I was asked... Donyale, you share often that "No One Promised Us Tomorrow will Look the Same as Today" You no longer have hope for Tomorrow?! I appreciate those who Share their Heart That question reminded me how... How Words How Images Can mean numerous things to the Heart that Reads or Views Them. Again, I don't share Answers I share a Perspective From the Heart that has traveled this Journey to Present Day Those words "No One Promised Us Tomorrow will Look the Same as Today" Is a "bow" for this heart that has traveled "through" many experiences From a young heart who Learn to say "I Love You" As with many things it was adopted from "an experience" From that Young Heart's Experience Now. . . When Ending a Conversation or a Visit It most often ends with "Love You" Words Adopted. . . Priceless words from a young heart who experienced the loss of a dear childhood friend who was a next door neighbor to my Grandparent's home, a childhood friend who I spent "numerous summer days" playing childhood games. Her life tragically ended at a young age and for the first time as a "young heart" I realized that life could end at a young age?!. . . This young heart decided I would always tell my love ones that "I loved them" because That young heart "recognized" the value of those we cherish in our lives can end, prior to that experience it was just childhood games and now for the first time a young heart was confronted with "No One Promised Us that Tomorrow Will Look the Same as Today" Words for a "young heart" not phrased in that way, more at that time it was, Wow, I never thought. . . That lesson was the beginning lesson of many lessons of "LOVE" What am I sharing?! To take the reign of every single day Add as Much Love as Possible In Every Single Conversation In Every Single Moment And When those difficult days surround you And You don't have much to Share with anyone because you are crawling through that day. In those days. . . Just Peaceful Silence can be a wonderful Gift When Not If Life Changes It Will be filled with many emotions But This Share Is That "those days" will not include "Regret" Because Every Share Every Word Every Video Every Image IS MEANT To Remind Us To EXERCISE GRATITUDE Every Single Day Always a Choice, if "you" choose to participate This Heart is Not Sharing What I Think I'm Sharing from a Heart That Knows And I'm Grateful for Life's Love Lessons BEYOND THE WORDS TO EXPRESS Those lessons to "present day" Has Allowed This Heart to Rob Regret From a Heart that Knows. . . And Will Continue to Share That GRATITUDE ROBS REGRET Making Gratitude Contagious was, is and always will be the Intent