Beautiful Has a Language
I found a way to "slow down" time...
I know you're thinking, what in the world is this share about?! Slowing Down Time?! This Heart's Favorite is Images, and Words, learning to Listen more, to appreciate Observing More. Beautiful surrounds our life and many times "for some" it takes "rough terrain" a loss, a challenge, an overwhelming moment along life's journey to locate "BEAUTIFUL". Which this heart knows firsthand, and my hand is up first, I believe I'm included in this category. This is not a blanket statement, and Not always, there is never "all", I'm sure there are some who exercise living intentional, and exercise locating beautiful, they can see it, they can hear it, and they search it out every single day. Intentional, in that it didn't require a moment, a shift to recognize how important it is to live in this way. This image, shares the sentiment of so many moments that for this heart is fleeting, time that does and will continue to whisk by, and more often than not it's hard to catch a glimpse, if not intentional. This heart observes that so many are always moving, never engaged, never embracing what is in there hands right now, always on the next page, always "running" to get to tomorrow's agenda, to get to the next thing, and very few take time to enjoy the conversations with those they know, and those they don't in brief encounters along the day. It is an Exercise, it is Intentional, to locate "beautiful" and to appreciate moments "this day" In closing, This Heart doesn't share answers, sharing a perspective. Sharing words, and images that "intentionally", I now consider, each and every single day. The perspective on this share, is that "No One Promised Us that Tomorrow" will look the same as today, and only we can choose, if we engage, embrace, find beautiful "in this new day" A New Day which in itself is a blessing by God, a privilege that's beautiful. When life changes, We will all dance with those emotions for whatever the occasion may bring, but for those who locate Beautiful every single day, who intentionally exercise in that dance, recognize the road behind us left a trail of lessons, and offers us precious moments that are now packed away, will continue, to travel alongside for the road before us. Consider, Beautiful Has a Language Hugs,
February 2025