierces Darkness" and "Love Always Wins"
February 2025