AN EAGLE Have you ever Considered the Attributes of An Eagle? THEY ARE MASTER FLIERS A Master flyer represents to me knowing when to Soar and when to Fly Higher to Rise Above the Storm THEY FLY ALONE AND LIVE ON HIGHER GROUND I would use the word "Leader" not a Follower, always Focused on reaching Higher Ground EAGLES ARE EXTREMELY BOLD, COURAGEOUS, MAJESTIC AND POWERFUL This speaks for itself! EAGLES ARE VERY PATIENT I see this as having Vision with a Destination in Sight, which includes a Quiet Wisdom of recognizing and knowing that Patience is a REQUIRED Attribute to Move Along the Journey. From my heart to yours: Like the Eagle, we Find the Strength within, we Have Vision, we Seek Purpose, we Stay Focused on the Destination in Sight. One area that I've had to learn and continually PRESS FORWARD in is to Get Going, Be a Doer, Be Consistent and CONTINUE to MOVE FORWARD. From my Perspective: The Boats to turn back have been burned, there is no retreat, we go higher or we choose to retreat. Always a Choice
February 2025